
fēn bié cái chǎn zhì
  • common-law property system
  1. 夫妻分别财产制与债务处理探析

    An Approach and Analysis of the System of Man and Wife 's Separate Estate and Dealing with Their Liabilities

  2. 根据夫妻财产制的内容和特点,可分为共同财产制,分别财产制,剩余财产制,联合财产制和统一财产制。

    According to the content and features , into the Shared PSS , the Respective PSS , the Residual PSS , the Joint PSS and the Consolidated PSS .

  3. 随着社会的进步,夫妻财产制度的形式也在不断变化,出现了多种形式,如统一财产制、联合财产制、共同财产制和分别财产制等。

    With the social progress , the patterns of marital property system are changing continuously and have many forms such as uniform property system , united property system , common property system and special property system .

  4. 经济补偿制度只适用于分别财产制,根据我国国情,大多数家庭都实行共同财产制,经济补偿制度的适用范围极其有限。而经济帮助制度是要在绝对困难的情况下才能适用。

    Economic compensation system only applies to separate property system , and the majority of families implement the common property system , the financial assistance system is only to help the person who is absolutely difficult to live .

  5. 现今各个国家对夫妻财产制都做出相关规定,其具有分别财产制或约定财产制或二者折中的特点,形式上基本遵循法定财产制与约定财产制相结合的规律。

    Now each country makes rules for marital property system , has the property system and agreed property system respectively or both compromise characteristic , forms the basic follow the legal property system and agreed property system with the combination of rule .

  6. 最后,要建立相关的配套制度,如:建立夫妻分居期间债务分别制度和夫妻财产制登记公示制度。

    Finally , we must establish the relevant supporting systems , such as : the establishment of separated spouses , respectively , during the debt system and the system of registration of matrimonial property system of notification .