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lóu zuò
  • balcony;seat in balcony or gallery
楼座 [lóu zuò]
  • [seat in balcony or gallery] 剧场里为了增加座席或作特殊用途(如为部分会众或观众)而从一面或几面内墙挑出的平台;尤指剧院中最高层楼座

楼座[lóu zuò]
  1. 他们不得已买了顶层楼座的廉价票。

    They had been forced to find cheap tickets in the gallery .

  2. 楼座已经挤满了人。

    A crowd already filled the gallery .

  3. 我们是坐楼座还是正厅前排的座位?

    Are we going to sit in the circle or in the stalls ?

  4. 这是一个巨大的弧形楼座,由大型的连栋房屋组成。

    It is a huge circle formed with large townhouses .

  5. 福建会堂楼座斜支撑结构设计

    Research and Design on Structure with Oblique Member of Fujian Hall Floor-seat

  6. 我喜欢坐在顶层楼座所能得到的鸟瞰。

    I like the bird 's-eye view you get from the gods .

  7. 约翰会悄悄溜进楼座去听歌手唱歌。

    Johann would creep into the gallery to listen to the singers .

  8. 洗礼池就在唱诗班楼座上方。

    The baptismal pool was just above the choir loft .

  9. 湖北剧院扩建工程钢结构悬挑楼座设计

    Overhang Seats Structure of the Hubei Theater Extension Engineering

  10. 议长命令让听众从楼座走开。

    The speaker ordered the gallery to be cleared .

  11. 请给我四张顶层楼座的票。

    Four tickets for the gallery , please .

  12. 我们坐在顶层楼座上,但我们仍能听清楚每个音符。

    We were sitting up in the gods but we could still hear every note .

  13. 他过去常在皇家剧院的顶层楼座上观看自己写的戏。

    He used to see his plays from the gallery at his majesty 's theatre .

  14. 你要什么座?厅座,正厅弧形座,还是楼座?

    Where would you like the seats ? Stalls , grand circle , or circle ?

  15. 警方守备在楼座四周,以防止现场密切关注辩论和投票过程的示威者中断进程。

    Police are posted throughout the gallery to prevent disruptions as demonstrators on site closely watch the debate and vote .

  16. 活动:媒体可在世卫组织执行委员会会议室媒体楼座区参加这次会议的全部或部分会议。

    WHAT : Media can attend all or part of this meeting from the media gallery of the WHO Executive Boardroom .

  17. 教堂中的圣坛阁楼是圣坛屏上面的展示廊;唱诗班和管风琴阁楼是为教堂的歌手和乐队留出的楼座。

    In churches the rood loft is a display gallery above the rood screen , and a choir or organ loft is a gallery reserved for church singers and musicians .

  18. “同样的血肉!但愿不是!”亨利勋爵叫道,他正用观剧望远镜仔细打量着那楼座里的观众。

    " The same flesh and blood as oneself ! Oh , I hope not !" exclaimed Lord henry , who was scanning the occupants of the gallery through his operaglass .

  19. 突然,一个小男孩从楼座上站起来,他大声地说:“爸爸,我觉得你太棒了!”观众席顿时爆发出雷鸣般的掌声。

    Suddenly , from the balcony , a little boy stood up and shouted , " Daddy , I think you are wonderful ! " The crowd broke into thunderous applause .

  20. 福建会堂楼座水平投影净悬挑长度10.8772m,建筑功能不允许采用立柱方案承担竖向荷载。

    Cantilever span of Fujian Hall floor-seat is ( 10.877 2 ) meters in horizontal projection . The vertical loads can 't be born by vertical columns for the demand of architectural functions .

  21. 顶层楼座剧院中最便宜的座席,尤指最高层楼座康妮的起坐室是三楼,这是屋座中部的最高层楼。

    The cheapest seats in a theater , generally those of the uppermost gallery . Connie had a sitting-room on the third floor , the top floor of the central portion of the house .