
  • 网络distributed business
  1. 威尔逊与总部设在爱荷华州的美国大学入学测试中心(ACT)签订了测试开发合同,培生VUE则接手了考试管理和分销业务。

    Wilson contracted with ACT ( American College Testing ) based in Iowa for the development of the test , while Pearson took over the administration and distribution of the exam .

  2. 中久科技广泛的业务可以配合VWR的业务,能够将其加入我们的全球实验用品供应和分销业务,我们实感振奋。

    We are excited to add LabPartner 's complementary business to VWR 's global laboratory supply and distribution business .

  3. 案例部分介绍了CBA公司所面临的税务困境,并引出了CBA公司基本情况的描述,同时还介绍了公司的财务及分销业务的一体化管理。

    The case part introduces the difficult position of taxation that CBA company faces , and leads to the description to the basic situations of CBA company . At the same time , the paper also introduces the unified management of the financial affairs and retail store business of company .

  4. 首先,正如施罗德集团(schroders)亚洲分销业务主管利芬德布鲁因(lievendebruyne)指出,许多亚洲国家的实际利率为负,因此,传统债券和货币市场基金会显得没有吸引力。

    Firstly , as Lieven Debruyne , Asian head of distribution at Schroders , points out , many Asian countries are suffering from negative real interest rates , so traditional bond and money market funds can appear unattractive .

  5. 汽水灌装和分销业务成本高,利润率低。

    Bottling and distributing soda is a high-cost , low-margin business .

  6. 试论跨国公司在中国的分销业务

    A Trial Discussion on Retail Business of Multinational Companies in China

  7. 可口可乐的灌装和分销业务目前外包给一些独立企业。

    Most of Coke 's bottling and distribution operations are outsourced to independent companies .

  8. 本办法所称分销业务,是指图书、报纸、期刊的批发和零售。

    The distribution business herein refers to wholesale and retail of the books , newspapers and magazines .

  9. 医药和上海东方中国的药品分销业务此处“称霸一方”。

    Medicine and Shanghai in east China 's pharmaceutical distribution business here " to dominate the party " .

  10. 水产品批发市场已经成为我国水产品流通的栽体,为开展水产品批发分销业务提供了一个很好的物流平台。

    The wholesale market of the aquatic products has already become the carrier that aquatic products of our country circulated .

  11. 进一步,在前述结论的基础上,论文主要就航材集团的航材分销业务的经营战略给出大胆的设想,同时对其他协作辅助业务给出了概括性的描述。

    Moreover , the paper puts forward a series of assumption of business strategy on aviation products distribution as well as the affiliated supporting businesses .

  12. 本司获得美国泛达、美国泰科及美国帕尔普三大外资公司的授权,负责对其产品在华南地区的代理分销业务。

    The Division received the United States Panduit , USA Tyco and the United States of the three foreign companies authorized by its products in South China agent business .

  13. 茂源集团成立于1988年,专注于紧缺电子元件的分销业务,现已发展成为世界知名的电子元件分销商!

    My Group ( Asia ) Limited was founded in1988.It focuses on distribution of electronic components in short supply and has developed into a world famous distributor of electronic components .

  14. 而直接面向客户的分销业务是整个供应链的核心和重心,建设具有服装行业特色的分销系统是服装企业的关键任务。

    Customer-oriented distribution business is the core and center of the entire supply chain . Construction of the distribution system with characteristics of the apparel industry is a key part of garment enterprises .

  15. 水产品批发市场是水产品流通的载体,是开展水产品批发分销业务的平台,是连接生产商、批发商、零售商和消费者的桥梁。

    Aquatic product Wholesale market is the carrier of the currency of aquatic products , the common platform for the Wholesale operation of aquatic products and the bridge binding manufacturers , Wholesalers , retailers and customers .

  16. 德州邮政分销配送业务竞争战略研究

    Research on the Competitive Strategy of Retailing Allocation Service of Dezhou Branch of China Post

  17. 激动星主要从事影视投资、制作发行、版权贸易、整合营销、数字节目分销等业务,是一家集影视策划、投资制作、营销为一体的复合型影视公司。

    The company is a comprehensive one which is professional in many fields including movie finance , productions , program syndication and distribution especially in new media areas .

  18. 本文通过前沿的理论模型和翔实的数据分析了电信运营商通过社会渠道分销新业务的必要性和重要性,并且给出了具体的操作办法。

    In this paper , the forefront of the theoretical model and detailed analysis of the data to carriers through the distribution channels for new business community of the necessity and importance of , and give way to specific operations .

  19. 分销和设计业务中的一些利基或边缘运营商不停被破产清算或面临破产。

    Several niche or marginal operators in the distribution and design business are in receivership or facing bankruptcy .

  20. 分销与邮购业务是中邮物流独具特色的业务,分销系统的研发和实施推广自2004年开始,已推广至全国20个省。

    The sale distribution and mail order are unique postal services . The development of DMS began from 2004 , and it has been applied in 20 provinces in China until now .

  21. 在大宗商品交易商寻找新的融资渠道之际,它们正慢慢把业务模式由“中间商角色”转变为纵向一体化公司,将生产、分销和交易业务全部纳入旗下。

    The trading houses are looking to new sources of funding as they slowly shift their business model from a " middleman role " into vertically integrated companies , bringing together production , distribution and trading under the same umbrella .

  22. 本文通过对第三方物流的分析,指出了企业与第三方物流之间的关系正在从简单的储运合同/分销阶段向物流业务外包方向发展。

    The paper analyzes the Third Party Logistics , Points out that the relationship between the enterprises and the Third Party Logistics are changing form the simple storage and transportation contacts / distribution phase to logistics outsourcing .

  23. 根据以上研究,对分销系统进行设计与实现。分销业务可根据其面向的业务对象、业务特点分为前端业务和后端业务。

    Distribution business can be classified as foreground process and background process according to their characters .

  24. 电子商务技术在图书分销领域的发展和应用,为我国的图书分销业务注入了新的机遇,同时也给传统的图书分销领域带来了巨大的冲击。

    The development and application of E-business technology in the fields of book distribution brings new opportunities for book distribution in China . While it also impacts the traditional book distribution .

  25. 从价值链的角度分析指出IT分销业的未来发展思路,并提出三种对应的策略:深度分销、业务转型、增值服务。

    The section analyses and points out the future development idea of the IT distribution business , and puts forward three kinds of corresponding tactics : The depth distribution , business transformation , value-added service .

  26. 分销管理系统是以生意流程优化为基础,以销售与库存综合控制管理为核心的,采购、库存、销售、促销管理、财务以及企业决策分析功能于一体的高度智能化的企业分销业务解决方案。

    Distribution management system is a high intelligent corporation distribution solution which bases on the business optimization and centralizes on the sales and inventory management .