
fēn shēng
  • Meristematic;mitogenetic
分生[fēn shēng]
  1. 分生孢子萌发温度范围为10-25℃,最适为18-20℃,在pH2.2-8.34缓冲液中均能萌发,最适pH为6。

    The temperature range of conidia germination is 10-25 ℃ with the optimum of 18-20 ℃ .

  2. 3d后开始产生分生孢子,孢子堆微白色。

    The spores begin to be produced after 3 days and the pile of spores is white .

  3. 2种菌生长的pH值为2~11,偏酸性利于分生孢子萌发。

    Two pathogens could grow at pH values 2 ~ 11 , but acid condition is favourable to conidium germination .

  4. RNA的相对含量则与之相反,在分生区细胞中含量最高,成熟区细胞中含量最低。

    The relative content of RNA was maximum in the meristem region , but decreased continuously during the growth of tissue .

  5. PDA次之,7d后产生分生孢子;

    On PDA came second and it needed 7 days to produce conidia .

  6. 24h内分生孢子基本可完成从吸附、萌发到侵入的过程。

    Spores finished the process of attachment , germination and infection in 24 h after inoculation .

  7. 随后我们构建了含有3158条cDNA序列的尖孢镰刀菌微阵列,用以分析分生孢子发育过程中的基因表达状况。

    Then a cDNA array with 3158 of the TUTs was produced to analyze the gene expression profiles in conidial development processes .

  8. pH为3-10范围内均可营养生长和孢子萌发,分生孢子萌发的最适pH值为4-6;

    There was a wild scope of acidity alkalinity in hyphal growth and conidia germination , the pH scope ranged from 3 to 10 , pH4-6 was optimum .

  9. 该菌分生孢子萌发适温25-28℃,相对湿度为100%,萌发和生长最适pH值为6-7。

    The optimum conditions for the conidiospore sprouting were 25-28 ℃ of the temperature and 100 % relative humidity , PH 6-7 was optimum for the sprouting and growth .

  10. 湖北神农架自然保护区土壤中的暗色丝孢菌I.半知菌纲的一科其菌丝或分生孢子成暗黑色。

    Notes on soil dematiaceous hyphomycetes from Shennongjia Natural Conservation Area , Hubei Province I. family of imperfect mushrooms having dark-colored hyphae or conidia .

  11. 适宜病菌生长和分生孢子产生的培养基为玉米粉琼脂、燕麦片琼脂和PDA培养基。

    The maize meal agar , oat agar and PDA media were the suitable medium for the pathogen growth and conidia production .

  12. 分生孢子萌发对pH值敏感,以pH6~7最适宜。

    The pH value had a sharp effect on germination , and pH 6-7 was optimum for germination .

  13. 能够抑制分生孢子的萌发,培养24h检查孢子萌发抑制率为73.22%;

    The conidia germination was inhibited , with an inhibition percentage of 73.22 % when examined at 24 h after test .

  14. 自然光照(12h光暗交替)最有利于菌丝生长,30min紫外照射可使分生孢子致死。

    Alternate 12 h light and dark was the best for mycelial growth .

  15. 随着水分亏缺程度的加剧,H2O2的分布区域从根冠向分生区和伸长区逐渐延伸,H2O2的含量也逐渐增多。

    As the water deficit extend is aggravating , the accumulation of H2O2 increased and extented from root tip to meiosis zone .

  16. 无性世代周期观察表明,从孢子萌发到次代分生孢子产生仅24小时。药理试验结果,该菌对小鼠毒性口服剂量LD(50)>70g/kg;

    The observation of asexual state showed that from spore germination to secondary sporulation took only 24 hours . During the asexual division of E.

  17. 菌落生长和分生孢子萌发对营养要求不严格,在PDA、PMA、PSA培养基上生长较好,在蒸馏水中孢子萌发率亦达90.4%;

    Colony grow well on PDA 、 PSA and PMA , while the rate of conidia germinating is 90.4 % in distilled water .

  18. 这些具有侦测力的AFLP引物组,将是筛选台湾金线连组织培养之最低体细胞变异分生苗的有利工具。

    The AFLP primer pairs become useful tools for selecting the lowest somaclonal variation from the regenerated shoots of A.formosanus under the tissue culture program .

  19. 外植体培养2~5d,分生细胞分裂旺盛,是接受外源DNA最佳时期。

    The period from 2 to 5 days after cultivation , with the actively splitting of the divided cells , is the optimum period for explants to accept external DNA .

  20. 结果表明,测试菌株在PDA平板上的菌落生长缓慢、呈圆形白色突起、分生孢子到棍棒形,有隔膜和明显孢痕。

    The colony was found white , round and protuberant from the PDA culture medium flat . The conidiophore clavate had three to five septa and an obvious scarring .

  21. 水琼脂平板试验表明:在20℃下培养48h,盾壳霉分生孢子的萌发率达到90%以上。

    On water agar plates , conidia of C. minitans harvested from rapeseed stubbles germinated by higher than 90 after incubation at 20 ℃ for 48 h.

  22. 确定了共培养最佳方式是灰葡萄孢分生孢子和活化的根癌农杆菌共同涂于玻璃纸上培养,共培养的最佳时间为48h。

    Conidia of B. cinerea and active Agrobacterium co-smeared on glass paper was the best way of culture . 48 h was the fittest co-cultivation time .

  23. 尿素对厚垣孢子的抑制作用较分生孢子小,(NH4)2SO4和NaNO3完全抑制分生孢子萌发,对厚垣孢子萌发有较大影响。

    But the urea , ( NH_4 ) _2SO_4 and NaNO_3 had negative effect on the spore germination , especially on the spore germination of conidium .

  24. 结果表明金耳担子果的ITS区PCR产物均为碱基数不同的两条带,片段长度和序列与酵母状分生孢子培养物、菌丝培养物一致。

    The results showed that ITS fragment of basidiocarps contained two bands with different number of bases : one was identical with ITS sequences of the anamorph blastospore isolates , and another was identical with ITS sequences of the mycelium isolates .

  25. 2种菌在马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基上生长旺盛,在相对湿度(RH)65%~98%生长良好,且加大RH有利于分生孢子形成,RH100%+水滴处理孢子萌发率最高。

    Two pathogens grew well on PDA ( potato glucose agar ) with RH increment at RH 65 % ~ 98 % . Conidium had a highest germination in water drop with full RH .

  26. 菌丝和分生孢子的致死温度分别为55℃10min和60℃10min。

    The lethal temperature for mycelial growth and spores gemination were respectively 55 ℃ and 60 ℃ for 10 min.

  27. 结果表明:合理施肥不仅能够增强大花萱草的分生能力,提前花期2~4d,而且可以提高其观赏价值;

    Results showed the rational fertilization not only enhanced the tillering capacity and promote the florescence for 2 to 4 days ahead , but also improved the decorative value .

  28. 分生孢子的致死温度为50℃10min或55℃5min。

    The lethal temperature for the conidiophore was 50 ℃ for 10 min or 55 ℃ for 5 min.

  29. 通过RNA原位杂交和OsRAA1基因启动子调控GUS基因表达的模式,证实OsRAA1基因主要在根尖的顶端分生区和伸长区,根尖分支区和幼侧根的中柱,侧根的原基表达。

    The results of in situ hybridization showed that its expression was detectable clearly in the apical meristem , the elongation zone of root tip , steles of the branch zone and the young lateral root .

  30. 分生孢子在水中萌发率低,在2%葡萄糖溶液中24h能完全萌发,透气性好坏对孢子萌发率影响不大。

    The spore germination rates is lower in the water than in the solution of 2 % Glucose . in the solution of 2 % Glucose all of the spore can germinate in 24h .