
ɡònɡ tónɡ cái chǎn zhì
  • Common property system;community property system
  1. 介绍了各种财产制的构成、效力及其优缺点,其中限定共同财产制是我国现行《婚姻法》所确立的一种夫妻财产制形式。

    The writer introduced the composition , validity , advantages and disadvantages of the system . The limited community property system is our country 's special type established by our current Marriage Law .

  2. 在加利福尼亚等实行夫妻共同财产制(communityproperty)的州,婚后财产往往是对半分。

    In ' community property ' states , such as California , marital assets are typically split 50-50 .

  3. 论夫妻共同财产制的不足与完善

    On Defects And Improvement Of Marital Common Property System

  4. 婚内损害赔偿与夫妻共同财产制的冲突和协调

    Conflict and Coordination Among Damage Compensation During Marriage Period and the System of Common Property of the Wife and Husband

  5. 本章立足于德国法,法国法,意大利和我国台湾地区关于夫妻共同财产制的内部调节机制和夫妻共有权之考察。

    This part is based on the internal adjustment mechanism and mutual right of communal estate regime in the German , French , Italy and Taiwan area .

  6. 根据夫妻财产制的内容和特点,可分为共同财产制,分别财产制,剩余财产制,联合财产制和统一财产制。

    According to the content and features , into the Shared PSS , the Respective PSS , the Residual PSS , the Joint PSS and the Consolidated PSS .

  7. 现代趋势赞同的是所谓的“延迟的共同财产制”,指夫妇双方被视为是他们婚姻有续期间分别取得的财产的独立所有人。

    The modern trend favor forms of the so-called " deferred community ", in which the spouses are treated as separate owners of whatever they respectively acquire during the marriage .

  8. 根据我国现阶段的国情,提出宜在我国现行《婚姻法》第18条之后增设立夫妻共同财产制的内部调节机制。

    According to the situation of our country , I put forward that it is appropriate to establish internal adjustment mechanism of communal estate regime after article 18 in the Marriage Law .

  9. 法定财产制是夫妻共同财产制与个人特有财产制的结合,这一财产制度在夫妻双方未采取约定财产制的情况下被广泛使用。

    It 's necessary to improve the divorcing partition system under the present marriage law of China , for it is too narrow in defining the range of common property of the couple .

  10. 反对观点认为夫妻共同体的属性使配偶间的侵权行为阻却违法,并且现行夫妻共同财产制使婚内赔偿执行不能。

    Negative opinions suggest that the union of husband and wife made the tort between them not illegal and acquire one spouse to compensate the other is impossible to implement under the joint property system .

  11. 随着社会的进步,夫妻财产制度的形式也在不断变化,出现了多种形式,如统一财产制、联合财产制、共同财产制和分别财产制等。

    With the social progress , the patterns of marital property system are changing continuously and have many forms such as uniform property system , united property system , common property system and special property system .

  12. 经济补偿制度只适用于分别财产制,根据我国国情,大多数家庭都实行共同财产制,经济补偿制度的适用范围极其有限。而经济帮助制度是要在绝对困难的情况下才能适用。

    Economic compensation system only applies to separate property system , and the majority of families implement the common property system , the financial assistance system is only to help the person who is absolutely difficult to live .

  13. 通常情况下,夫妻共同财产制足以调整夫妻财产关系,但因夫妻共同财产制的固有缺陷,在婚姻关系存续期间出现特殊情形时,夫妻共同财产制则难以保障夫妻个人财产权。

    In normal case , community of property is sufficient to adjust marital property relationship . However , community of property is difficult to protect the private property of husband and wife under special conditions for its inherent defects .

  14. 本部分主要从非常法定财产制的适用情形、请求权人的范围、适用的程序及方式、适用效力及共同财产制的恢复等五个方面进行了论述。

    In this section , five areas are discussed . It contains the special matrimonial system , mainly from the application of the case , the scope of the claimant , the applicable procedures and methods , effectiveness and common property system for the recovery .

  15. 就关于夫妻共同财产制的内部调节机制来看,主要有两种立法模式:德国、法国采用的单一宣告制;意大利、我国台湾地区采用的复合双轨制。

    Regarding the internal adjustment mechanism of communal estate regime , there are two kinds of models in the world , one is include the single declared regime in the Germany and France , the other is the double-track of legal property regime in the Italy and the Taiwan area .

  16. 在正常的夫妻财产制下设置了法定财产制、约定财产制、个人特有产、特别共同制四种财产制类型。

    In general property system , there have four matrimonial property regimes , including contractual property system , legal property system , individual peculiar property system and common peculiar property system .

  17. 首先,概括介绍了我国现行夫妻财产制度的基本内容,肯定了我国现行夫妻财产制度的进步性,我国现行夫妻财产制度明确界定了夫妻共同财产的范围,完善了夫妻共同财产制;

    First , the writer in touch briefly the basic content of the current marital property system in our country , which stipulates clearly the sphere of the couple 's common property .