
lóu tī fú shǒu
  • stair railing
  1. 赫伯从楼梯扶手上滑下去,差点儿把华系斯撞倒了。

    Herb slid down the banisters and almost knocked Watkins over .

  2. 木制楼梯扶手弯头数控加工技术的发展

    The Development on NC Technology of Wooden Stair Handrail Elbow

  3. 木制楼梯扶手弯头端截面曲线的数学模型与仿真

    Curve Mathematical Model and Simulation of Wooden Staircase Handrail Elbow End Section

  4. 男孩们从楼梯扶手滑下以取乐。

    The boys amused themselves by sliding down the banister .

  5. 她抓住楼梯扶手以支撑住自己的身体。

    She grasped hold of the banister to support herself .

  6. 抓紧楼梯扶手,一步步谨慎地移动。

    Clutch stair armrest , move carefully step by step .

  7. 液压弯管机(俗名喉积)木制楼梯扶手弯头专用数控加工机床的总体设计

    The Specific CNC Machine Tool Overall Design of Wooden Staircase Handrail Bend

  8. 可调整长短的楼梯扶手。靠墙放置。

    Resizable handrail for staircases . Place against wall .

  9. 专营:白钢栏杆,楼梯扶手,篱笆门,等一切工程。

    We Specialise In : Stainless Steel Works , e.g.Gate , Grill Fences .

  10. 一只手扶住楼梯扶手。

    Hold the banister with one hand .

  11. 那个男孩顺着楼梯扶手滑了下来。

    The boy slid down the handrail .

  12. 男孩子喜欢从楼梯扶手上往下滑。

    Boys like to glide down banisters .

  13. 木制楼梯扶手弯头反面成型面是木制楼梯扶手弯头后序加工的工艺基准。

    The reverse figuration side of stair handrail elbows is a process base for subsequent processing .

  14. 楼梯扶手的两根柱子中间,只有一支蜡烛照着。

    This scene was lighted by a single candle , set between two banisters on the staircase .

  15. 当链长,你可以德拉沿着天花板或楼梯扶手他们。

    When the chains are long , you can drap them along the ceiling or stair rail .

  16. 那个老妇人抓着楼梯扶手艰难地爬上楼梯。

    The old woman pulled herself up the stairs with difficulty , holding on to the rail .

  17. 熙烩五金厂是一家专业设计、生产、销售豪华楼梯扶手的现代化企业。

    Xihui Hardware Factory is a professional design , production and sales of luxury staircase handrail modern enterprise .

  18. 本文以空间木制楼梯扶手弯头为研究对象,叙述了该成组夹具的设计方法。

    With aerial wooden stair handrail elbows as the object of study , the design method of relevant group fixture is stated .

  19. 在中间支承上没有设置止裂孔。楼梯扶手的两根柱子中间,只有一支蜡烛照着。

    No retrofit holes had been installed at the interior support . This scene was lighted by a single candle , set between two banisters on the staircase .

  20. 产品主要包括铁艺大门、铁艺防盗窗、铁艺围栏、铁艺楼梯扶手、铁艺阳台护栏、交通设施、不锈钢系列、采光工程等。

    Products mainly include the Iron gate , Iron anti-theft windows , Iron fence , Iron staircase handrails , Iron balcony railing , transport facilities , stainless steel series , lighting engineering .

  21. 该数控楼梯扶手弯头专用加工机床在满足国内外市场需求和实现经济效益的同时,能够提升我国木制品加工产业的自动化程度。

    The special numerical control process machine for stair handrail elbow can satisfy the market demand and realize economic benefit , and promote the automatic level of wooden product in our country .

  22. 脚尖向楼梯扶手或墙壁一边倾斜,这样不需要费力。向下走的过程中,确保整个脚掌平着落在每一级台阶上。

    Point your feet at an angle towards the banister or wall and descend with effortless grace . On the way down , make sure the whole foot lands flat on each stair .

  23. 这里就好像是一个古瓷组成的童话迷宫,就连屋顶、墙壁和楼梯扶手也几乎全是用瓷片做成的,让人充满了惊喜和好奇。

    The whole place looks like a maze of fairy tales made up of porcelains , and even the roofs , walls and stair rails are almost covered with china chips , full of pleasant surprise and novelty .

  24. 布什已经离开白宫,而他的双胞胎女儿则为新任总统奥巴马的两个女儿留下了一些意见和建议,比如交几个知心朋友、滑楼梯扶手以及牢记自己的父亲是个怎样的人等等。

    As George W.Bush vacates the White House , his twin daughters have passed on some advice to the Obama girls & find loyal friends , slide down the banisters , and remember who your dad really is .

  25. 摘要在论述目前国内外木制楼梯扶手弯头加工技术与设备发展现状的基础上,提出了木制楼梯扶手弯头加工技术应朝着数控化、规模化、柔性化的方向发展。

    This paper discussed the status of domestic and international process technology and equipment of wooden stair handrail elbow , and put forward the developing direction on process technology of wooden stair handrail elbow will toward to numerical control , scale , flexibility .

  26. (其他电缆被用作住宅楼梯的扶手。)

    ( other cable is made into handrails for residential stairways . )

  27. 平衡地板,各类地板,集成材,楼梯,扶手,家具。

    LVL floor , composite flooring , finger jointed lumber , stair , model , furniture .

  28. 公司生产的楼梯、扶手种类齐全,清新、时尚。

    The company produces a full range of stairways and railings , all of them are fresh and fashion .

  29. 成品楼梯,楼梯扶手,楼梯立柱,不锈钢护栏,楼梯配件,大门拉手及五金件。

    End product staircase , staircase column , stainless steel guard rail , staircase fitting , stair rails , front door handle and hardware fitting .

  30. 能否爬12-15介楼梯而不用扶扶手或助步器(一步一步向上爬)?

    Climbing 12-15 steps without using a handrail or walking aid ( one foot on each step )?