
  • 网络Yokomitsu Riichi
  1. 本文通过解读《纯粹小说论》中“四人称”等隐喻,评价横光利一所想象的心灵空间图景。

    Through explaining " four person " and some metaphors in " Pure Novel To discuss ", the author has appraised the Riichi Yokomitsu 's image in his mind space .

  2. 1928年,日本新感觉派主力作家横光利一远赴上海,在上海生活一个月后回国创作了长篇小说《上海》。

    Yokomitsu Riichi , the leading figure of Japanese Neo-Sensationalism , traveled in Shanghai in1928.After he returned home from his one-month stay in Shanghai , he wrote his novel Shanghai .

  3. 本文从语言哲学角度分析日本近代作家横光利一在《纯粹小说论》中提出的“四人称”概念。

    In the view of language philosophy , this article analyzes the concept of " Four Person " that was proposed by Japanese modern writer Riichi Yokomitsu , in " Pure Novel Discusses " .