
xìn tuō qì yuē
  • Trust Deed;deed of trust
  1. 重点阐述在委托关系说和信托契约说指导下的委托式和信托式两种物业管理模式。

    This article focuses on the theory between the commission and the trust , under the guidance of two theory , discusses the two property management models .

  2. 其成立和生效要件需受法律全面规制,如表决权信托契约的书面签订和公开披露、信托目的合法、信托标的和期限的确定等,皆在其中。

    The principles of establishment and effect such as writing and disclosing voting trust certificate , legal trust purpose , object and duration are must be in accord with law .

  3. 在私募股权投资信托契约中,投资者和信托公司是两个最为重要的当事人,私募股权投资信托实践中对投资者和信托公司的资格都有较高的要求。

    The investors and trust company are two important contracting parties in the private equity investment trust contract , and their high qualifications are required for the practice of private equity investment trust .

  4. 与其它商事信托契约的订立相比,私募股权投资信托在要约邀请、合意内容和契约形式上具有特殊性,另外,在订立的程序上也较其它商事信托复杂。

    In comparison with the conclusion of other commercial trust contracts , the private equity investment trust owns its particularity in offer invitation , agreement contents , and contract forms ; in addition , it has a more complex concluding procedure .

  5. 对私募股权投资信托契约的订立程式进行研究有助于从法理上分析订立的各个步骤,从一般的商事活动中抽象出法律规律,填补私募股权投资信托契约的研究空白。

    A study on the concluding procedure of private equity investment trust contract aids to analyze each signing step from the viewpoint of legal theory , abstract the legal rule from the general commercial actions , and fill a gap in studying the private equity investment trust contract .

  6. 东方信托以契约型为主的基金已发展多年,在实践中积累了许多宝贵的经验,这可以为契约型REITs的运行提供指导。

    The Trust has development Contractual-based fund for many years , has accumulated a lot of valuable experience in the practice , which can provide guidance for contractual REITs run .

  7. 在英美法上,传统的观点一直坚持信托非契约,在一定程度上掩盖了信托的契约性。

    According to the common law , the traditional view insisted that the trust is of no contractual . To some extent , the contractual of the trust was being covered up .

  8. 本文认为,在传统信托中一直存在契约性的成分,随着现代信托的发展,信托的功能发生巨大的变化,导致信托的契约性日益彰显。

    With the development of modern trust , the function of trust had undergone enormous changes , which result to the contractual becoming obvious .

  9. 在信托制基金中,信托基金契约的立法模式应以简化、单纯、明确为宜,同时不妨采取董事会制度。

    As for the trust funds , its legislative mode had better be simple , uniform and definite , and at the same time , the system of board of directors should be adopted .

  10. 第三部分分析了契约型投资信托的法律依据,即投资信托法和信托契约基金、投资信托当事人及相互间的关系,并阐述了契约型投资信托这一活动设计之运作过程。

    The study of legal bases of investment trust , that is the issues of investment trust law and trust indentures , investment trust fund , the relationships among parties in investment trust , and so on , is mainly made in Part Five .

  11. 商业信托是指当事人以营利为目的,通过信托契约或者信托宣言等形式设立的一种非公司的组织,其和公司或者合伙一样,本质上是一种商事组织。

    Business trust is a party for the purpose of profit , through contracts such as the Universal Declaration of Trust to set up a corporation or organization , and in essentially its a commercial organization .

  12. 信托投资公司对由公司确定用途之信托资金,得以信托契约约定,由公司负责,赔偿其本金损失。

    For trust funds , the uses of which are determined by the investment and trust company , it may be specified in the trust agreement that the investment and trust company shall be responsible for compensation for losses of principal .

  13. 如委任或信托与服务机构管理及处分受让资产时,该委任或信托契约书或其它证明文件。

    If appointing or entrusting a servicer to manage and dispose of the transferred assets , such appointment or entrustment agreement or other supporting documents shall be provided ;

  14. 第三章首先考察了现代信托的主要特征,认为,传统信托演化为现代信托.进一步增强了信托的契约性特征,信托已经演化为财产管理的契约。

    In the third chapter , with inspected the main characteristic of modern trust , the author consider the traditional trust has evolved to modern trust that buildup the characteristic of contractual and becoming the contract of property management .

  15. 以土地信托保护中信托财产的界定,各相关主体的权利与义务等为主要内容设立土地信托保护的信托契约。

    According to the definition of trust property , and taking every relevant main rights and obligations as the main contents , the paper establishes the trust lease of the land trust protection .

  16. 在信任基础上引出信托定义,并对信托构成要素、性质、特点进行了剖析,其中将信托与委托代理的关系分析是第五章信托契约设计的基础,也是借鉴委托代理理论的前提。

    And the relationship between Trust and principal-agent is analyzed in Chapter 5 & the base of Trust design , which is also the premise to use the principal-agent theory for reference .