
  • 网络Midcourse Space Experiment
  1. 周二,中国新型长征五号B大型运载火箭进行首次太空实验,并将这艘柔性充气式货物返回舱发射升空。

    The flexible and inflatable capsule was launched on Tuesday aboard the country 's new large carrier rocket Long March-5B for its first test in space .

  2. 人类与我们的无脊椎动物近亲分享80%的DNA,这些无脊椎动物通常以废物为食,这使它们成为太空实验的合理研究对象。

    We human share up to80 % of our DNA with our invertebrate cousins , normally to be found feeding in rubbish tips , making them a reasonable subject for space experiments .

  3. 想象一下,如果一所中学能用上这样一台仪器一个星期,就能做这样的太空实验了。

    So imagine , if you as a high school can have the satellite for a week and do satellite space experiments like that .

  4. 由于太空实验的数量有限且重复性差,所以,目前的研究结论都是初步性的,对于宇宙飞行对航天员免疫系统的确切影响还有待进一步研究。

    At present , the times of space experiments are limited and its repeatability is low , so the conclusions are preliminary and further investigations are needed .

  5. 模拟太空育种实验条件,对白玉春萝卜种子进行微重力处理,并研究其变异效应。

    The variation effect of radish was researched through the treatment of micro-gravity .

  6. 实验设备包括模拟实际微重力条件下燃烧现象的地面器件和在空间站、航天飞机等飞行器中进行太空微重力实验研究的器件。

    The equipment includes those used for simulating the combustion phenomena under micro-gravity on the ground and those for conducting combustion experiment under micro-gravity in aero-crafts such as space station and space shuttle .

  7. 概述了巴顿焊接研究所的研究特色,介绍了其在焊接方法、焊接设备、焊接材料、焊接应力应变计算与检测及太空焊接实验等方面的焊接技术成果与应用情况。

    O. Paton Electric Welding Institute in the welding process , welding instruments , welding materials , calculation and detection of the residual stress and distortion of welds , the welding experiments in space . And it also introduces the application of these achievements in production .

  8. 有时候我在太空基地做实验。

    Some days I do experiments in the space station .

  9. 只有一个人将实实在在的离开卫星舱在太空中进行实验。

    Only one will actually leave the orbiter module to retrieve scientific experiments placed outside .

  10. 学生可以像国际空间站上的宇航员一样做实验,然后将实验结果和太空中的实验进行对比。

    Students can take part in experiments like astronauts do on the International Space Station , and compare the results to those from space .

  11. 神州8号有望执行我国首次空间交会对接任务,与九月下旬送入太空的空间实验模块&天宫一号联结。

    Shenzhou-8 is expected to perform China 's first-ever space rendezvous and docking when it joins up with Tiangong-1 , or Heavenly Palace-1 , a space lab module sent into space in late September .

  12. 建立能够模拟太空微重力环境的实验系统是进行空间机器人研究的必要条件,也是目前存在的关键技术难点。

    Constructing an experimental system to simulate the microgravity environment is an essential condition and a key technology for the study of space robots .

  13. 地球空间是人造地球卫星、载人航天器、航天飞机和空间站的飞行区域,是目前人类开发和利用太空资源、从事对地观测与太空科学实验、进行太空军事进攻与防御的主要活动领域。

    The geo space is the flying area of satellites , manned space craft , space shuttles and space stations and the active area for outer space resources exploitation , earth observation , military space defense and aggression , and space experiments .