
jūn dà yī
  • Military overcoat;frock
军大衣[jūn dà yī]
  1. 一件非卡其色而是黑色皮革军大衣。

    A trenchcoat in black patent leather , rather than the expected khaki .

  2. 那就再为你的军大衣搭上骑士靴吧!

    Combine your military coat with biker boots .

  3. 他身穿一件军大衣,上面挂着一排战功纪念绶带。

    He was wearing a military greatcoat with a single row of campaign ribbons .

  4. 卡拉塔耶夫穿着窄小的军大衣,靠着一株桦树坐着。

    He was sitting , wrapped in his little military coat , leaning against a birch-tree .

  5. 军大衣:变身超级骑兵

    Military coat : super troopers

  6. 单独的帐篷被两两拼起来当作通铺的床垫而军大衣就是毯子。

    The individual tents that double up as cloaks are used a mattresses and the greatcoats are the blankets .

  7. 已为年长的准备了军大衣和食物,同时对一位更热心的朋友给予的支持表示感谢。

    Already prepared the military coats and food for the elderly , also many thanks to the hand warmer friend gave me .

  8. 多少这些珍贵的披肩在罩在战壕里的军大衣上,我们记得战争中美好的话语和姑娘们的肩膀。

    How many of those treasured kerchiefs do we carry in our trench-coats as we remember kind words and girls shoulders in the war .

  9. 一颗子弹把我的帽子穿了个洞,还有颗子弹把我军大衣的后背撕开了一个大口子。

    In that fight , one bullet made a hole in my cap and another torn apart the half-belt on the back of my greatcoat .

  10. 所有人都被征兵送到了前线。因为他们都穿着黑色的衣服和灰白色的军大衣,我们就称他们是“黑衬衣”。

    We were given our old clothes , but in the meantime our boots had disappeared , so we got bast shoes with white puttees .

  11. 戴眼镜的医生做完了鞑靼人的手术,给他盖上军大衣,擦着手,走到安德烈公爵跟前。

    Having finished with the Tatar , over whom a cloak was thrown , the doctor in spectacles came up to Prince Andrey , wiping his hands .

  12. 他穿着一件破烂不堪的军大衣,头上斜扣着一顶帽子,几乎遮住了整张脸。

    He had on a long trench coat that was almost in shreds and a hat topped his head , pulled down so you could not see his face .

  13. 他的脸刮得干干净净,穿的是近卫军棉大衣,钮孔上别了一枚圣乔治勋章,头上端端正正地戴一顶普通军帽。

    He was clean-shaven ; he wore the wadded coat of the Guards with a St. George medal on a ribbon , and a plain forage cap , put on straight on his head .

  14. 那时的大哥就套件黄军长呢大衣,很英气,很俊朗。

    At that time he wore a yellow woolen uniform greatcoat , handsome and strong .