
jūn gōng
  • military exploit
军功 [jūn gōng]
  • [military exploit] 军事上的功绩

军功[jūn gōng]
  1. 唐代农民的军功情结

    The Military Exploit Complex of Farmers in the Tang Dynasty

  2. 改变陈氏家族命运的是陈霸先,他出身低微,靠建立军功不断地提升自己的地位,最终建立了陈朝。

    Changing Chen clan destiny is a Chen Baxian , his family background is very low , is advanced unceasingly depending on building a military exploit self position , has founded Chen Chao ultimately .

  3. 他被授予了多枚军功章。

    He was awarded several military decorations .

  4. 他在古董店和互联网上搜寻待售的旧军功勋章。

    He finds old military medals for sale in antique stores and on the Internet .

  5. 他因英勇战斗被授予军功十字勋章。

    He was awarded the Military Cross for gallantry in combat .

  6. 军功是一道在血雨中升起的迷人的彩虹。

    Military glory that attractive rainbow that arises in shower of blood .

  7. 军功授地是美国土地制度中的一个重要问题。

    Military bounty land is an important issue in U. S. land system .

  8. 美国土地制度中的军功授地

    On Military Bounty Land in U. S. Land System

  9. 我是美国最高的军功章。

    I 'm America 's highest military decoration .

  10. 这个军功章12%是你的

    Give yourself 12 % of the credit .

  11. 目前学界对军功爵制的关注很多,研究成果颇丰。

    Current system of academic concern for many Military Order , Research has yielded fruitful results .

  12. 一门武将、文士兼备,是宋代由军功家族向文学家族成功转型的代表。

    It was the representative who successfully transformed from the war service family to literary family .

  13. 此外,经由军功获得学衔及功名的品级也与士人原有的学衔呈正比关系。

    In addition , the awards received by the military achievement have corresponding with their original grade .

  14. 于是,军籍家族兼备了军功和科举两条发展道路,最终成为了望族。

    So the family had both military and imperial examination two development roads , eventually become the family .

  15. 他是会授予自己几十枚军功章,还是会因撰写带有明显粉饰痕迹的回忆录而颁给自己列宁文学奖?

    Will he award himself dozens of military medals or the Lenin prize for literature for obviously enhanced memoirs ?

  16. 前三代基本上是从事军事方面的工作,以军功起家。

    The first three generations were engaged in the military work on the whole and flourished because of military achievements .

  17. 到景帝末年,随着军功集团退出汉初政治舞台,汉代政权出现了真空。

    At the end of Emperor JING , with the withdrawal of military groups from political sphere , there occurred vacuum power .

  18. 冈萨雷斯2006年10月至2008年1月在伊拉克服役,接受的勋章包含两场在伊拉克战斗中获得的军功章。

    Gonzalez served in Iraq from October 2006 to January 2008 , receiving decorations including an Iraq Campaign Medal with two campaign stars .

  19. 汉代赎刑的表现形式多种多样,以黄金为主,铜钱为辅,兼及爵位、竹、谷、缣、粟、马、军功等形式。

    Gold was as principle , the copper money was for assisting , concurrently and feudal title , bamboo , valley , horse , etc.

  20. 军功爵制首先出现在齐国,最后在秦国得到了发展完善。

    The rank system based on military feasts appeared in Qi earliest , but it has been developed well in the state of Qin finally .

  21. 美国军队一名骑警因在阿富汗一场战斗中的卓越表现,被授予荣誉勋章,这是美国最高等级的军功章。

    US Army ranger has been awarded the Medal of Honor , America 's highest military medal , for his actions in a firefight in Afghanistan .

  22. 第四章着重分析现行中国军人军功奖励制度及特点,客观描述了中国军人奖励制度的原则和方法。

    The fourth chapter focuses on the analysis of existing the PLA merit award system characteristics and objective description of the PLA award system principles and methods .

  23. 第三章是对国外军功奖励制度进行研究,总结其特点、作用,主要以美军为例。

    The third chapter has a comparative study to the Western and the PLA award system , mainly with the American Army as an example of the characteristics and role .

  24. 第五章从现实军队实施奖励工作出发,剖析中国军人军功奖励制度存在的不足,以及阐明改革军功奖励的必要性。

    Chapter five from the reality of the armed forces in implementing the award process , analysis the PLA merit award system and its shortcomings , and stated the need for reform of military merit awards .

  25. 春秋战国时期旌表制度继续发展,此时又是一个大的动荡时代,征伐战争不断,旌表军功成为这一时期旌表制度的主要内容。

    Recognition continued its development in Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period . This is a great turbulence and war , the expedition , the rewarding of the military is the major context in this time .

  26. 另外,军功赏赐是战国时期各国赏赐活动的主要内容,也是本章所要论述的重要问题。

    The awarding activities for military service in the Warring States Period are the main contents of the awarding activities in the Warring States Period , it is also the major problem to be discussed in the thesis .

  27. 公元前356年和公元前350年,秦孝公任用商鞅进行了两次变法,内容包括鼓励人口增长,重农抑商,废除世卿世禄制度,奖励军功,编制户口,为实现中央集权而建立县制。

    In 356 B. C. and 350 B. C. , Duke Xiao of Qin appointed Shang Yang to reform twice . His measures included : encouraging the population growth , elevating agriculture and downgrading commerce , abolishing the traditional privileges of the nobles , rewarding a person for his military exploit , registering the residents .