
  • 网络Profit Model;Revenue model;profit patterns
  1. 专案计划拟订,包含预算编列、执行与获利模式开展。

    Planning orientated including budget allocation execution and profit shoring business model development .

  2. 面对当前全球普遍的不景气,信用卡的获利模式深受国内许多发卡银行的喜好。

    In current worldwide recession , the profit-making model of credit card business is in preference by many domestic card-issuing banks .

  3. 每一种版权财产权都代表着版权的一种获利模式,版权商业价值评估就是对版权获利能力的评定和估算。

    Each kind of property right of copyright represents a way to take profit by using the copyright , the valuation towards commercial value of copyright is the evaluation and estimate towards the ability of the copyright to take profit .

  4. 借用生态学中种群间共生关系理论,将TPL与产业集群的协同模式划分为平等共生模式、依托共生模式和单向获利共生模式。

    On the other side , according to the symbiotic relation in species group theory of bionomics , the collaboration models of TPL and industrial cluster are classified as three categories : equality symbiotic model , support symbiotic model and one-way accrual symbiotic model .

  5. 在他事业的初期,虽然已经开始转换到从销售唱片中获利这种模式,巡回演出当时还是艺人收入的关键组成部分。

    At the beginning of his career , touring was a vital component of performers'incomes , though a shift to earning money from selling records was well under way .

  6. 最后利用图解分析通过权重股操纵上证指数进而实现沪深300期货和现货共同获利的模式。

    Finally , through graphic analysis , a mutual benefit pattern between Shanghai-Shenzhen 300 futures and spot goods can be achieved by the manipulation of weighted stock on Shanghai Composite Index .

  7. 销售是一个企业获利的基本模式之一,企业通过买卖有形的商品或无形的服务来获取相应的销售利润。

    Sales is one of basic models of profits-gaining , enterprise obtains corresponding sales profits through the sales of tangible goods or intangible services .

  8. 成长型投资指购买那些有希望在未来获得迅速成长的公司股票,并期望随着公司的成长而获利的投资模式。

    The growing up investment means that investors buy the stocks of company which hopefully have rapid growing up in the future , and investors expect that the investment will make a profit with growth of the companies .

  9. 通过对小灵通发展过程中制度企业家及潜在获利集团行为模式的分析,可以得出关于中国制度企业家行为模式及制度创新的以下几点结论:制度创新需要制度敏感性、创新及冒险精神并持之以恒;

    By study this case we can get some conclusion about behavior model of China institutional entrepreneur and the institutional innovation as follows : The innovation of institution needs the sensitivity to institution , innovation , adventure and persevere .

  10. 首先,他们廉价征用农村土地,然后将其转让给开发商,从中轻松获利,这一模式促进了城市的无序扩张。

    First , they have seized rural land on the cheap and flipped it to developers for an easy profit – a model that fuels sprawl .

  11. 首先,股指期货所具有的卖空机制改变了投资者仅能在股价上涨时获利的单边盈利模式,所以对组合优化策略的研究是目前研究的热点之一。

    First , the mechanism of short selling that index futures have change the investors unilateral profit model that can make a profit only when the stock rose , so the study on portfolio optimization strategy is one of the hot currently .