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  • military map
  1. 基于GIS技术的军用地图控件的设计

    Design of OCX in military map based on GIS technology

  2. 基于COM的军用地图控件的研究与实现

    The Study and Implementation of Military Map Control Based on COM

  3. 本文根据笔者开发军用地图控件的实践,主要介绍了将GIS技术应用到军事地图领域、设计军用地图控件的一种方案。

    A new scheme is used to help the design of OCX in military map .

  4. 本文重点研究了基于MapInfo平台的军用地图数据融合方法:首先研究了各种军用地图数据的分类、编码和格式统一的途径;

    This thesis studies the method about the military map data fusion based on MapInfo : first , it introduces the classifies , the encoding and the formats of the military map data , and how to unify them ;

  5. 他在地上摊开影印的军用地图,仔细端详。

    He spread the photostated military map out on the forest floor and looked at it carefully .

  6. 最后,通过图形裁剪和等高线的追踪等算法实现了军用地图的数据融合。

    Finally , by using graphics clipping and contour line tracing to realize the military map data fusion .

  7. 全国性地图、军用地图的编制管理,依照有关法律、法规规定执行。

    The drawing-up administration on nationwide maps and military maps shall be implemented according to the stipulations of related laws and regulations .

  8. 美国的空军控制了全中国,并从空中拍摄了全中国战略要地的军用地图。

    The U.S. air force controlled all of China 's air space and took aerial photographs of all China 's strategic areas for military maps .

  9. 本文针对军用地图出版过程中的特点,对其使用的彩色电子出版系统的软、硬件组成进行了分析和论述。

    In view of the current function in process of military map publishing , the author analyses the software and hardware of color electric publishing system .

  10. 军用地图上的箭头和小针,从四面八方,一天一天地向华沙和拜伦·亨利逼近。

    The arrows and the pins on the military maps were closing in day by day , from all directions , on Warsaw and Byron Henry .

  11. 军用地图和海图的编制管理,按照国务院、中央军事委员会的规定执行。

    The administration and drawing up of military maps and sea charts shall be carried out according to the regulations of the State Council and the Central Military Commission .

  12. 基于GIS的嵌入式军用电子地图系统

    Embedded Military Electronic Map System Based on GIS

  13. 军用电子地图系统&一种引人注目的多媒体信息系统

    Introduction to military electronic map an attractive multimedia information system

  14. 军用数字地图符号化处理技术

    Technology of Military Digital Map 's Symbolization

  15. 在军用数字地图的生产中,多源数据的利用,也是当前数字地图生产的主要环节。

    In the production of the digital military map , the exploitation of multi-source data is also very important for producing digital map now .

  16. 在此基础上,对比了软件开发设计的方法,着重介绍了军用数字地图电子版在开发过程中所采用的统一软件开发过程。

    Based on this , contrasting the methods of software exploitation and design , it is discussed with emphasis of the unified software developing process for military digital map .

  17. 最后,简述了空间分析的概念和主要内容,并针对军用电子地图的应用需求,实现了系统应用分析模块的研制。

    Introducing the conception and mainly contents of spatial analysis . Realizing the basic function of spatial analysis module aiming at the demand for analytic application of military electric map .

  18. 军用电子地图是军事指挥、作战训练和情报侦察等方面必不可少的基础信息,在数字化战场环境建设中占有十分重要的地位。

    Military electric map plays an important role in building digital battlefield environment under the condition of modern high tech , which is the base of information reconnaissance and military directing .

  19. 重点探讨了军用数字地图电子版的开发过程中在数据管理、图形显示和查询检索等功能实现过程中所采用的关键技术,以及具体的设计和实现的方法。

    It is discussed with emphasis of the key technique about data management , image display , query and search in particular , also of the methods of design and realization .