
  1. 通过我国夫妻共同债务立法中的缺陷,提出了一些完善的建议。

    Defects in China jointly debt legislation , put forward some recommendations .

  2. 社会转型中夫妻共同债务初探

    An Initial Study of Joint debt of Conjoint in the Transitional Period

  3. 因此,正确地界定夫妻共同债务实属必要。

    Therefore , giving a correct definition on matrimonial community debt is necessary .

  4. 对我国夫妻共同债务相关立法之评析

    The Analysis of Legislation about Joint Debt between Spouses

  5. 第二,在法律规定不明确如何进行夫妻共同债务推定。

    Second , the law is not clear how the presumption of conjugal debt .

  6. 夫妻共同债务制度,是一项身份法与财产法相互结合的特殊债务制度。

    The Matrimonial community debt system is related to both identity and property laws .

  7. 夫妻共同债务制度是夫妻财产制的重要组成部分。

    The system of marital joint debts is an important constituent part in marital property system .

  8. 夫妻共同债务的认定

    Affirmation of Joint Debt of Conjoint

  9. 最后,对夫妻共同债务问题的立法及司法认定提出了几点建议。

    Finally , make several suggestions about the legislation on settlement and judicial enforcement of the couple common debts .

  10. 对案例所争议的夫妻共同债务认定产生分歧之原因分析。

    Fourth , The case of the controversial husband and wife have differences of common identified cause of debt analysis .

  11. 在本部分中,笔者主要是阐述我国夫妻共同债务认定的立法概况及认定标准之变化。

    In this section , the author mainly describes China jointly recognized the debt profile and definitions of legislative changes .

  12. 夫妻共同债务作为民法上的一项重要内容,在现实生活中与每个人也息息相关。

    As an important part of civil law , the Matrimonial Community Debt are closely with everyone in real life .

  13. 本文从这一角度出发,通过对夫妻共同债务存在的问题进行分析和探讨,从而提出了解决夫妻共同债务存在问题的方法。

    From this perspective , to analyze and discuss the problems jointly debt , in order to solve jointly debt problems .

  14. 具体分析探讨的问题是:第一,夫妻共同债务的范围如何确定。

    Specific analysis of the main questions discussed is : first , the couple how to determine the scope of the debt .

  15. 夫妻共同债务是指夫妻双方依照法律的规定对债权人进行清偿的义务。

    The husband and wife co-signed debt is the couple creditors to settle the obligation in accordance with the provisions of the law .

  16. 关于夫妻共同债务的性质和认定标准,在我国立法上以及学术上存在着各种各样的问题。

    There are various of problems in Chinese legislation and academy about the property and the judging standards of couples ' common debts .

  17. 笔者在上几部分对夫妻共同债务制度的研究结论基础上,综合评析本文案例。

    Author in several parts of the conjugal debt system based on the conclusions of the study , a comprehensive assessment of this case .

  18. 在审判实践中,对于夫妻共同债务和个人债务的界定一直存在很多争议。

    In many legal precedents , it has been a controversy as to how joint debt and personal liability between a couple should be defined .

  19. 夫妻共同债务清偿后还存在债务的求偿问题,夫妻内部之间,除法律另有规定外,应平均分摊。

    Husband and wife joint debt settlement after debt claim , between husband and wife internal , unless otherwise provided by law . should be shared equally .

  20. 而我国司法实践中各地制订的审判指导意见和司法界传统的做法不但未能弥补立法上的不足,反而加剧了夫妻共同债务处理难的问题。

    But the trial comments and judicial tradition of our country not only fail to compensate for a lack of legislation , but also aggravate this problem .

  21. 在离婚案件中,对夫妻共同债务偿还问题处理得好坏,直接关系到债权人的合法权益能否得到切实的保障。

    In divorce cases , paying off husband and wife 's debts has to be properly handled since it directly relates to the guarantee of the creditor 's rights .

  22. 然而我国的婚姻法对夫妻共同债务的规范过于原则,有欠系统和完备。

    However , the Marriage Law of PRC only specify principles of the rules and regulations on common debt in the marriage relation , broad , lack of systematicness and completeness .

  23. 夫妻共同债务问题的根本原因,笔者认为由于是我国法律给予举债方权利过大,而义务太少。

    The fundamental cause of this problem , the author regards it being that our civil law are given the rights of borrowing party too much , and obligations too little .

  24. 夫妻共同债务的认定连带责任最初发源于罗马法。

    It is pointed the origin of joint and several liability can be traced to Rome Law where joint debt was made up of commonly joint debt and purely joint debt .

  25. 本章阐述了夫妻共同债务的责任性质是连带责任,不因婚姻关系的变化而发生变化。

    This chapter will elaborate that the common debt in the marriage relation has joint and several liability , which will not be changed according to the change of the marriage relation .

  26. 分析了夫妻共同债务的概念、特征、范围、性质及夫妻共同债务的立法价值取向,为下面的研究作了铺垫。

    The concept of husband and wife co-signed debt , the legislation of the characteristics , scope , nature and jointly debt values , and paved the way for the following studies .

  27. 夫妻共同债务存在两种认定标准,一是用途论,二是时间论,两者都存在一定的缺陷。

    There are two criteria existing in defining matrimonial common debt . One is the usage theory , the other is the temporal theory . However , these two theories are both have some defects .

  28. 在本部分中,笔者主要是从立法以及司法两个角度来分析其产生分歧的原因所在。五、对案例所争议的夫妻共同债务制度之建议。

    In this section , the author mainly from the perspective of two legislative and judicial analysis of the reason for their disagreement . Fifth , The case of the controversial system of conjugal debt advice .

  29. 但由于立法技术及法律自身的局限性等因素,导致一些法律规定存在漏洞,从而使得夫妻共同债务认定在司法实践中比较棘手。

    However , due to legislative and legal limitations of their own technology and other factors , led to some loopholes in the law , allowing couples identified in the common judicial practice of debt more difficult .

  30. 夫妻共同债务立法导向牵涉的不仅仅是夫妻双方的利益,还有第三人的权益。家庭的和谐,社会经济秩序的稳定都与此有关。

    The legislation of Matrimonial Community Debt is not only involved the interests of couples , but also related to the claims of the third party . Also , it is involved family harmony and the stability of social economic order .