
yínɡ xiāo bù
  • marketing department
  1. 我们缩小了市场营销部的规模。

    We trimmed the marketing department .

  2. 我现在为ABC公司营销部经理,我已在这家公司工作了三年多。

    I am manager of the marketing department of ABC Company , and I'vebeen working with this company for more than three years .

  3. 她在市场营销部工作。

    She works in sales and marketing .

  4. 1983年之前,他一直在市场营销部工作。

    Until 1983 he worked in sales and marketing

  5. 本文着重于研究DS公司山东分公司营销部员工的激励问题。

    The research object of this thesis is the Sales department of Shandong Branch of DS Company ( SBDSC ) .

  6. 詹妮.罗斯:菲尔,我是Bibury系统公司市场营销部的詹妮。

    JENNY ROSS : Phil , this is Jenny from the marketing department of Bibury Systems .

  7. 根据BPR的思想,现代企业可以组建为生产部、采购部、营销部、R&D、人力资源部、财务部等六个部门。

    According to the concept of BPR , modern enterprises consist of such six departments as production department , purchasing department , marketing department , R & D , human resource department , finance department , etc. .

  8. 埃洛普对销售和营销部进行了一次很大的人事调整。在推出Lumia手机之后,埃洛普换掉了首席运营长德瓦德(JerriDeVard)和另外两名高管。

    Mr. Elop has shaken up a sales and marketing department , replacing Chief Operating Officer Jerri DeVard and two other executives after the Lumia launch .

  9. 当她收到关于出版书的email时,她会选择最有价值的一些构造一个数据库,Addison-Wesley市场营销部可以将这些信息的摘录用于杂志和评审。

    When she receives emails about books she 's published , she selects the most valuable ones to build a database the AW marketing department can use in excerpts for magazines and in reviews .

  10. 微信南非营销部主管洛布塞尔(BrettLoubser)去年接受媒体采访时曾表示,他听说用户们感到困惑,搞不清楚WhatsApp和微信之间的区别。

    In an interview last year , Brett Loubser , who heads WeChat 's marketing in South Africa , said that he 'd heard about users being confused about the difference between WhatsApp and WeChat . '

  11. 其中一名证人是这家美国银行的全球资本市场营销部董事总经理威内贾亚拉姆(vinayjayaram),他是两年前为中信资源提供咨询的代号为colorado和jumbo的两个项目团队的资深成员。

    One of the witnesses was Vinay jayaram , managing director of global capital marketing at the US bank , who was a senior member of the two project teams codenamed Colorado and jumbo that advised CITIC Resources two years ago .

  12. 期担任市场营销部的副总裁,同时他还运营着Claris公司。他非常熟悉苹果曾经有过的成功和失败,我想他将会是一位非常好的董事会成员。最后,就是我,也加入了董事会。

    He is very familiar with some of the successes and some of the failures that Apple has had , and I think he will be an extremely good Board member . And lastly , I am joining the Board as well .

  13. 我们要怎么帮营销部招新人?

    How shoud we find new people for the maketing department ?

  14. 我会与营销部的人贩拭一次闲讲。

    I 'll set up an appointment with the marketing people .

  15. 你们广告部好像归营销部管的。

    It seems that your section is part of the Marketing Department .

  16. 销售部和市场营销部的工作通常分开进行,但又紧密相连。

    Sales and marketing department usually work separately but closely .

  17. 吉艳丽(音译)是都江堰景区的营销部副主任。

    Ji Yanli is vice marketing director of the Dujiangyan scenic spot .

  18. 哈里斯:这是我们的销售和市场营销部。

    CLIVE HARRIS : And this is our Sales and Marketing Department .

  19. 想找个在东京索尼音乐营销部工作的人吗?

    Looking for someone who works in marketing at Sony Music in Tokyo ?

  20. 髑髅地。我们把营销部的人堵在二层了。瓮中之鳖。

    Golgotha . We 've got Marketing bottled up on the second floor .

  21. 菲利普负责我们的市场营销部。

    Philip is in charge of our marketing department .

  22. 詹妮.罗斯:我是市场营销部的行政主管。

    JENNY ROSS : I 'm the Head of Administration in the Marketing Department .

  23. 他们对市场营销部提出了两个问题

    And they asked the Marketing Department two questions

  24. 总裁任命约翰为营销部经理。

    President appointed John manager of Marketing .

  25. 他是营销部经理。

    He is Sales and Marketing Director .

  26. 他需要在营销部做几个月的店员。

    He had to spend several months working as a clerk in the sales department .

  27. 营销部头好像有些动作。

    Marketing head is up to something .

  28. 我们的总经理在过去五年中增强了市场营销部的力量。

    Our managing director has made the marketing department stronger over the past five years .

  29. 堂,你和市场营销部的人开个会,看有没有其他选择。

    Don you set up a meeting with the marketing team and look at our options .

  30. 之后我们给他的营销部打电话确认究竟将想如何安排广告安插。

    Then we called his marketing department to find out exactly how it approached product placement .