
Defects in China jointly debt legislation , put forward some recommendations .
An Initial Study of Joint debt of Conjoint in the Transitional Period
Therefore , giving a correct definition on matrimonial community debt is necessary .
The Analysis of Legislation about Joint Debt between Spouses
Second , the law is not clear how the presumption of conjugal debt .
The Matrimonial community debt system is related to both identity and property laws .
The system of marital joint debts is an important constituent part in marital property system .
Affirmation of Joint Debt of Conjoint
Finally , make several suggestions about the legislation on settlement and judicial enforcement of the couple common debts .
Fourth , The case of the controversial husband and wife have differences of common identified cause of debt analysis .
In this section , the author mainly describes China jointly recognized the debt profile and definitions of legislative changes .
As an important part of civil law , the Matrimonial Community Debt are closely with everyone in real life .
From this perspective , to analyze and discuss the problems jointly debt , in order to solve jointly debt problems .
Specific analysis of the main questions discussed is : first , the couple how to determine the scope of the debt .
The husband and wife co-signed debt is the couple creditors to settle the obligation in accordance with the provisions of the law .
There are various of problems in Chinese legislation and academy about the property and the judging standards of couples ' common debts .
Author in several parts of the conjugal debt system based on the conclusions of the study , a comprehensive assessment of this case .
In many legal precedents , it has been a controversy as to how joint debt and personal liability between a couple should be defined .
Husband and wife joint debt settlement after debt claim , between husband and wife internal , unless otherwise provided by law . should be shared equally .
But the trial comments and judicial tradition of our country not only fail to compensate for a lack of legislation , but also aggravate this problem .
In divorce cases , paying off husband and wife 's debts has to be properly handled since it directly relates to the guarantee of the creditor 's rights .
However , the Marriage Law of PRC only specify principles of the rules and regulations on common debt in the marriage relation , broad , lack of systematicness and completeness .
The fundamental cause of this problem , the author regards it being that our civil law are given the rights of borrowing party too much , and obligations too little .
It is pointed the origin of joint and several liability can be traced to Rome Law where joint debt was made up of commonly joint debt and purely joint debt .
This chapter will elaborate that the common debt in the marriage relation has joint and several liability , which will not be changed according to the change of the marriage relation .
The concept of husband and wife co-signed debt , the legislation of the characteristics , scope , nature and jointly debt values , and paved the way for the following studies .
There are two criteria existing in defining matrimonial common debt . One is the usage theory , the other is the temporal theory . However , these two theories are both have some defects .
In this section , the author mainly from the perspective of two legislative and judicial analysis of the reason for their disagreement . Fifth , The case of the controversial system of conjugal debt advice .
However , due to legislative and legal limitations of their own technology and other factors , led to some loopholes in the law , allowing couples identified in the common judicial practice of debt more difficult .
The legislation of Matrimonial Community Debt is not only involved the interests of couples , but also related to the claims of the third party . Also , it is involved family harmony and the stability of social economic order .