
  1. 同时,3G虚拟品牌社区的广告和营销效果是否理想与用户体验设计和社区情感特征直接相关。

    At the same time , the effect of advertising and marketing in the 3G virtual brand community will be affected by user experience and sensibility features .

  2. 根据供电企业的特点,建立了适用于评价供电企业营销效果的指标体系,综合运用主成分分析法和BP神经网络方法建立模型,对供电企业的营销效果进行了模拟综合评价。

    According to the characteristics of electric power supply enterprise , the authors present a indexes system . Based on principal component analysis and BP neural network the marketing fruit of electric power supply enterprise is assessed .

  3. 另外目前的研究对E-MAIL营销效果的认识和评估不能提供有价值的支持,这在很大程度上制约了E-MAIL营销价值的发挥,甚至造成了一定的认识误区。

    In addition , which the present research can 't offer valuable support of the understanding and assessment in result of E-MAIL marketing restricts the full play of its value to a great extent and causes the certain misunderstand indeed .

  4. 较长版本的广告则因其营销效果获得艾菲奖。

    The long-term campaign won an Effie award for marketing effectiveness .

  5. 熵权法在供电企业营销效果评价中的应用

    Application of Entropy Method in Evaluation of Electric Enterprises ' Marketing Result

  6. 奥运赞助商北京奥运会赞助营销效果实证研究

    An empirical study of sponsorship marketing effectiveness in Beijing Olympics

  7. 中国点击网搜索引擎营销效果评价研究

    Study on Appraisal of Search Engine Marketing Performance of China Click Website

  8. 县级供电公司综合营销效果评价体系研究

    Study on General Marketing Effect Evaluation System of County-Level Electric Power Supply Enterprises

  9. 供电企业营销效果指标评价

    Evaluation Synthetically the Marketing Effect of the Electricity Supply Enterprise by Index System

  10. 一些公司表示这样的优惠券策略能够为他们提供有关他们的营销效果的直接反馈。

    The companies argue that the coupon strategy gives them direct feedback on how well their marketing is working .

  11. 因此,企业为取得理想的营销效果,应针对不同的区域市场,采取不同的营销策略。

    So enterprises should carry out different marketing strategies in different regional markets in order to obtain good marketing effects .

  12. 总之,我国旅游网站在评价网络营销效果的三大方面&网站设计、网站推广和网站流量上与美国旅游网站相比均存在一定差距,差距最大的是网站流量,其次是网站设计和网站推广。

    The one with the biggest gap is website 's flow , secondly are website design and website 's popularization .

  13. 各类企业的销售方式很多,采用不同的销售方式,就可能产生不同的营销效果。

    There are lots of ways of sales for different corporations and adopting different ways of sales may result in different operating effects .

  14. 由于企业营销效果影响因素的复杂性和不确定性,本文创造性地将模糊综合评价模型与企业营销效果的综合评价指标体系结合起来,从而对企业营销效果进行定量测评。

    Because the influence factors of marketing effectiveness are uncertain and complex , I choose the method of vague comprehensive evaluation to measure the marketing effectiveness .

  15. 在供电企业电力营销效果综合评价中,客观赋权法体现了指标的信息量,而主观赋权法体现了指标的价值量,综合评价应当体现二者的统一。

    The objective and subjective weight is used to reflect the information and value of the indexes respectively in evaluating marketing effect of the power supply enterprise .

  16. 医药企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中求得生存与发展,就必须整合各种优势资源来提高企业的营销效果。

    In order to survive and develop in this circumstance , the pharmaceutical enterprises must take full advantage of their own resources so as to increase their marketing effect .

  17. 我们每年的两篇系列文章将帮你衡量当前的营销效果,关注2012年的目标,为你的目标挑选合适的方案。

    Our annual two-part article series will help you evaluate your current marketing efforts , focus on your objectives for2012 , and choose the right programs to achieve your goals .

  18. 但是影响品牌体验的营销效果的因素如此之多,市场上琳琅满目的商品,到底该如何来组合品牌体验进行体验式营销才能达到事半功倍的效果呢。

    However , there are so many factors that affect the effect of brand experience , how should we mix the brand experience for experiential marketing to achieve the multiplier effect ?

  19. 因此,本文旨在运用一个由多方面指标因素构成的综合评价指标体系和科学的综合评价方法来对企业的营销效果进行全面、系统地测评。

    So in order to measure the marketing effectiveness comprehensively and exactly , this article propose a mathematic model with an index system that consists of many effective factors to the marketing effectiveness .

  20. 网络媒介具有目标受众明确、成本低、实时性强等优势,同时,企业也可以利用网络对用户进行跟踪,更准确地评估营销效果。

    Network media has the advantages of clear target audience , low cost and real-time , meanwhile , the enterprise can also utilize the network to track consumer , evaluate marketing effect more accurately .

  21. 因此,服务质量是决定商业健身俱乐部企业营销效果、利润收益和竞争实力的核心要素,是俱乐部企业的生命线。

    Therefore , the quality of service is to determine the effect of commercial fitness club corporate marketing profit gains and competitive strength of the core elements of the lifeblood of business of the club .

  22. 旅游目的地形象营销效果测评研究相对不足,但是可以借鉴一些常见的营销测评工具来评价旅游目的地形象营销效果。

    Travel destination image marketing result , which is relatively insufficiently studied to test and assess , can draw lessons from some common marketing test and assess tool that appraise travel destination image marketing result to come .

  23. 本文首先对影响供电企业营销效果的因素进行分析,在此基础上建立了一套评价供电企业营销效果的指标体系;

    This text analyses about the factors influencing marketing result of power supply enterprise at first . It has set up a set of indexes system of evaluation marketing result of power supply enterprise on this basis .

  24. 强大的分析工具将起到关键作用,帮助商家了解在特定的社交环境中什么形式的营销效果最好,使得他们能够分析精细数据并开发优化的解决方案,始终与顾客的需求保持同步。

    Powerful analytic tools will play a vital role , helping marketers to understand what forms of marketing work best in particular social environments , as well as enabling them to analyze granular data and develop optimized solutions that sustain relevance to customers .

  25. 本文首先构建了一个企业整体营销效果体系,这个效果体系分别由营销团队效果,渠道效果、广告效果、服务效果、公关效果、终端效果和销售效果这7个子效果所组成。

    First , this article constructs a system of marketing effectiveness which consists of 7 sub effectiveness such as marketing team effectiveness , marketing channel effectiveness , advertisement effectiveness , service effectiveness , public relation effectiveness , sales terminal effectiveness and sale effectiveness .

  26. 首先根据供电企业的特点建立了一套用以评价营销效果的指标体系,采用熵权法来建立评价模型,运用定量与定性相结合的方法来评价供电企业营销效果。

    In this paper , on the basis of the character of electric enterprise , the evaluation index system of marketing result and assessment model based on entropy is proposed , and the method included quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis are used to evaluate marketing result .

  27. 利用数据挖掘技术,结合试验设计的思想,采用多种分析方法从两个角度,通过对一家电信增值业务提供商在客户流失危险度模型指导下的针对性营销效果进行实证分析。

    A real-evidence analysis about pertinence marketing results to a telecom increment service is performed from two views under the guidance of the customer loss dangerous degree models by use of data mining technology , in coordination with test design idea , adopting multi analysis method .

  28. 吸引力因子法模型、顾客满意度模型都能够用来间接测量旅游目的地形象营销的效果,此外,旅游促销Bayes决策分析模型提供了具体的旅游目的地形象营销手段。

    Appeal factor law model , customer satisfaction model can measure travel destination result , image of marketing indirectly to use , in addition , tourist promotion Bayes strategy models have offered the concrete travel destination image marketing means .

  29. 安全套社会营销项目效果评价

    The Effect Evaluation of the Condom Social Marketing Project

  30. 营销在效果和投资回报率上,比以前承担了更多的责任。

    Marketing is being held more accountable than ever for achieving a return on investment .