
jūn shì mín zhǔ
  • military democracy
  1. 自5月22日政变以来泰国已经面临来自西方的外交压力,包括削减军事援助,暂停民主进程等。

    Since the May 22nd coup Thailand has faced diplomatic pressure from the West , including cuts in military assistance , for suspending democracy .

  2. 美国国务卿赖斯在新加坡对参加东盟会议的各国领导人说,推动缅甸军事统治者开始和民主派领袖对话符合东盟的利益。

    U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice told ASEAN leaders meeting in Singapore that it is in the organization 's interest to press Burmese military rulers to begin a dialogue with democracy leaders .