
huà xiànɡ shí
  • stone relief
  1. 汉画像石所见周礼遗俗

    On Zhou Ritual Reflected by the Carved Stones of Han Dynasty

  2. 论南阳汉代画像石的构图特色

    On the Composition Features of Stone Relief of Han Dynasty in Nanyang

  3. 汉画像石中桥梁图像探析

    An Exploration of Bridge Images in Stone Relief in the Han Dynasty

  4. 中国祆教画像石在艺术史上的意义

    On the Meaning of Zoroastrian Stone Engravings in Chinese History of Art

  5. 汉代画像石研究综述

    Summary of the Study on Stone-carving in the Han Dynasty

  6. 东汉画像石的配置结构与意义&以宋山小祠堂和武梁祠为例

    Allocation Structure and Significance of the Portrayal Stone of the East Han Dynasty

  7. 画像石衰亡的宗教因素再认识

    A Re-study on the Religious Factors in the Decline of Stone of Relief

  8. 汉画像石里觅凤凰

    Seeking Phoenix in Stone Portrait of the Han Dynasty

  9. 汉画像石有丰富的艺术语言和艺术特征。

    Han grave fresco is rich in the artistic language and artistic features .

  10. 中国国家博物馆新征集之宋代画像石

    Pictorial Bricks of the Song Dynasty Collected by the National Museum of China

  11. 山东嘉祥画像石与河南南阳画像石之比较研究

    The Comparative Study of Relief Stone Sculpture in Shandong Jiaxiang and Henan Nanyang

  12. 徐州汉画像石中乐舞研究

    Research of Dancing With Music In Rupestrian Painting In Han Dynasty In Xuzhou Area

  13. 汉画像石中射鸟图像的宗教认识

    A Religious Understanding of the Bird-shooting Pictures in the Portrait Brick of Han Dynasty

  14. 汉画像石中鸟图腾与中医

    The Relationship Between Bird Worship in Han Dynasty Stone Portraits and Traditional Chinese Medicine

  15. 石材质与画像石的艺术特色

    Stone Material and Artistic Features of Stone Relief

  16. 浅谈汉画像石中的古代休闲体育方式

    Study on the Leisure Sports Styles Seen from the Stone Relief in Han Dynasty

  17. 汉代画像石彩绘的造型特点与文化内涵

    Modeling Characteristics and Cultural Connotation of the Color Painting on the Han-Dynasty Portrayal Stone

  18. 当代壁画的发展离不开对传统文化的借鉴,其中就有画像石艺术。

    Indispensable to the development of contemporary mural learn about traditional culture , among them Stone .

  19. 第三章从历史文化渊源去理解汉画像石艺术的产生。

    The third chapter of history to understand the cultural ecology of Chinese Art in Stone .

  20. 由于材料的限制,本文讨论的重点集中于战国时的青铜器与东汉的画像石之上,此二者正是材料最为集中之处,且颇具代表性。

    Because of the confines of material , the paper focused on bronze and carving stones .

  21. 从汉代画像石(砖)看汉代女子的经济活动

    The Female 's Social Economic Activities in Han Dynasty from the Han Portrait Stone or Brick

  22. 对汉画像石的研究,需要在方法上来一个根本的变革。

    Researches on the Han Dynasty stone reliefs require a fundamental change in methods and ideology .

  23. 汉代画像石是我国文化遗产中的重要瑰宝。

    The Han Dynasty paints a portrait the stone is in our country cultural heritage important treasure .

  24. 首先,笔者将对整个南阳地区的画像石艺术做一简要概括。

    First of all , I will have a brief summary of the Nan yang stone relief .

  25. 汉画像石中有许多鸟形人,反映了早期的鸟图腾。

    Man similar in form of bird in Han Dynasty stone portraits was reflex of the Bird-worship .

  26. 陕北的榆林地区是全国著名的画像石产区之一。

    Yulin of northern Shaanxi is the important production areas of stone reliefs in the whole country .

  27. 从升仙画像石看儒道二学对汉代文化心理的影响

    The influence of Confucianism and Taoism on Cultural Psychology Viewed from Stone-Carved Pictures about Ascending to Immortality

  28. 汉画像石中三鱼同首图像的艺术造型辨析

    Dissection on Art Model of " Three-body and One-head Fish " Picture of Portrait Stone of Han Dynasty

  29. 九头人面兽画像石的出现在很大程度上反映出两汉时期人们的心理、文化、观念与信仰。

    The Nine-head Beast in large part reflects the culture and the faith of the Han Dynasty People .

  30. 至今为止,很少学者对南阳汉画像石中的动物肖形进行专门的研究,关注度较低。

    So far , few scholars of Han Dynasty Stone Relief animal Xiao-shaped specialized research concern is low .