
huà yā
  • sign;make one's cross;make one's mark on a document
画押 [huà yā]
  • [sign;make one's mark on a document] 旧时在公文、契约或供状上画花押或写押字、十字,表示认可

画押[huà yā]
  1. 工程师同总经理一起在承包合同上签字画押。

    The engineers and the manager-in-chief signed or made their marks together on the contract .

  2. 总的说来,艾森豪威尔政府并没有设法诱骗肯尼迪在它的政策上签字画押。

    In the main , the Eisenhower administration did not try to inveigle Kennedy into underwriting it 's policies .

  3. 一定要他们在白纸黑字上签字画押。

    Get them to write it down and sign it .

  4. 你们在合同上签字画押了,并逐字阅读了合约上的每一条细则。

    You signed up and you read the small print on the contract .

  5. (文盲在文件上当作签名的)十字画押

    Cross made on a document instead of a signature by an illiterate person

  6. 他在契约上画押。

    He made his mark on the contract .

  7. 所以再加上法勒船长硬是要错改他的名字,签下来的东西就象这样:刮荷格。他的?画押。这时,比勒达船长坐在那里,瞪着眼。不住地凝望着魁魁格。

    so that through Captain Peleg 's obstinate mistake touching his appellative , it stood something like this : Quohog .

  8. 然后把我带到后面的一个小黑屋里,又临时做了一番体检,之后才画押放行。

    Then I was taken to a back dark room for a provisional physical examination before I was finally let through .

  9. 我在契上画押,将契封缄,又请见证人来,并用天平将银子平给他。

    And I subscribed the evidence , and sealed it , and took witnesses , and weighed him the money in the balances .

  10. 官媒之制的设立始于元代,媒人必须在婚书上签字和画押,并对婚姻的成立承担着一部分法律责任。

    System of the official matchmaker was set up firstly in Yuan Dynasty , the matchmaker must signed in the marriage certificate and undertook a part of legal liability to the marital establishment .