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tài zōnɡ
  • Taizong;the second emperor of a dynasty
太宗 [tài zōng]
  • [the second empiror since founding of a country] 开国第二代皇帝

  • 高祖太宗法。--宋. 王谠《雅量》

  1. 她曾是唐太宗的妃子,在唐太宗死后,又嫁给了太宗之子唐高宗。

    After Emperor Taizong 's death , Wu married his successor Emperor Gaozong .

  2. 太宗对待赦宥的态度也十分慎重,每次赦宥均有着特定的政治和社会背景,对巩固太宗的统治起到了一定的作用。

    Each remission was given in specific political and social background with specific purposes .

  3. 这一政策在清初太宗、顺治两朝成功的打破了丙子条约的束缚,完善了朝鲜的防御体系;

    This policy successfully beaked up the treaty in 1637 and strengthen Korea defend system ;

  4. 太宗死后,武则天被送进寺院做尼姑。

    After Emperor Taizong died , she was sent to a temple , and became a nun .

  5. 在太宗的统治下,出现了贞观之治(太宗年号是贞观)。

    Under his reign , the famous rule of Zhenguan took place ( his era name was Zhenguan ) .

  6. 自唐朝太宗皇帝御膳推崇倍至以来,历代皇家皆为贡品。

    It has been a tribute for the past royal emperorship since recommended by Emperor Taizhong in Tang Dynasty .

  7. 太宗之后开始着手解决政府的内部问题,这些问题在之前那些朝代一直是一个麻烦。

    Taizong then set out to solve internal problems within the government , internal problems had constantly plagued past dynasties .

  8. 唐太宗针对农业采取了优惠政策,减免了税收、实行了耕种奖励制。太宗致力于加强各国之间的交流。

    He adopted favorable policies for agriculture to reduced taxes and reward farming . Taizong endeavored to promote exchanges between nations .

  9. 此外,太宗还有位长孙皇后,更是唐太宗的贤内助。皇帝、后与太子都想借一次夜宴除掉各自的敌人。

    The emperor , empress and prince all have their own enemies they would like to finish off at a banquet .

  10. 李世民当了皇帝(太宗),每年正月初三要欢宴群臣。

    After Li Shiming became the emperor , he held a huge celebration on the third day of every new year .

  11. 你是太宗的儿子,不是他哥哥的,你妈妈还活着,她能证明。

    You are Emperor Taizong 's son , not his brother ' s.Your mother concubine Dai is still alive she can confirm it .

  12. 金太宗(完颜晟)大受战胜辽朝的鼓励,展开了对抗宋朝的全面战争。

    Emperor Taizong ( Wanyan Sheng ) , greatly encouraged by the victory over the Liao , launched a general war against the Song .

  13. 太宗的谥号是“文武大圣大广孝皇帝”。

    His posthumous name was Wenwu-dasheng-daguang Xiao Huangdi , literally " Filial Emperor who is Civil and Martial , Greatly Holy , and Greatly Expansive . "

  14. 金太宗时,占领辽、宋之地后,开始采用许多辽、宋制度。

    After conquering a number of the Liao and the Song territories during Emperor Taizong ^ reign , the Jin adopted some of their practices and systems .

  15. 元太宗窝阔台即位伊始即设汉军“三万户”分统汉军,《元史·刘黑马传》又有增立“七万户”的记载。

    When the Emperor Taizong of the Yuan dynasty ascended the throne , he established three Han marquises with fiefs of10,000 families to govern the Han army .

  16. 李世民(600~649),庙号太宗,唐朝第二位皇帝,公元626年至649年在位。

    Li Shimin ( 600 ~ 649 ) , temple name Taizong , was the second emperor of the Tang Dynasty of China from 626 to 649 .

  17. 在接下来的144年间唐朝其实已经不复存在,与太宗和玄宗时期的光辉相比有着天壤之别。

    For the next 144 years the Tang ceased to exist in all but name , a far cry from the glory days under Taizong and Xuanzong .

  18. 这个时代的繁荣、太宗的领导能力以及太宗的名臣成为传统统治的高峰,为后代统治者树立了仿效的榜样。

    The prosperity of the era and the leadership of Taizong and his renowned officials epitomized the peak of traditional rulership that future generations would strive to emulate .

  19. 贞观之治唐朝(618——907)在太宗在位期间达到了第一次全盛时期,

    Prosperity of Zhenguan The Tang Dynasty ( 618 - 907 ) witnessed the first period of florescence in the reign ( 627 - 649 ) of Emperor Taizong ,

  20. 辽太宗耶律德光统治时期,辽国从石敬塘的手中得到了燕云十六州。以此为基础,辽开始了对中原地区的扩张。

    During the reign of Taizong of Liao , Liao acquired sixteen cities of Yanyun from Shi Jingtang and started from which it began to extend to the Central Plain .

  21. 从立法、司法和守法之风中可见太宗礼法合一,依礼制法的法律思想体系。

    And his ideological system of law , integrating etiquette into laws , or drawing up laws in accordance with etiquette , was in evidence in legislation , judicature and observance .

  22. 会同元年(947),辽太宗灭后晋,改国号大辽。

    In the 1st year of Huitong ( 947 ) , Emperor Taizong of the Liao defeated the Later Jin and changed the name of his dynasty to the " Great Liao . "

  23. 唐太宗贞观十年在其子魏王李泰府设文学馆。由于太宗对李泰的特殊宠爱使其文学馆带有了与众不同的色彩并隐约与政治发生了联系。

    As : Emperor TangTaizong 's beloved his son LiTai , this brought about very noticeable feature in LiTai 's literature centre and seemed to have connections with some of aspects in politics .

  24. 弘文政策的实施迅速改变了这一观念,尤其是太宗文学与政治分开的言论,使文学的感性色彩在一定程度上得到了恢复。

    The implementation of " Culture-Advocating Strategy ", especially the claim of separating Tai Zong literature from politics , swiftly changes this notion and the geist color of literature is restored to some extent .

  25. 自太宗、熙宗、海陵王以来,金国进行了全面的转变,使其从原来的游牧部落变成了一个以农业为主的封建集权制国家,为其今后的发展奠定了基础。

    Since Taizong , Xizong and the King of Hailing , there were drastic changes happened : the Jin transformed from a nomadic tribe to a feudal society with agriculture as the fundamental support , which laid foundation for its further development .

  26. 630年,太宗大将李靖用3000骑兵发动奇袭,在定襄打败可汗军,从而征服了曾经强大的东突厥,使得唐朝成为这个地区主要的政治军事强国。

    In Taizong 's general Li Jing used 3000 cavalry to defeat the Khan at Dingxiang in a surprise attack , therefore conquering the once mignty Eastern Turkic Khanate and allowed Tang to become the major political and military power of the region .

  27. 金国于天兴元年(1233),元太宗窝阔台帅军攻下汴京,金哀宗逃至蔡州,次年,蔡州在蒙古军与宋军联合进攻下被攻破,金国至此宣告灭亡。

    In 1233 , Wokuotai , the Taizong of the Yuan Dynasty took Bianjing , Emperor of Jin , Aizong fled to Caizhou and in the following years , Jin was destroyed by the joint force of the Mongolia and the Southern Song , which brought the Jin to an end .