
  • 【建】land price per floor area
  1. 从理论上说,房价主要由楼面地价、建筑成本、利润及税费等四大块组成。

    In theory , Four blocks of prices mainly by the land value of floor , construction costs , profits and taxes .

  2. 即住宅用地出让的单宗土地面积越大,成交的楼面地价越低。

    That is to say , the bigger the single residential land parcels of area , the lower the turnover of the floor price .

  3. 其中楼面地价是房价的主要构成成本之一,其水平的合理与否对房价的合理程度有直接的影响。

    Land price of floor is the main components of the cost of the house prices , have direct impact its level of reasonable or not reasonable price .

  4. 因此,本文得出结论,宗地面积通过影响竞买人数量,引起不同的竞争程度,进而影响住宅用地的成交楼面地价。

    Therefore , this paper concludes that the parcel area first affected the number of bidders , causing varying degrees of competition , thereby affecting the floor price of residential land transactions .

  5. 这个结果表明宗地面积对成交楼面地价的影响只有一部分是通过中介变量&竞买人数量实现的,而竞拍轮次作为中介变量的中介效应不显著。

    This result suggests that the impact of parcel area on the the floor price were only part of by mediating variables-the number of bidders , and the mediating effect was not significant when auction rounds be treated as mediating variables .

  6. 本系统以南京市为例对城市商品住宅楼面地价诊断系统进行实例验证,实例证明系统的可行性与实用性。为城市商品住宅楼面地价诊断与预警技术导则的编写提供理论实践基础。

    The Case of Nanjing city commercial residential land price of rapid diagnostic system validation instance , demonstrated the feasibility and practicality system . " City commercial residential land price rapid diagnosis and early warning technology Guide " preparation provided basis theory and practice .

  7. 楼面价在基准地价调整中的应用

    The application of floor price to the adjustment of base land price