
jūn shì dài biǎo
  • Military representatives;military mission
  1. 我们欢迎俄国军事代表团前来,以便协商未来的计划。

    We welcome arrival of Russian Military Mission in order to concert future plans .

  2. 军事代表人才的知识结构及培训体系研究

    Study on Knowledge Architecture and Training System of Military Representatives

  3. 关于军事代表机构财务状况的分析

    An analysis of financial condition of military representative offices

  4. 军事代表制度改革研究

    Study on the Reform of Military Representative System

  5. 设计质量评审中的军事代表工作

    Brief Discuss of the Work of Military Deputation in the Comment on Design Quality

  6. 本文就设计质量评审中的军事代表工作做一些初步的探讨。

    This article gave some of brief discusses on the work of military deputation .

  7. 军事代表职业资格认证考试与远程训练网络建设

    The Military Representatives ' Profession Qualification Test and the Construction Scheme of the Long-distance Training Network

  8. 委托代理理论述评设计质量评审中的军事代表工作

    Deputation Theory Review Brief Discuss of the Work of Military Deputation in the Comment on Design Quality

  9. 借鉴设备监理模式调整军事代表业务经费标准研究

    Study on Drawing Lessons from Association of Plant Engineering Mode Adjustment Standard of Military Representatives ' Operational Funds

  10. 借鉴设备监理制度建立军事代表职业资格制度研究

    Research on Establishment of the Military Representative 's Occupational Qualification System by Drawing from the Plant Engineering Consultant 's System

  11. 然而,在越南一个高级军事代表团在刚刚过去的周末访问北京后,双边关系据报道已经平静下来。

    However , relations have reportedly been soothed this weekend by the visit to Beijing of a high-level Vietnamese military delegation .

  12. 中国各级军事代表团应邀对东北亚、东南亚、南亚、中亚地区多个国家的军队进行了成功访问。

    Chinese military delegations at various levels have made successful military visits on invitation to many countries in Northeast , Southeast , South and Central Asia regions .

  13. 基于模糊理论的装备质量监督评价体系,以单位、军事代表室为质量监督主体。

    The equipment quality surveillance and evaluation system is based on fuzzy theory . The unit and military delegate room are the main body for quality surveillance .

  14. 星期四,南北韩军事代表在跨越边界的板门店村进行了一个半小时的会晤。

    North and South Korean military delegates met Thursday for an hour and a half in the border-straddling village , Panmunjeom , where an armistice was signed to pause the1950 's Korean war .

  15. 今年4月,为了庆祝中国人民海军建军60周年,中国在青岛举行了海上阅兵式,29个国家的军事代表团参加了此次阅兵。

    In April , China celebrated the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy with a parade off its east coast port of Qingdao in front of military delegations from 29 countries .

  16. 借鉴美军军事代表工作的具体做法,提出了军事代表制度改革建议,为军事代表制度改革提供一定的参考与借鉴。

    Referring to the advanced experiences of foreign American army 's , the paper also puts forward suggestions about the reform of military representative system , and offers reference at a certain extent for our military representative work .

  17. 星期四,南北韩军事代表在跨越边界的板门店村进行了一个半小时的会晤。1950年代,那里曾签署过终结朝鲜战争的停火协议,但是从来没有正式宣布过和平。

    North and South Korean military delegates met Thursday for an hour and a half in the border-straddling village , Panmunjeom , where an armistice was signed to pause the 1950 's Korean war . A formal peace has never been declared .

  18. 在简要分析美军国防合同管理局的主要职能和组织体系的基础上,重点对其人力资源管理进行分析,提出了加强我军军事代表建设的具体对策建议。

    On the basis of lucubrate the primary functions and organization system of Defense Contract Management Agency ( DCMA ), the paper lays a strong emphasis on manpower resources management of DCMA and proposes detailed countermeasure suggestions on how to strengthen PLA 's military representative troop .

  19. 以风险管理理论为基础,以美军在国防合同管理中实行风险管理的做法为借鉴,探讨了在军事代表工作中采用基于风险管理的质量监督方式的可行性、实施方法、重要意义。

    On the basis of the risk management principle , and by absorbing the effective method of risk management in defense contracts management in American military , the paper discusses feasibility , application method and significance of implementing the method of risk management based quality surveillance in military representative work .

  20. MACMcGARRY:“你必须花费很长的时间来看这些问题,因为所有的线索中都包含长这个词。请仔细听,第一,'LongGrayLine'在美国军事学院中代表的是军校实习生。(铃声)Macgruder。”

    MAC McGARRY : " You should take a looooong look at these questions because all the clues contain the word long . Identify the following , number one : the ' Long Gray Line ' refers to cadets at this US military academy . [ Bell ] Macgruder . "

  21. 斯巴达军事体育教育代表了古希腊城邦制时代一种不同于雅典的教育观念和实践。

    The military and physical education of Spartan is a kind of education that is different in both thoughts and practice from the education of Athens in the ancient Greece .

  22. 与会的各方包括:一个反对政变的政党联盟、如今掌握政权的军事团体的代表、上届当选的政府,各方均要求进行对话之前解决一些问题。

    The parties , which include a coalition of political parties opposing the coup , representatives of the military junta now in charge of the country , and the former elected government , all insisted on addressing certain issues before beginning talks .

  23. 《孙膑兵法》是战国时期著名军事家孙膑的代表作。

    Sun Bin Military tactics is the masterpiece of a famous military strategist , Sun Bin , in the Warring Period .

  24. 军事化建设是否完善是一个国家是否强大的重要因素,在现代社会,军事力量不仅代表着国家国防战力的体现,而且代表着科技力量和科学技术的强大。

    The militarization constructs whether consummates is a national whether formidable important attribute , in the modern society , the military force not only represents the national defense to fight the strength manifestation , moreover is representing the technical strength and the science and technology great strength .