
  1. 美国军事陪审团表示尼达尔·哈桑少校应该被处死。

    U.S. military jury says Major Nidal Hasan should be put to death .

  2. 判定事实指的是军事陪审团。

    The'finder of fact'will be a military jury .

  3. 我们欢迎俄国军事代表团前来,以便协商未来的计划。

    We welcome arrival of Russian Military Mission in order to concert future plans .

  4. 试析1928-1938年德国在来华军事顾问团问题上的分歧

    The Disagreement in German On the Military Advisory Group in China between 1928 and 1938

  5. 美国驻韩国军事顾问团

    United States Korean Military Advisory Group

  6. 军事陪审团小组在上周判决哈桑在2009年胡德堡枪击案中有罪。

    The military panel convicted Hasan last week for the 2009 deadly shooting at Fort Hood .

  7. 周五,一个军事陪审团开始了他们对哈桑少校案件审议的第二天。

    A military jury begins its second day of deliberations on Friday in the trial of Major Nidal Hasan .

  8. 战后初期美国驻华军事顾问团问题新探(1945&1949)

    New Analysis of the U.S. Military Advisory Group in China in the Early Stage of the Postwar Period ( 1945-1949 );

  9. 然而,在越南一个高级军事代表团在刚刚过去的周末访问北京后,双边关系据报道已经平静下来。

    However , relations have reportedly been soothed this weekend by the visit to Beijing of a high-level Vietnamese military delegation .

  10. 国民革命时期苏联军事顾问团对南北方的影响

    Different Influences of the Soviet Military Advisory Group on the North and South Part of China during the National Revolution Period

  11. 德国军事顾问团在华地位的变化同其与德国政界、经济界的关系紧密联系。

    The status of the German military consultant delegation in China altered in accordance with its relations to German political and economic groups .

  12. 中国各级军事代表团应邀对东北亚、东南亚、南亚、中亚地区多个国家的军队进行了成功访问。

    Chinese military delegations at various levels have made successful military visits on invitation to many countries in Northeast , Southeast , South and Central Asia regions .

  13. 随着纳粹党的最终胜出,亲华政策终止,德国驻华军事顾问团被迫撤出。

    When the Nazi party succeeded in the contest , the pro-Chinese policies were given up , and the German advisory group in China had to leave .

  14. 今天,一军事陪审团听取了2009胡德堡枪击案遇害者家属和幸存者的证词,这场枪击案夺走了13条生命,造成30余人受伤。

    A military jury has been hearing testimony today from family members and survivors of the 2009 Fort Hood shooting that claimed 13 lives and wounded more than 30 people .

  15. 今年4月,为了庆祝中国人民海军建军60周年,中国在青岛举行了海上阅兵式,29个国家的军事代表团参加了此次阅兵。

    In April , China celebrated the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy with a parade off its east coast port of Qingdao in front of military delegations from 29 countries .

  16. 所以现在在塔科马附近的路易斯-麦科得联合基地军事法庭,军事陪审团将决定他终身监禁的判罚是否允许假释。

    So now in a court-martial at Joint Base Lewis-McChord near Tacoma , a military jury will decide whether his life sentence should come with the possibility of parole .

  17. 第二章主要阐述美国在对华经济和军事援助、1948年援华法、驻华军事顾问团中国会的作用以及国会如何为这些援助提供法理支持。

    Chapter II focuses on the functions of Congress in U.S. military and economic assistances to China , China Assistance Act of 1948 , and U.S. Military Advisory Delegation to China .