
  • 网络acceptance speech;testimonials
  1. 由于目前正跟随皇马在日本参加世界俱乐部杯比赛,C罗未能出席上周一晚在巴黎举行的颁奖仪式,而是通过事先录好的视频发表了他的获奖感言。

    Absent from last Monday evening 's ceremony in Paris , Ronaldo , who 's currently on Club World Cup duty with Real in Japan , made his acceptance speech through a pre-recorded footage .

  2. 《实习医生格蕾》这位的演员获得了2016年BET的人道主义大奖,并发表了关于种族和这个国家强有力的获奖感言。

    The " Grey 's Anatomy " star received the 2016 BET Humanitarian Award , and gave a powerful acceptance speech on race and this country .

  3. 例句优雅、风趣又鼓舞人心,这位演员的获奖感言恰到好处。

    Classy , funny , and inspiring – the actor hit the right note with his acceptance1 speech .

  4. 所以我上Youtube搜索了好莱坞星光大道获奖感言

    And so I YouTube , you know , a Hollywood Walk of Fame acceptance speeches ,

  5. 《猫鼠游戏》(WhiteCollar)男星波莫于2012年2月在一次获奖感言中表达了对伴侣西蒙·霍尔斯(SimonHalls)的谢意,也因此正式出柜。

    Bomer , star of White Collar , confirmed that he was gay in February 2012 when he thanked his partner Simon Halls during an acceptancespeech .

  6. 洛奇曾凭借《风吹麦浪》(TheWindThatShakestheBarley)获得此奖。他发表获奖感言时先是说法语,后改为英语。

    Mr. Loach , a previous winner for " The Wind That Shakes the Barley , " accepted his prize first in French before switching to English .

  7. 在2月10日她因歌曲《Shallow》获得格莱美奖,但在获奖感言上,她并没有提及49岁的前任。这样更为两人已经分手的传闻火上浇油。

    Lady Gaga failed to mention her 49-year-old ex during an acceptance speech after her song Shallow won a Grammy on Feb. 10 , adding more fuel to the fire that the couple had called it quits .

  8. 之后,艾玛登上舞台,发表了她的获奖感言。

    Later Emma took the stage and gave her acceptance speech .

  9. 这里有一些写好获奖感言的建议。

    Here are some tips for how to write good acceptance speech .

  10. 桑德拉在获奖感言中说到:好诡异哈。

    This is so weird , Sandra said during her acceptance speech .

  11. 不能用盖尔语发表获奖感言我真是遗憾啊。

    I 'm really sad I couldn 't give a speech in Gaelic .

  12. 在获奖感言中感谢祖父母的演员——罗伯特·德尼罗。

    Robert De Niro thanked his grandmother and grandfather .

  13. 你有什么获奖感言要说吗?

    Awards Host : Timmy , would you like to say a few words ?

  14. 在获奖感言里,帕森感谢了他已故的父亲和其他提名男演员。

    During his acceptance speech , Parsons thanked his late father and his fellow nominees .

  15. 威廉姆斯在获奖感言中说:

    Williams said in his acceptance speech :

  16. 泰森接着发表了她的获奖感言。

    Tyson then delivered her acceptance speech .

  17. 在发表获奖感言时,惠英红称希望自己的演绎没有让妈妈失望。

    When delivering the acceptance speech , Wai said she hoped she hadn 't disgraced her mother .

  18. 冯小刚这段发表获奖感言的视频在网上被疯传,稍后被审查人员删除。

    A video of his acceptance speech briefly went viral online before it was itself removed by censors .

  19. 得奖人拿出褶皱的,手写的小纸条,颤微微地念出获奖感言的次数:5次。

    Number of times winners will take out crumpled , handwritten notes and stumble over their acceptance speeches : 5 .

  20. 同时,加尼斯还敦促提名人在获奖感言方面多花心思,让获奖感言尽量让人难忘&并且简短。

    Meanwhile Ganis on Monday also urged nominees to give some thought to making their acceptance speeches memorable & and short .

  21. 因1990年在电影《好家伙》中的出色表现,乔·佩西获得奥斯卡最佳男配角奖,而他发表的获奖感言竟然只有令人惊讶的五个单词。

    Joe Pesci famously uttered five words when he won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for " Goodfellas " ( 1990 ) .

  22. 幸运的奖品是一只玩具狗骨头,通过视频幸运发表了简短的获奖感言(汪)。

    The prizewinner is presented with a toy bone and this year delivered a brief acceptance speech ( woof ) by video link .

  23. 凯姆·吉甘特(右侧)和身旁的罗伯特·帕丁森因共同主演《曙光之城》获得最佳动作场面奖。图为发表获奖感言。

    Cam Gigandet , right , speaks next to his " Twilight " co-star Robert Pattinson after they won the award for best fight .

  24. 演员汤姆·希德勒斯顿(抖森)在金球奖发表的获奖感言饱受争议,他为此道歉,承认自己“表达不得体”。

    Actor Tom Hiddleston has apologised for his much-criticised acceptance speech at the Golden Globe awards , admitting it was " inelegantly expressed . "

  25. 到时候他无法接电话但是他会按时到以领取贝尔德奖并作他自己的获奖感言

    He will not be reachable , but will make just in time to accept the baird award and make his speech or not .

  26. 她在发表获奖感言时说:“这真是巨大的荣耀,我感到有些受宠若惊。”

    Of her Women of the Year award , she said : " It 's such a privilege . I feel a little overwhelmed . "

  27. 在颁奖典礼上,费德勒哽咽着说完获奖感言。此前的比赛中,费德勒击败马林-西里奇,第六次摘得澳网男单桂冠。

    At the presentation ceremony Federer struggled to get through his speech after beating Marin Cilic to win the Australian Open for the sixth time .

  28. 我还在构思我证实彭罗斯猜想后,被授予诺贝尔奖时的获奖感言。同时我还在想美人鱼怎么生孩子。

    I 'm composing my Nobel acceptance speech for when I 've solved the Penrose conjecture , and I 'm wondering how mermaids have babies .

  29. 手包是你放获奖感言的重要地方,千万不能忽略,越闪越好。

    Hand bag is the important place that you put word of feeling of bear the palm , ten million cannot oversight , shine better more .

  30. 他因出演1980年的《愤怒的公牛》,摘得奥斯卡影帝奖项。他在获奖感言中也向自己的父母表达了感谢。

    He also expressed his gratitude to his mother and father when he accepted the Best Actor Oscar for " Raging Bull " ( 1980 ) .