
ɡònɡ tónɡ bǎo zhènɡ
  • joint guaranty
  1. 论共同保证中的保证人责任

    Comment on the guarantor 's liability in the united guarantee

  2. 搞好空地配合共同保证安全

    Improving Air-ground Coordination to Ensure Safety

  3. 共同保证人之间、物上保证人之间应当对债务进行相应的分担并享有追偿权与代位权。

    The debt should be contributed in co-suretyships or securities , then they have the right of indemnity and subrogation .

  4. 同时,数字签名系统与权限管理子系统,日志子系统相结合共同保证了该电子政务系统安全、高效地运行。

    Combined with privilege management system and log system , this digital signature system ensures that the E-Government system will run safely and efficiently .

  5. 电能是一种由电力部门向电力用户提供,并由供、用双方共同保证质量的特殊产品。

    Power energy is a kind of special merchandise which is provided by power service department to consumer and guaranteed by the two parties .

  6. 不同结构形态的共同保证中,当事人之间权利义务关系及保证责任的承担与分担规则也是不同的。

    In different structural forms of common guarantee , the right-duty relation of parties and the assumption and division of guarantee duty is also different .

  7. 设计了主辅导向机构,共同保证被试车辆的运动方向。其次,设计了脱开机构。

    The main and auxiliary guidance mechanisms have been designed to guarantee the moving direction of the vehicle . Secondly , detaching mechanism has been designed .

  8. 负责产品最终放行的质量放行人与生产许可证持有者共同保证质量回顾及时正确地进行。

    The Qualified Person responsible for final batch certification together with the marketing authorisation holder should ensure that the quality review is performed in a timely manner and is accurate .

  9. 在对区格内地理位置信息校验机制上,本文结合车载雷达定位,信号衰减模型定位及区格监督机制三种方式共同保证地理位置的可信度。

    On the intra-cell location information verify mechanism , we combined " vehicle radar positioning "," signal attenuation model positioning " and " cell oversight mechanisms " to ensure the credibility of geographical location .

  10. 供应链质量管理是一种集成的管理思想,强调企业间的合作,即产品与服务的质量需要供应链全体成员共同保证和实现。

    Supply chain quality management is an integral management idea which emphasizes on collaboration , namely the quality of product and service needs all members of supply chain to guarantee and carry out together .

  11. 投资、融资活动作为企业生产经营活动的重要方面,它们共同保证了企业正常有序发展、价值逐渐增加,同时二者也难免存在一定的关联性。

    As two important aspects of enterprise production and business operation activities , investment and financing activities ensure the normal and orderly development of enterprises , increase gradually together , at the same time they also inevitably has certain relevance .

  12. 你将带领着一个专业的成长型的团队和外部的志愿者,共同来保证我们数据库和社区内容的准确性、及时性和相关性。

    You will direct a team of professionals and outside contributors , ensuring that our databases and content are accurate , fresh , and relevant .

  13. 展览业的先决条件是经济发展水平和产业基础,基础设施是共同的保证,制度和政策起着推动作用,而地理条件则是展馆选择的重要因素。

    A prerequisite for exhibition industry based on the level of economic development and industrial base , institutions and policies play a role in promoting , while geographical conditions are the key decision factors in its development prospects .

  14. 因此,项目经理需要和SQA专员共同工作,保证产品开发过程的正确性以及保证通过适当的软件配置管理(SCM),总是可以重新获得已开发好的产品。

    Therefore , project managers need to work with the SQA specialists and take the effort to ensure products are built right and that products can always be re-produced through the proper SCM methods .

  15. 正如斯坦伯格所言,“利益的共性并不是共同行动的保证”。

    As Mr Steinberg puts it , " commonality of interest is no guarantee of common action " .

  16. 积极配合项目法人及监理工程师的工作,有事共同协商,保证工程的连续性。

    Coordinate with the project entity and the consulting engineer and negotiate with them so as to ensure the continuity of the project .

  17. 再次,笔者根据混合共同担保中保证的方式的不同,将其分成了一般保证与物保的混合和连带责任保证和物保的混合两类。

    Thirdly , the author divides mixed co-guarantee into the mix of guarantee and real security and the mix of joint and several guarantee and real security .

  18. 球类运动会的裁判由体育教师和学生共同担任,保证了比赛的顺利进行和比赛的公平性。

    Ball will referee the physical education teachers and students co-chair , to ensure the smooth progress of the game and fairness of the game . 7 .

  19. 主权国家不仅是一个民族政治上的保证,而且是这个民族文化的共同形式的保证。但这并不等于说,主权国家的概念与民族文化的共同形式恰恰踩在同一条线上;

    A sovereign state is not only the political guarantee of a nation , it is also the guarantee of the uniform of the cultures of this nation .

  20. 但权力的平衡过程是动态和多元的,上市公司复杂的市场主体身份,使治理的实现需要多种机制的共同参与才能保证。

    However , the balance of power is dynamic and diverse . Because of the complex market subject identity of listed companies , governance needs of a variety of mechanisms involved in order to ensure .

  21. 然而,已取得的进步仍然脆弱和不平衡。我们仍然必须共同努力,保证我们的公民们能够获得他们需要的机会在21世纪实现兴旺发达。

    But this progress is fragile and unequal , and we still have work to do together to assure that our citizens can access the opportunities that they need to thrive in the 21st century .

  22. 董事会治理的关键就是要通过一系列内部和外部机制来实施共同治理,保证决策的科学性、监督的有效性,从而保证公司利益相关者的利益最大化。

    The key is to control the board through a series of internal and external mechanisms to implement corporate governance , to ensure scientific decision-making , monitoring the effectiveness of the company , so as to ensure the interests of all stakeholders .

  23. 展陈内容和空间要素的共同作用是保证观众情感体验的主要于段,因此也成为现代博物馆设计中的核心内容和最重要的问题。

    Chen and space elements of the content development of a common role is to ensure the audience the main means of emotional experience , it has also become the core of modern museum design , content and the most important issue .

  24. 共同溶剂的使用保证了DGEBA与PDMS处于单体阶段的相容性。

    The common solvent supplied the initial miscibility between DGEBA and PDMS .

  25. 也许,陷入苏丹问题的每个人要面对的最迫切任务,便是共同遵守CPA,保证选举如期举行。

    Perhaps the most urgent task facing everyone involved in Sudan is to hold the CPA together to ensure that those elections take place .

  26. 阐述一种利用协议分析仪和IntServ/RSVP模型共同提供网络QoS保证的方法,设计基于协议分析仪的QoS保证模型。

    This paper expatiates a way to guarantee the IP QoS , using the IntServ / RSVP model and the protocol analysis apparatus and designing the QoS guarantee model based on the protocol analysis apparatus .

  27. 完善所有制结构和分配方式是共同富裕的制度保证;

    Perfection of ownership structure and distribution pattern is the guarantee in system ;

  28. 它应该由所有上市公司共同资助,以保证其独立性和资金来源。

    To guarantee its independence and resources , it should be funded by every publicly listed company .

  29. 并呼吁,让我们携起手来,共同保护地球,保证人类的健康安宁。

    And called , let us work together to protect the earth , to ensure that human health peace .

  30. 他们可以-在共同基金中,保证日常的现金流,但是它们的投资者似乎不愿意一直保持清醒。

    They can & in mutual funds , it 's daily liquidity , but their investors tend not to be as wide-awake .