
  • 网络Channel Design;channel designing;marketing channel design
  1. 本文研究的主要内容是成都YC公司的营销渠道设计与管理。

    This paper studies on the marketing channel design and management of Chengdu YC Company .

  2. 文章重点分析了公司在内外部环境变化的影响下,e-tag公司渠道设计、改进的动态过程。

    We analyzed specifically the dynamic process of channel design and improvement of e-tag company as the change of internal and external environment .

  3. 中国网通无限伴旅(MobileOffice)产品分销渠道设计

    Paper Digest of the Designing for China Netcom MOBILE OFFICE Service Distribution Channel

  4. 本文以KT公司的渠道设计和成员选择、控制为对象展开研究。

    This dissertation researches on the design and management of channel of KT .

  5. 供应链管理下VO公司营销渠道设计研究

    A Study of Constructing Marketing Channel of VO Company Based on Supply Chain Management

  6. 笔者以某药品生产企业新上市的OTC抗感冒药为例进行OTC药品渠道设计。

    Taking the OTC anti-common cold drug launched by a pharmaceutical manufacturer as the example to design the OTC medical channel .

  7. 第四章是DF汽车公司渠道设计研究。包括渠道设计的必要性及目标,设计的原则及流程,DF汽车公司渠道设计研究。

    The fourth chapter , market channel designing for DF Auto manufacture , including the necessity and objective of channel designing , the principle and process of designing and channel designing research of DF Auto manufacture .

  8. 其中较多制药企业既往以生产处方药为主,如何进行OTC药品营销渠道设计,尤其是进行符合医药营销渠道发展趋势的OTC药品渠道设计,具有较强的实践意义。

    And most of the pharmaceutical manufacturers mainly produce prescribed drug , so how to design the medical trade channel of OTC drugs , especially to design the medical trade channel of OTC drugs that accord with the developing trend of medical trade channel has stronger realistic significance .

  9. 本文以A公司SPA产品为主要研究对象,结合相关渠道设计理论以及当前国内SPA市场发展环境、品牌竞争情况以及A公司SPA产品市场定位进行分析,总结出一系列适宜的营销渠道设计方案。

    In this paper , the SPA products of A company was the main objective for my study . Based on the channel design theory , current domestic marketing environment , brand competition as well as A firm SPA products marketing position analysis , summarize several proper channel design proposals .

  10. 输送高含沙量水流渠道设计的研究

    A Study on the Design of Canal for Hyperconcentrated Sediment Flow

  11. 渠道设计要以顾客购买行为为出发点;

    Places design should start from the customer 's buying action ;

  12. 大型渠道设计与施工新技术研究综述

    Reviews on New Technology of Design and Construction for Large-size Canal

  13. 兰州昊源商贸有限责任公司营销渠道设计与管理

    Lanzhou Great Source Trading Co. Ltd. Marketing Channel Design and Management

  14. 基于销售流程的分销渠道设计研究

    Study on Distribution Channel Design on the Basis of Marketing Flow

  15. 远距离输沙渠道设计原理与方法

    Design Principals and Methods for Long Distance Soil Transferring Channel

  16. 润滑油行业营销渠道设计及客户关系管理研究

    Research of Lubricate of Distribution Channel and Customer Relationship Management

  17. 服务营销渠道设计上产生的差距;

    Disparity in the marketing service irrigation ditch on design ;

  18. 高科技企业分销渠道设计的主要考虑因素

    The Main Considerable Factors of Designing the Distribution Channels for High-Tech Companies

  19. 基于博弈论的制造商分销渠道设计研究

    Research on the Design of Marketing Channels for Manufactory from the Game Theory

  20. 西安华阳公司营销渠道设计

    Marketing Channel Construction of Xi'an Hua Yang Company

  21. 连锁式器材保障渠道设计

    Design of Chain - type Material Support Channel

  22. 传统的渠道设计是用试算法、图解法。

    The traditional canal design are " trial method " and " graph method " .

  23. 论债转股后股权的市场化流动其次,分析了分销渠道设计的影响因素及渠道流程的专业化与分离运作,为本文的渠道设计框架奠定了基础。

    Then the paper mainly discusses the distribution channel design theory based on the marketing flow .

  24. 分销渠道设计。

    The planning of distribution channels .

  25. 本文在分析该工程水毁原因和处理措施的基础上,对如何进行边山渠道设计提出了几点见解。

    In the view of this , several proposals on design of side hill canal are given finally .

  26. 所以渠道设计的好坏也决定着整个供应链系统效率的高低。

    Therefore , the channel design also determines whether the whole supply chain system has a high or low efficiency .

  27. 在渠道设计过程中遇到的最主要的问题就是渠道的冻胀破坏。

    In the the process of channel design the main problem we encountered is the frost heaving damage in the channel .

  28. 通过对昊源公司内外部优劣势条件的分析,找出影响公司营销渠道设计的相关因素。

    By analyzing SWOT elements of the firm and finding out the relevant factors that affect the firm 's marketing channel design .

  29. 同时,也希望能够为有类似情况的企业,在渠道设计方面提供一些借鉴意义。

    At the same time , it is hoped that a similar situation of enterprises , in the channel design to provide some reference .

  30. 南水北调中线京石段渠道设计中,遇到了当地下水位高于渠底或渠外水位高于渠内水位时,对刚性衬砌渠道将产生渗透破坏问题。

    When the groundwater level is higher than canal base or outside water level higher inside , the rigid lining will be destroyed by percolation .