
  • 网络Yokohama Port;The Port of Yokohama
  1. 根据贵公司3月1日来函的要求,我们已将货物装东京号发运,该船今日驶离横滨港。

    In accordance with your request of march 1 , we have consign the goods to you , per m.s. y tokyo maru Z , leave yokohama today .

  2. 该轮将于5月5日晨,如期到达横滨港。

    The steamer will due in Yokohama on the morning of the5th May .

  3. 请将货物装上5月6日的自横滨港开航的“东京号”货轮。

    Kindly ship the goods per m.s. " tokyo maru ", sailing from Yokohama on may6 .

  4. 本文介绍了采用大直径多柱式基础的日本大鸣门桥和横滨港横断桥基础的结构和施工方法,提出了比较新颖的扩孔方案。

    The big-diameter multi-pile foundations were applied by the Darmngmen Bridge and the transverse bridge at Hengbin Port in Japan .

  5. 如前文所述,该机器带包装、横滨港船上交货价为80万元。

    As already stated in our previous letter , the price of the machine be $ 800 , 000 , packed and deliver f.o.b. yokohama .

  6. 预计离港日期、预计到港日期该轮将于5月5日晨,如期到达横滨港。

    The estimated date of departure from Port of Shipment and the estimated date of arrival at Port of Unloading The steamer will due in Yokohama on the morning of the 5th May .

  7. 日本横滨开港与华侨社会

    On the Overseas Chinese Community in Yokohama of Japan Tianjin Port