
jūn yònɡ wù zī
  • military supplies;war material
  1. 物价的回落;军用物资的削减。

    A price rollback ; a rollback of military supplies .

  2. 英国军队进军康科德意图收缴当地的军用物资。

    British troops marched to Concord to destroy military supplies .

  3. 基于AHP的军用物资联合运输方案选择研究

    Selection of Joint Transport Plan for Military Materials Based on AHP

  4. 基于CapePack的军用物资单元包装优化研究

    Research of Military Material Unit Packaging Optimization Based on Cape Pack

  5. 基于OpenGL的军用物资装载仿真系统研究

    Study on Military Material Loading System Based on OpenGL

  6. 通过对军用物资装卸搬运系统的作业分析,在EXTEND仿真平台上建立了物资装卸搬运系统作业仿真模型;

    By analysing the process of military material handling system , a simulation model of the military material handing process was built in Extend simulation software .

  7. 当时的制裁措施包括武器和军用物资禁运。

    The sanctions also include an arms and military material embargo .

  8. 二维条码在军用物资物流管理系统中的应用

    Application of 2D Barcode in Management System of Military Material Stream

  9. 军用物资集装箱运输环境条件分类研究

    Research on Environmental Conditions Classifications of Container Transportation for Military Materials

  10. 阐述了军用物资航空集装化运输流程。

    Elaborate on the transport process of military air container transportation .

  11. 军用物资集装箱运输机械环境条件及防护要求

    Mechanical Environmental Condition and Protection Demands of Military Materials in Container Conveyance

  12. 军事物流技术发展对军用物资包装教育的影响

    The Technology Development of Military Logistics Effect in Military Material Packaging Education

  13. 高新技术发展对军用物资采购法制建设的要求

    High-tech and the construction of military material procurement regulation system

  14. 军用物资集装箱储运湿度控制研究

    Research on humidity control for materiel in storage and transportation by container

  15. 军用物资订购价格扭曲成因及对策浅探

    Price distortion of military material order : cause and countermeasure

  16. 战国时期军市的大量涌现,其中当然也有军服交易,但它只是一种辅助性的军用物资供应方式。

    It was just a sort of subsidiary supply of military material .

  17. 军用物资公路运输装载方案优化模型

    Optimized Model of Military Material Transported by Road Loading Project

  18. 军用物资电子商务采购系统模式探讨

    Discussion on the Mode of Military materials procurement on Web

  19. 军用物资采购中的电子商务探析

    An analysis of the e-commerce in the military material acquisition

  20. 适应现代战场环境特点的军用物资包装的思考

    Considerations on Military Material Packaging Adapted to Characteristics of Modern Battlefield Environment

  21. 军用物资装卸搬运系统设备配置分析

    Analysis on Equipment Disposition for Military Materials Handling System

  22. 这个国家是向阿富汗运送燃料和军用物资的必经路线。

    It is a transit route for fuel and military material to Afghanistan .

  23. 军用物资订购局应成为军用物资集中采购总代理

    Military material procurement offices should become the general agent

  24. 加强军民结合的军用物资储备体系研究

    Research of Strengthen the Military and Civilian Reserve System

  25. 军用物资供应商战略合作伙伴关系的建立和绩效评价

    The Research of Establishment and Evaluation for Military Supplier 's Strategic Partnership Relation

  26. 军用物资装卸搬运作业系统建模与仿真研究

    Modeling and Simulation Research on Military Material Handling System

  27. 军用物资器材集装问题研究

    Study on the Container Loading Problem of Military Materials

  28. 军用物资实行政府采购制度面临的问题及对策

    Carrying out the system of government procurement in troops : problem and countermeasure

  29. 军用物资编码管理体系的建立探讨

    Research on Constitution of Military Material Coding Management System

  30. 军用物资混合编码集成系统研究

    Gather System Research for Admixture Codes of Military Supplies