
jūn quán
  • military power;military leadership
军权 [jūn quán]
  • [military power] 统率军队的权力;兵权

  1. 突厥将领握有军权,专横跋扈,任意废立甚至杀害哈里发。

    Turkish generals hold military power , arbitrary Bahu , arbitrary killings and even repeal legislation Khalifa .

  2. 同时,这也是解除了两人的军权。

    At the same time , this is the lifting of the military power of the two .

  3. 我在不重视教育、充满压迫性的军权政府下长大,

    I grew up under repressive military governments that devalued education ,

  4. 这一时期,中山国军事领导体制得以确立,国王集军权于己,相兼领军事。

    The military leading system was established in Zhongshan with king holding the military power .

  5. 禁卫军权是中国古代专制君权的有机构成。

    The power of emperor 's guard troops was the organic constitute of Chinese ancient autarchical regality .

  6. 掌握军权的人不但不督促军队前来解围,反而保持沉默。

    Instead of urging the troops forward to our rescue , the men in authority are silent .

  7. 春秋晋国军权变化与君权衰落

    The Changes of Military Power and the Decline of Regality in the State of Jin in Sping and Autumn

  8. 政府虽然采取了各种措施来禁烟,然而政治早已成为军权的附属。

    Although the government has taken various measures to ban smoking , politics has become a subsidiary of military power .

  9. 清廷控制着地方的军权、财权和人事权,地方督抚拥有的权力很有限。

    The central government controlled local army 、 finance and personnel , and the local governor had very limited power .

  10. 控制宫城禁卫军权并进行了一系列人事调整之后,宋文帝又采取措施消灭了辅政大臣,将朝政决策权和荆州军政大权收归己手。

    Emperor Wen of the Song Dynasty also took action to annihilate the assisting Minister , drawing back the power of decision and military .

  11. 5月20日,袁世凯与俄罗斯达成了协议,承认俄在外蒙古的特权,并限制中国驻军权。

    On May 20 , Yuan concluded a deal with Russia that recognized special Russian privilege in Outer Mongolia and restricted Chinese right to station troops there .

  12. 我本来想着我是否不应该去,因为有人告诉我,我在那里出现意味着我支持当地的军权统治。

    I was thinking that I shouldn 't go because somebody said , if I did , it would show that I approved of the military regime there .

  13. 就是他,一个没有王冠、没有军权、没有政治头衔的人,在这几十年里,这样改变了我们的世界,没有人能像他一样。

    No one has changed the world so much in these decades like Steve Jobs , who has no throne , no military force , no political title .

  14. 民初政体模式失效的反思&以政党政治与军权政治为视角

    REFLECTION ON THE FAILURE OF THE REGIME PATTERN OF THE EARLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA From the View of the Party Politics and the Military Power Politics

  15. 五代的创始人都是镇守边关的将领,他们依靠军权割据一方,所以他们的统治也经常战乱不休。

    The founders of these entities were all frontier commanders of their former states . Because they gained their power through military separatism , frequent warfare and changes of administration marked the period .

  16. 唐代后期宦官掌握军权主要是通过宦官担任军职、专典禁军和宦官监军制度而实现的。

    In late Tang Dynasty , the eunuch 's monoply of military power was realized by the systems of the eunuch taking military positions , governing the imperial army and supervising the army .

  17. 虽然在各个历史时期所表现的侧重点不同,然而军权是后盾、党权是工具、政权是目的,却是一个不变的规律。

    Although displays in each historical period the emphasis point is different however the military authority is the backing , the party power is the tool , the political power is a goal , is an invariable .

  18. 它的特征表现为,军权高于一切,暴力和战争成为解决国内一切政治问题的常态机制和最为有效的手段。

    The characteristics of this kind of politics shape are shown as followed , the military power is higher than all , and the violence and war become normality mechanism and the most effective means to solve domestic political issues .

  19. 北宋的建立:五代后周显德六年(959),周世宗柴荣病死,七岁的恭帝继位时任殿前都点检、归德军节度使的赵匡胤掌握了军权。

    The Making of Song Dynasty : In the 6th year of Xiande ( 959 ) of the Later Zhou , Emperor Shizong , Cai Rong died of illness , so Emperor Gong , seven years old then , succeeded to the throne .

  20. 司马睿十分感激王导,任他为宰相,执掌朝政,让王导的堂兄王敦都督军事,握有重兵,控制军权,其他重要的官职,大多数也由王导家族担任。

    Out of gratitude , Wang Dao was assumed the position of the chief Minister in control of the court and Wang Dun , the half brother of Wang Dao , grasped the power of army forces and defense . Besides , other main posts in court were in the hands of Wang 's families as well .