
huà tú
  • draw designs, maps, etc;picture;draw designs, maps, etc.
画图 [huà tú]
  • [draw designs, maps, etc.] 画图形(多指图样或地图)

  • [picture] 图画(多用于比喻)

  • 这些诗篇构成了一幅农村生活的多彩的画图

画图[huà tú]
  1. 这些诗篇构成了一幅农村生活多彩的画图。

    These poems give a colourful picture of country life .

  2. 巧用画图板进行图象格式转换

    Conversion of Picture Pattern by Ingeniously Using the Picture Drawing Board

  3. 他画图时先快速勾勒出大致的轮廓。

    He starts a painting by quickly drawing simplified shapes .

  4. 他正趴在桌子上画图。

    He was bending over the desk , drawing .

  5. 孩子们在幼儿园里学习唱歌、跳舞、画图画等。

    The children learn singing , dancing , drawing , and the like in the kindergarten .

  6. Word与画图软件的有机结合;

    The organic combination of Word and the Pbrush ;

  7. 在学好3D画图前我们须要学好的内容是投影。

    One term we need to understand very well to learn3D Graphics well is projection .

  8. 被称作3DSLAM,用于同时定位和画图。

    known as 3D SLAM , for simultaneous localization and mapping .

  9. 一个新的基于GA的有向无环图画图算法

    A new GA based drawing algorithm for directed acyclic graphs

  10. 利用VB画图函数实现气象数据图形化显示

    Implement Graphical Display of Meteorological Data with VB 's Drawing Function

  11. 现在,为何还有人会抱怨浏览器中的一个原生画图API呢?

    Now why would anyone complain about a native drawing API in the browser ?

  12. 在该软件的画图窗口观察了得出的SOC曲线图。

    SOC curve is observed in the window of drawing .

  13. 基于画图算法的WSN节点定位算法

    Node Localization Algorithm for WSN Based on Graph Drawing Algorithm

  14. 这是一个用C实现的画图源码,实现过程为通过屏幕上的一个小圆移动路径画出一副图。

    This is a realization of the C source drawing , the process of realizing on the screen through a mobile knolls draw a road map .

  15. 最后我用好老Microsoft画图,并提请从影片中的地毯设计自己!

    In the end I used good old Microsoft Paint and drew the design myself from the rug in the movie !

  16. 它提供了多种画图能力,但是我们重点关注的是它使用Dot语言直连图的能力。

    It provides several graphing possibilities , but I focus on its directed graph capabilities using the Dot language .

  17. 自1985年发布以来,画图工具Paint一直是Windows操作系统的一部分,并以其简洁和基本的操作而闻名。

    Paint has been part of the Windows operating system since its release in 1985 and is known for its simplicity and basic artistic results .

  18. 使用这种面向对象的系统可以让构建复杂图形变得非常简单,比使用标准的PHP库中的基本操作来画图更加简单。

    Using object-oriented systems like these can make building complex graphics much easier than building the graphics using the primitives in the standard PHP library .

  19. 人们在社交媒体上对该消息表示失望,许多人在推特上发布“RIP”来表示对画图工具的怀念。

    People have expressed disappointment at the news on social media , with many tweeting " RIP " messages .

  20. 详细阐述了信息处理平台系统调试方法、系统初始程序、触摸屏原理结构、Norflash操作方法;并给出了触摸屏画图板程序实现。

    Focus on the method of debug information processing platform and system initial program , the concept and struction of touch panel , the method of operated NOR FLASH ;

  21. 在联合编程部分,首先将数据文件读入VB数组,进行处理,然后将处理后的数组读入Matlab矩阵,最后利用Matlab的计算引擎进行计算,完成画图。

    In the joint programming , read the data file into VB array , then read the array into Matlab matrix , completed the final calculation and painting using Matlab engine .

  22. 利用Xlib在Motif设计界面中实现画图

    Drawing in Interface of Motif Using Function of Xlib

  23. 基于VISUALBASIC6.0的计算机动画仿真技术,实现平面低副连杆机构Ⅲ级杆组模块、原动件模块的计算和画图程序;

    The computer dynamic simulation technology based on Visual Basic 6.0 , complete the module of the ⅱ degree rod-group of the planar low-pair linkage mechanism , the module of the prime mover 's count and drawing program .

  24. 画图的库要使用JavaAWT,所以需要确保JVM运行在headless模式。

    The libraries that draw the graphs use Java AWT , so you need to make sure the JVM runs in headless mode .

  25. 本文研究图G的子图空间G上的三类概率测度,它们分别刻画图的随机扩张树,随机扩张森林和随机连通子图。

    We consider three types of probability measures on Q , the set of subgraphs of G , which govern a random spanning tree , a random spanning forest , and a random connected subgraph respectively .

  26. 实现1600~1200的高分辨率显示,通过操作显存的RGB值的画图方式提高软件处理速度。

    16001200 higher resolution can achieve and software processing speed has been improved through the operation of modifying display store 's RGB value .

  27. 淮南矿业集团公司电力公司电力调度系统潮流图克服了原有电力调度系统一大缺陷,利用画图软件(MG)经过自行设计,结合数据库编制而成。

    In order to eliminate the shortcoming of the original dispatching system , this load flow chart of electric operation dispatching system is designed by making use of a draw software ( MG ) combining database .

  28. Group对象的任务是保持一个对象数组,然后在画图时,逐个对对象zo进行排序和画图。

    The Group object 's job is to hold an array of objects and then , when it 's rendered , do the sort and render the objects one by one .

  29. 当然SVM不是真的只有画图分区那麽简单,不过看上面的例子应该可以了解SVM大概在作什麽。

    Of course SVM is not really just about painting and marking regions , but with the example above you should should be able to get some idea about what SVM is doing .

  30. 第三,文本型的DSLs通常更容易被开发者接受,因为“真正的开发人员不画图”。

    Third , textual DSLs are often more appreciated by developers , since " real developers don 't draw pictures " .