
fū fù shēnɡ huó
  • married life
  1. 他利用他们夫妇生活中所建立起来的互相信赖的魔力去感动她,让她相信他的话。

    He was using all the mutual trust they had built up in their married life to make her believe him .

  2. 这对夫妇生活得很和谐。

    The couple live together in harmony .

  3. 这对夫妇生活在安大略。每天锻炼,只吃健康自然食品。

    The couple , who live in Ontario , exercise daily at the gym and eat only natural foods .

  4. 菲利普亲王当年作为英国皇家海军军官驻扎在马耳他时,这对年轻夫妇生活在那里。

    They lived there as a young couple while Prince Philip was stationed on the island as a Royal Naval officer .

  5. 这对夫妇生活在佩恩顿。已踏上为期两周的地中海航游蜜月之旅,途中将停靠雅典、罗马和巴塞罗那。

    The couple , who live in Paignton , went on a two week Mediterranean cruise for their honeymoon , stopping off in Athens , Rome and Barcelona .

  6. 这对夫妇生活在离那什维尔不远的杰克逊城。人们推测,她们的女儿奥布里在婚礼前一个月刚刚出生。婚纱看上去有为小宝宝做过改装。

    The couple , who live in Jackson , just outside of Nashville , are believed to have only welcomed their little girl , Aubrey , one month before the ceremony .

  7. 观察一下新婚燕尔的夫妇生活,他们显得彼此迷恋,深陷情网,似乎是完美的结合-他们拥抱,亲吻,'我爱你'不离口,他说。

    When you look at them as newly-weds , they look like they are mutually enchanted and deeply in love and a prototype of your perfectly wed couple & they hug , kiss , say'I love you'all the time , he said .

  8. 他们结为夫妇共同生活了很多年。

    They lived together as husband and wife for years .

  9. 报纸所批露的史密斯夫妇私生活情况令人震惊。

    Shocking revelations appeared in the papers about the private life of the Smiths .

  10. 他们饰演的菲尔和克莱尔福斯特是新泽西一对工作繁忙、心地善良的普通夫妇,生活已经变得平淡无奇。

    Their Phil and Claire Foster are a normal , overworked , good-natured New Jersey couple whose lives have become routine .

  11. 许多年长的夫妇性生活活跃,但也有一些夫妇对性生活已经失去兴趣,并多年没有亲密过了。

    " Many elderly couples are very active sexually , but there are those who have lost interest and haven 't been intimate for years ," said Dr.

  12. 婚姻是一种契约,契约的内容是经由几千年来无数对夫妇婚姻生活行为的共同模式概况而来。

    Marriage is a kind of " contract ", the content of contracts for thousands of years by the countless acts of a couple married lives from the common pattern profile .

  13. 这对夫妇和睦地生活着。

    The couple lives in perfect harmony .

  14. 格兰特夫妇在这里生活了几十年,每17年,周期蝉10号群就会为了交配而同一时间如约而至。

    The Grants have lived here for decades , and like clockwork , the Brood X cicadas have arrived at the same time every seventeen years to mate .

  15. 一对老夫妇在一起生活了很多年,虽然他们彼此憎恨。

    An old man and woman were married for years even though they hated each other .

  16. 尽管对对方不了解,我们还是结为夫妇并共同生活了十年。

    Despite not knowing each other , we 've somehow managed to stay married for 10 years .

  17. 过去有对夫妇相亲相爱地生活着,但膝下无子。

    According to the legend there lived a couple who loved each other , but had no child .

  18. 院子里的月季花、石榴花的芳香,更是给赛珍珠夫妇的新婚生活平添很多美丽。

    Inside a clear , aromatic pomegranate , is the married couple to Pearl S.Buck took a beautiful life .

  19. 在许多老年夫妇孤独地生活时,有儿女们相伴的幸福对我们的晚年生活无疑是一种莫大的慰藉。

    Our happiness with them is a great consolation and comfort against the older years when many a couple grow lonely .

  20. 针对这些令人惊讶的调查结果,婚姻问题专家提醒已婚夫妇不要陷入生活的陈规,也不要冒险离婚。

    Responding to the astonishing results , relationship experts warned couples to avoid getting stuckin a rut-or risk the trauma of divorce .

  21. 如果这对夫妇婚前已经生活在一起,“试婚”达半年以上,你可能会对这个婚礼有更多信心。

    You would have more confidence in the wedding if this couple had moved in together for six months to test-drive this relationship .

  22. 简·费尔法克斯已经离开了海伯里,回到跟坎贝尔夫妇一道生活的那个可爱的家,又过上了舒适的生活。

    Jane Fairfax had already quitted Highbury , and was restored to the comforts of her beloved home with the Campbells . - The Mr.

  23. 在城市里,不和家里老人一起住的年轻夫妇给老人生活费并帮助他们干家务活儿。

    In the cities , couples who do not live with their aged parents give the latter living allowances and help them with the house chores .

  24. 我们只需要恭贺这对夫妇祝愿他们生活快乐,不需要说东道西。

    We just have to send our congratulatory message to the couple and wish the couple will have a happy life without saying this and that .

  25. 日本一名政府医学研究人员于本周三称,目前日本有超过三分之一的夫妇不过性生活,其中很多人是因为太累或者只是嫌麻烦。

    More than a third of married couples in Japan have stopped having sex , many of them because they are too tired or just can 't be bothered , a government-backed medical researcher said on Wednesday .

  26. 纽约州立大学石溪分校的研究者们采用大脑扫描发现,少数夫妇在共同生活20年后仍然激情不减,而这种激情是多数人只在浪漫爱情的早期才有所体会的。

    Using brain scans , researchers at Stony Brook University in New York have discovered a small number of couples respond with as much passion after 20 years together as most people only do during the early throes of romance .

  27. 本周日英国泰晤士报报道,纽约州立大学石溪分校的研究者采用大脑扫描发现,少数夫妇在共同生活20年后仍然热情不减,而这种热情多数人只在浪漫爱情的早期有所体会。

    Using brain scans , researchers at Stony Brook University in New York have discovered a small number of couples respond with as much passion after 20 years together as most people only do during the early of romance , Britain 's Sunday Times newspaper reported .

  28. 斯莱特(Slater)和爱玛(Emma)这对美国夫妇已经在中国生活了4年了,职业都是英语老师。

    Slater and Emma are an American couple that have lived in China for four years . They are both English teachers .

  29. 一对夫妇需要在日常生活中留出一些东西以备不时之需。

    It is imperative that a couple should so live to set something aside fir a rainy day .

  30. 双方的默契是:他不跟她同房;他俩不是以夫妇关系在一起生活的。

    It was understood that he would not share her room , that they would not live as man and wife .