
fū qī ɡuān xì
  • conjugal relation
  1. 首先,核心亲属关系在本次个案中是夫妻关系。

    Firstly , the core of kinship in the case is conjugal relation .

  2. 夫妻关系是社会上重要的关系之一。

    The conjugal relation is one of the major social relations in Han Dynasty .

  3. 夫妻关系出现了裂痕。

    A note of discord crept between wife and husband .

  4. 摘要构建和谐家庭,离不开构建和谐的夫妻关系、亲子关系

    The harmonious family is inseparable from harmonious connubiality , and harmonious parenthood .

  5. 夫妻关系,夫妇关系我认为这种观点有些夸张,朋友毕竟是朋友,无论如何也替代不了夫妻关系。另一瓶,another表示所有中的另外一个。

    friends after alls firends , whatever can not instead conjugal relation .

  6. 面对这种潮流,令人毫不奇怪的是,他们也会认真考虑其夫妻关系,而这一关系可能随之成为MBA的牺牲品。

    Given such flux , it is no surprise that they will also scrutinise their relationships , which can subsequently become MBAcasualties .

  7. 当Chris搬出去时,他们本来的想法是两人还保持夫妻关系,但是最终没有成功。

    When Chris moved out , the plan had been that they would remain a couple , but in the end this didn 't work out .

  8. LouiseCobett是英国全国孤独症协会的热线电话的负责人。她说,现在越来越多的电话咨询是关于情侣或夫妻关系中的阿斯伯格综合症的问题。

    Louise Corbett manages the National Autistic Society ( NAS ) helpline and confirms that more calls are coming from couples who have recognised Asperger 's in their relationship .

  9. 美国新罕布什尔州曼彻斯特市临床社工布罗斯基(KatherineBrodsky)说,据经验表明,只要夫妻关系良好,宠物就不是个问题。

    ' In my experience , pets do fine with relationships as long as the relationship is doing well , 'says Katherine Brodsky , a clinical social worker in Manchester , N.H.

  10. 我们也知道尽管通过一段时间的治疗一些夫妻关系加强了,也有另一些失败了。专栏的作家MelissaFletcherStoeltje属于前者,她的婚姻被挽救了。

    We also know that while some unions are strengthened through some time on a therapist 's couch , others fail . The author of the op-ed , Melissa Fletcher Stoeltje , was in the former category : Her marriage survived .

  11. 此外,退休人士的睡眠和看电视时间也有所增加,但38%的受访者称退休后他们的夫妻关系更加稳固。这项由AARP老年人组织为其社刊开展的调查主要对55岁至75岁之间的老年人进行了访问。

    Sleep and watching television also goes up , but 38 percent of the 55-75 year olds questioned in the survey by senior citizen group AARP for its magazine said that retirement had made their relationship stronger .

  12. 采用自编问卷,调查了上海市180名55岁以上老年人的夫妻关系状况及其影响因素。

    Persons aged over 55 in Shanghai participated in this study .

  13. 我们需要超越两性之间的不同之处,创造充满爱意的夫妻关系。

    We need to transcend our differences and creating loving relationships .

  14. 他们双方都不想恢复当年的夫妻关系。

    Neither one of there wanted to renew their old marriage .

  15. 一个家庭如果丈夫管钱的话,夫妻关系可能就会出现麻烦和问题。

    A husband controlling finances can lead to relationship trouble .

  16. 因为夫妻关系是整个家庭伦理关系的基础。

    Because the later is the foundation of the whole family ethic .

  17. 中美现代城市夫妻关系之比较研究

    On Sino-American Husband and Wife Relationship in Modern Urban Families

  18. 男女朋友,夫妻关系,男人女人。

    Boyfriend , girlfriend , husband , wife , man , woman .

  19. 如果企业陷入了麻烦,甚至有可能影响你的夫妻关系。

    If the business is struggling , that can damage your relationship .

  20. 夫妻关系应该永远在亲子关系之前。

    The husband-wife relationship should always trump that of parent and child .

  21. 自3月10日始,我俩已断绝夫妻关系。

    As of March 10 , we ceased to be husband and wife .

  22. 因此,夫妻关系是人们之间最重要的一种社会关系。

    Therefore , the relationship of spouses is the most important social relations .

  23. 亲子关系是夫妻关系产生的家庭中第二种最基本、最重要的关系,是维系家庭的第二纽带。

    Parent-child relationship is the second basic , important relationship in the family .

  24. 夫妻关系是人类生活中最基本、最长久和最特殊的人际关系。

    The spousal relationship is the most basic , longest and special relationships .

  25. 夫妻关系定势与权力策略

    The Destined Trend of Marital Relation and Power Tactics

  26. 有的人因为全职育儿毁掉了夫妻关系。

    And some people are done with their spouse as a stay-at-home parent .

  27. 它不仅会影响夫妻关系,还会影响到孩子。

    It can impact on the relationship and that will impact on your children .

  28. 我们的夫妻关系很融洽,还有一条忠实的狗。

    We had a solid marriage ; we even had the loyal family dog .

  29. 记住类似的坏事情在任何夫妻关系中都会时不时的发生。

    And know this-things do go bad from time to time in any relationship .

  30. 现在世界上又多了一个知道如何给夫妻关系增添兴趣的家伙。

    Now there 's one guy who knows how to spice up a relationship .