
lóu tánɡ ɡuǎn suǒ
  • 熟语guest houses;large halls
  1. 严格控制党政机关楼堂馆所建设。

    Construction of office buildings for Party and government organs will be strictly controlled .

  2. 严格控制楼堂馆所建设,禁止高档装修办公楼,加快公务接待、公车使用等制度改革,从严控制公费出国出境。

    We will strictly control the construction of office buildings for Party and government bodies , prohibit extravagant remodeling of their office buildings , accelerate the reform of regulations concerning official receptions and the use of official cars , and firmly restrict the use of public funds for traveling abroad .

  3. 适合居家、集体宿舍、楼堂馆所、公共场所和工矿企业使用。

    The dual-channel switch is suitable for homes , dormitories , floor halls , public places and industrial and mining enterprises to use .

  4. 减少会议、文件,健全严格的财务预算、核准和审计制度,着力控制三公经费支出和楼堂馆所建设。

    Reduce meetings and simplify official documents . Improve the financial budgeting process , along with approval and audit systems , and focus on the control of administrative expense .

  5. 要严格控制行政机关新建、扩建办公大楼,严禁建设豪华楼堂馆所,切实规范公务接待行为,堵塞管理漏洞,努力降低行政成本,建设节约型政府。

    We will strictly control the construction and expansion of government office buildings , absolutely stop the construction of more luxury government building projects , truly standardize official entertaining , plug up loopholes in management rules , and work to reduce government overhead and build a conservation-minded government .