
  • 网络Military History
  1. MilesYu是美国海军学院中东与军事历史教授。

    Miles Yu is an East Asia and military history professor at the U.S. Naval Academy .

  2. 与典型的军事历史不同,这里没有单一的司令官。

    There is no single commander as in classical military history .

  3. 国际军械和军事历史博物馆协会

    International Association of museums of Arms and Military History

  4. 军服研究提供了一些对军事历史方面有趣的附带资料。

    The study of uniforms can give some interesting sidelights on military history .

  5. 恐怖主义即是战争:军事历史上的教训

    Terrorism Is War : Lesson from Military History

  6. 这个博物馆专门介绍军事历史。

    The Museum specializes in the military history .

  7. 博览会的赢利用来建造博物馆和高等学校。国际军械和军事历史博物馆协会

    And the profits from the exhibition were used to build museums and colleges . International Association of museums of Arms and Military History

  8. 事实上,在西点军校,他们研究军事历史,他们研究过去诸如美国内战的历史。

    In fact , at West Point , the military academy , they study military history , and they study other pasts like the Civil War .

  9. 同时,山东沿海卫所研究对军事历史文化遗产保护、山东沿海建筑设计指导等都具有重要的意义。

    At the same time , Shandong coastal garrison sites study has an important significance to the military history cultural heritage protection and coastal Shandong architectural design guidance .

  10. 对于大部分的军事历史来说,战场就是攻击武器与防卫系统持续不断的斗争:长矛与盾牌,利剑与盔甲,炮弹与装甲。

    For much of military history , battle was a continuous struggle between weaponry and protective systems : spear and shield , sword and mail , shell and armor .

  11. 中国还希望修葺在老挝的墓地。根据《南方周末》引用的官方军事历史,自1968年开始,有269名士兵在支持北越人的战争中死于老挝。

    China also wants to upgrade grave sites in Laos , where , starting in1968,269 soldiers were killed supporting North Vietnam , according to official military histories cited by Southern Weekly .

  12. 林超的漫画甚至引起了一位军事历史专家的注意,这位专家后来在史实解释和事实检查方面给了林超帮助,还给林超提供了更多可以用来创作的材料。

    He even attracted the attention of an expert on military history , who later helped him with explanations and fact checking , as well as provided more material that Lin could write about .

  13. 几内亚比绍军队叛乱和军事政变历史悠久。

    Guinea-Bissau has a long history of army mutinies and coups .

  14. 关于军事装备历史研究几个基本问题的思考

    Thought About Several Basic Issues of Military Equipment History Research

  15. 我有很多的爱好,特别对军事和历史感兴趣,我最喜欢的事是读书,打电脑游戏。

    I 'm interested in many things , such as history and military , which I like best is reading and playing computer games .

  16. 他从办公室的窗口一眼就能看到中国军事、历史革命博物馆和人民大会堂。

    A glance through his office offers a panoramic view of the Museum of Chinese revolution and Chinese history and the grant Hall of people .

  17. 文章依据军事装备历史的维修数据,反演出装备的寿命分布,从而提取出装备的寿命特征,建立相应的数学模型对装备的质量进行跟踪控制。

    According to historical data , the paper gives the life distribution and the characters of the military equipment and sets a mathematical model on the quality control .

  18. 从这一目的出发,从理论上探讨了什么是军事装备历史、为什么要研究军事装备历史、以及用什么理论和方法研究军事装备历史等问题。

    For this purpose , the questions about what is the history of military equipment , why study the history and how to study it were discussed theoretically in this article .

  19. 而在对广播电视军事新闻历史进程的深度思考、外部生态环境的整理(如:军事新闻文化的弘扬)、前景分析(如:三战)等细处,也时有闪光点。

    Moreover , there are several highlights , especially in these points : deep considering its developing history , trimming its external environment ( eg to glorify military journalism culture ), analyzing its prospects ( eg " Three-Warfare ") .

  20. 论军事哲学思想历史发展的基本规律

    The Basic Law of the Historical Development of Military Philosophical Thoughts

  21. 我军军事体育的历史发展及思考

    Probe on the History and Development of Chinese Military Sports

  22. 军事体育的历史演变及发展趋势

    The Historical Development of Military Sport and Developing Trends & Sports and Military Affairs

  23. 这一特点主要是由以下几方面决定的:作为社会意识形态的军事思想具有历史继承性;

    It is decided by ( 1 ) military thoughts as the social ideology is characterized by the historical inheritance ;

  24. 马耳他共和国首都瓦莱塔与耶路撒冷的圣约翰骑士团的军事和宗教历史紧密联系在一起。

    The capital of Malta is inextricably linked to the history of the military and charitable Order of St John of Jerusalem .

  25. 最后,鉴于拉丁美洲军事政变的历史,有公信力的定期选举,是该地区近来最大的成就之一。

    Finally , regular and credible elections are one of Latin America 's greatest recent achievements , given its history of military coups .

  26. 为了著手这项活动,我们必须彻底检视台湾现代史,尤其是著重在军事方面的历史。

    In order to begin this endeavor , we have had to do a thorough review of modern Taiwanese history , with particular emphasis on military history .

  27. 研究奥林匹克与军事关系的历史、现状、特征及其发展趋势,有助于奥林匹克运动的传播与发展。

    Further research on the history , actualities , character and developing trend for relationship between Olympics and military will help the prevalence and development of the Olympic Movement .

  28. 中国官员和专家说,新型大国关系这一概念意在避免军事冲突。历史上,当一个崛起的大国挑战一个老牌大国时,常常会爆发军事冲突。

    Chinese officials and experts say the concept is designed to avert the military conflict that has often arisen throughout history when a rising power challenges an established one .

  29. 第一章将简要回顾法国退出北约军事一体化的历史事件,突出一些以往研究忽视的细节。

    Chapter One is a brief review about the historical event of the withdrawal of France from NATO integrated military command structure , with some details ignored by previous research highlighted .

  30. 进而理清拜占庭边疆地区军事体制的历史演进,探讨帝国在边疆地区的军事行政管理,对军事防御线内侧的帝国政策进行梳理。

    Then clear Byzantine frontier of the evolution of the military system , this paper discusses the empire on the frontier military administrative management , the military defense line inside empire policy analysis .