
  • 网络analytic;analytical;Analyzer;OLAP
  1. fcc过渡族金属晶格动力学的改进分析型EAM模型计算

    Lattice dynamics of fcc transition metals by modified analytic embedded - atom method

  2. 分析型CRM的主要业务是多维特征分析,自定义建模和融合人工智能的数据挖掘。

    The main business of analytic CRM are the multidimensional characteristic analyze , self-defining modeling and data mining with artificial intelligence .

  3. 基于J2EE技术架构的分析型CRM系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Analytical CRM Based on J2EE Technic

  4. 保险行业分析型CRM的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Analyse-type CRM in Insurance Industry

  5. CRM从功能上可以分为运营性和分析型。

    By function , CRM can be divided into Operational CRM and Analytical CRM .

  6. 而分析型CRM旨在增加CRM系统的商业分析与辅助决策能力。

    Analytical CRM aims at increasing system 's commercial analysis and aid decision ability .

  7. CRM系统结构类型可以分为运营型CRM、协作型CRM和分析型CRM。

    CRM systems can be divided into the types of carrier-based CRM , collaborative CRM and analytical CRM .

  8. 基于CIF的银行分析型CRM系统的研究与设计

    Research and design of banking analytical customer relationship management system based on corporate information factory

  9. 分析型CRM的主要功能有客户保持,交叉营销,市场划分和风险评估。

    The main functions of analytical CRM consist of customer retain , cross marketing , market segmentation , and risk evaluation .

  10. 首先介绍了商业银行CRM的体系架构和商业银行分析型CRM的主要应用技术及方法。

    At first , it was brought forward the architecture of CRM in the commercial bank and explained main technology of Analytical CRM .

  11. 分析型EAM模型的发展现状与展望

    Recent Development and Prospects for the Analytic EAM Model

  12. 分析型CRM主要用于数据管理、分析和提供决策依据,其核心技术是数据仓库和数据挖掘。

    Analytical CRM , whose core technology is Data Warehouse and Data Mining , is used to data management , data analysis and decision support .

  13. 金属间化合物物理性能、点缺陷及扩散的改进分析型EAM模型研究

    Study on the Physical Properties , Point Defects and Atomic Diffusion in Intermetallics by a Modified Analytic EAM Model

  14. 基于上述目的,从保险行业分析型CRM的基本设计原理、关键技术以及规避风险等方面进行了研究和论述,并对保险行业分析型CRM具备的功能进行了描述。

    So the paper researches on the principium , key technology and evading risk of the analyzing CRM in insurance , and defines the functions of analyzing CRM in insurance .

  15. 无论从宏观面还是从微观来看,CRM的研究和应用都是在于把握企业和客户之间的互动关系,并按不同功能分为运营型、分析型和协作型三种。

    Seen in either macro or microcosmic , research and application in CRM focus on such relation . CRM can be divided into Operational CRM , Analytical CRM and Collaborative CRM according to their function .

  16. 最后将该分析型CRM应用到证券业客户,对某证券公司客户进行了细分,评估了各分类客户的忠诚度及新客户忠诚度的预测。

    At last , the analytical CRM was applied to the securities industry clients to make customer segmentation of a securities company and evaluate customer loyalty of different customer base and predict the loyalty of new customer .

  17. 它能将CRM中的同一粒度级别的数据组成多维立方体(以下简称CUBE),并转化为知识,使其成为决策的依据,从而也成为了分析型CRM的基础和核心。

    It can make the data of rank of the same grain size in CRM build CUBE , turn into knowledge , makes it really become the basis of decision , have become foundation and core of analytical CRM too .

  18. 按照当前市场上成熟的功能分类方法,可以将其分为运营型CRM、分析型CRM和协作型CRM,不同类型的CRM侧重的功能不同,在客户信息资源的管理过程中扮演不同的角色。

    The CRM system could be sort as operational CRM , analytical CRM and collaborative CRM in term of foundation classify method in the current market . The different type of CRM emphasizes particularly on different function , and plays different part in management process .

  19. 本文主要谈谈有关CET-4作文的五大题型即观点对比型、问题解决型、说明原因型、利弊分析型、哲理论证型及其各自的写作模式。

    The following article is mainly about five major CET-4 writing types such as : viewpoints comparison , problems solving , reasons explaining , advantages and disadvantages analysis , theories argumentation and their writing models .

  20. 故本文对构建分析型CRM过程中最重要的环节:获取客户、增加客户价值进行了研究,针对分析任务特点和企业要求,提出了挖掘建模算法,并设计实现了分析型JMCRM企业应用系统。

    So we researched on the most important teaches in constructing analytic CRM system : to obtain customer and to increase customer 's value . Direct against the characteristic of the analyzing task and the requirements of enterprises , modeling algorithm is proposed .

  21. 分析型CRM主要利用大量的关于客户、销售及市场等方面的数据,从中提取有用的信息,对将来的趋势做出预测,协助企业制定市场计划和发展方向。

    Analytic type CRM utilize a large amount of data about such respects as the customer , sale and market , etc. , draw useful information from it , make prediction to the trend in future , and help enterprises to make the market plan and developing direction .

  22. 钢筋砼结构的耐久性分析型钢混凝土的粘结承载力

    The Analyses of the Reinforced Concrete of Durability Bond capacity of steel reinforced concrete

  23. 分析型反射电子显微镜和表面科学&实验技术和发展

    Analytical reflection electron microscopy and surface science a review of experimental techniques and recent progress

  24. 因素分析型人格问卷

    Factor Analysis Personality Questionnaire

  25. 企业数据架构如何通过更少的数据延迟帮助处理从事务型数据到分析型数据的转换?

    How does the enterprise data architecture help in processing the transformation of transactional data into analytical data with reduced data latency ?

  26. 其中,分析型系统一般包括分类、诊断、评估、监测等类型,但目前分析型系统并没有一个通用的处理模型。

    Analysis system generally includes classification , diagnosis , evaluation , monitoring etc , but there is not a common model in analysis system .

  27. 案例分析型论文以具体案例作为研究的切入点,以案例分析得出的结论作为研究的前提条件。

    Case analysis based on specific case study as an entry point object of study , analysis of case study conclusions as a prerequisite .

  28. 本文提出利用两个吃水的载重量来估算空船重量的思想和方法,供设计师分析型船资料时作参考。

    The paper provides a method to use two draught deadweights to estimate the weight of the empty ship . It serves a good reference to the designers .

  29. 研究表明,汉语的类型从先秦到东汉发生了明显的变化,先秦汉语是综合性的语言而东汉以后,则是分析型的语言。

    Research shows that Chinese from the type of pre-Qin to the Eastern Han Dynasty has undergone an obvious change , the Pre-Qin Dynasty Chinese language is comprehensive and after the Eastern Han Dynasty , it is the type of language .

  30. 面向信息型或分析型数据处理需求的数据仓库,其设计与传统的数据库设计完全不同,但至今还没有一个完整一致的设计方法。

    Though designing a data warehouse that orients data processing for information and analysis requires techniques completely different from those adopted for traditional database , no significant effort has been made so far to develop a complete and consistent design methodology for data warehouses .