
  • 网络profitability;PROFITABILITY RATIO
  1. 第三,放眼全球市场,提升手机获利率。

    Third , expand the global market , improve the profitability of mobile phone .

  2. 组织重视员工参与决策或是充分授权给员工其组织获利率较高;

    The higher extent a firm 's employee participate and delegate , the better its profit rate is .

  3. 在编制财务计划过程中,不仅仅是数据的书面化,更重要的是使企业资源获得最佳生产率和获利率。

    There are a lot of factors influencing finance planning workout , and they are random and have complex relations to each other .

  4. 预算作为使企业的资源获得最佳生产率和获利率的一种方法,既是决策的具体化,又是控制生产经营活动的依据。

    As a method of making the enterprise resources obtain the best productivity and profit rate , budget is not only the concrete application of police-making , but also the basis of the production controlling .

  5. 银行以高于基准利率的水平竞标央行的流动性,然后将所获流动性以利率较低的美国国债或盈余公积储藏起来,以防万一。

    They bid for central bank liquidity at rates above the base rate , and then hoard it in Treasuries or surplus reserves at lower rates as a precaution .