
jūn zhèng
  • military-political;army and government
军政 [jūn zhèng]
  • [army and government] 军队和政府

军政[jūn zhèng]
  1. 这位先生神通广大,与军政界关系密切。

    The gentleman was infinitely resourceful and had close contacts in the army and in political circles .

  2. repressiveadj.压抑的,抑制的,镇压的人民受著凶恶而专制的军政权的压迫.

    The people are held down by a vicious and repressive military regime .

  3. 1914年日军占领青岛后,在青岛设立军政署进行统治。

    After occupying Qingdao , Japanese army established military department .

  4. 军政职位都要恢复到王公级。

    Reinstatement to the rank of master of both services .

  5. 军政平衡早已不复存在,道德评判也在不断调整。

    That balance is long gone , and assessments are constantly adjusted .

  6. 陆马争督与甘肃军政格局的演变

    Lu-Ma Struggle for Governor and Changes of Military and Political Situation in Gansu

  7. 明代辽东都司军政管理体制及其变迁

    The Military and Administrative System of Dusi in Eastern Liao and Its Vicissitude

  8. 军政军民团结50年的回顾

    Review on Military-Government and Military-Civilian Unity in 50 Years

  9. 他进了抗日军政大学。

    He enrolled in an anti-Japanese training school .

  10. 阿萨德政权更是被认为是一个军人色彩十分浓厚的军政混合政权。

    The Assad regime was considered to be one army-party regime with strong military color .

  11. 鼓文化贯穿于军政、礼乐、风俗、宗教、日常生活中。

    Drum culture military administration , ritual music , custom , religion , daily life .

  12. 这是政变以来,军政领导人首次会聚一起。

    It was the first time military and political leaders had come together since the coup .

  13. 北伐前夕北方军政格局的演变:19241926年。

    Evolution of military and political pattern in North China before the northern expedition : 1924-1926 .

  14. 五军队埋怨政府的事也会少了,军政关系也好了。

    5 less grumbling in the army about the government and improved relations between the two .

  15. 湘系势力是晚清时期的一派重要军政力量。

    The Hunan faction is an important military and political force in the late Qing Dynasty .

  16. 空军国防生军政理论课教学实践与模式探讨

    Teaching Practice and Model Discussion on Military and Political Theory Course of Air Force National Defense

  17. 他那双眼睛轻蔑地眯缝起来。他特别缓慢地走进了军政大臣的办公室。

    His eyelids drooped disdainfully ; he walked with peculiar deliberateness into the war minister 's room .

  18. 第二部分分析汗国复兴的内外原因。第三部分论述汗国复兴对唐朝军政制度的重大影响:导致边疆都护府体制的破坏和变化;

    In the second part , it analyses the causes of the rejuvenation of the Later Turkic Khanate .

  19. 不过,迄今为止,这两家民族武装都不愿意回应军政对北掸邦军的军事行动。

    However , both are reluctant to respond to the junta 's military action against the SSA-N so far .

  20. 蒙古诸王府是享有一系列军政、经济特权的特殊行政区。

    The fiefs of Mongolia were the special districts which enjoyed a series of military , political and economical liberties .

  21. 当他走到军政大臣办公室门前的时候,他那愉快的感觉大大地冲淡了。

    The joyous feeling of Prince Andrey was considerably damped as he approached the door of the minister 's room .

  22. 答:军政、训政、宪政三个时期的划分,原是孙中山先生说的。

    Answer : Dr. Sun Yat-sen originally envisaged the three stages of military rule , political tutelage and constitutional government .

  23. 不过,我们看到的是几内亚比绍由于这种军政双方的互相勾结而走向失败。

    But what we see is Guinea-Bissau is losing due to this kind of link , this combination between both sides .

  24. 可靠的办法就是把军政费用降到一个适当的比例,增加经济建设费用。

    One reliable way is to cut military and administrative expenditures down to appropriate proportions and increase expenditures on economic construction .

  25. “但是政府发公债来应付军政费还是不够用,谈得上建设么?”

    " But the government won 't issue enough bonds to meet their military expenses , let alone start financing industrial construction !"

  26. 首次国共合作时期的黄埔军校堪称是国共两党合办和共同培育造就军政干部的摇篮。

    HuangPu Military School of the first KMT-CCP cooperation period was the cradle by KMT-CCP Parties to train the military and political cadres .

  27. 到目前为止已经在军政关系、军队职能立法、军队结构重组等方面取得了不少成就。

    So far , many achievements have been made in such areas as civil-military relations , legislation of military functions and military restructuring .

  28. 最初,不少师生认为国立化意味着大学可以免于地方军政势力的威胁。

    At first , many teachers and students thought that Nationalization meant to free universities from the threats of the local military powers .

  29. 控制宫城禁卫军权并进行了一系列人事调整之后,宋文帝又采取措施消灭了辅政大臣,将朝政决策权和荆州军政大权收归己手。

    Emperor Wen of the Song Dynasty also took action to annihilate the assisting Minister , drawing back the power of decision and military .

  30. 男爵先生,去叫军政大臣来。他们成功地试制了一种名为海鹰的海军快艇。

    Baron , send for the minister of war . They succeeded in the trial production of a fast naval vessel named Sea Eagle .