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  • 网络Hanxing;Flourishing of the Han Dynasty
  1. 汉兴,与边郡相接之地带以州相称的旨趣,就在公认赤县神州为共同的活动疆域。

    The implied meaning of calling Hanxin and its adjacent county-shire as Chixian , Shenzhou , was that it was the recognized territory in which people could live by .

  2. 摘要两汉儒者对先秦典籍的改造以为政治服务为目的,主要体现为秦亡汉兴后对治道选择上的适应。

    Scholars in the Han Dynasty rewrote the pre-Qin classics for political purposes , especially for choosing a way to rule the country after the perishing of the Qin dynasty .