
  • 网络warehouse store;discontent store;wholesale store
  1. 城市有居民小区、仓储商店,公共交通(公共汽车、火车和出租车)通常也很不错。

    Cities have neighborhoods ," warehouse " stores , and public transportation ( buses , trains and taxis ) is usually pretty good .

  2. 百思买的仓储式商店一度被视为品类杀手,它挤出了CircuitCityStoresInc.等竞争对手。但最近百思买的生意被能提供更多选择、通常还能提供更低价格的网络零售商抢走。

    Best Buy 's big-box stores were seen as the category killer for a while , pushing out competitors such as Circuit City Stores Inc. But Best Buy more recently has lost business to online retailers that can offer more selection and often lower prices .

  3. 好吧,不去仓储式商店,但我们还是一起去迷你高尔夫吧?

    Okay , no warehouse store , but we 're still on for putt-putt golf , right ?