
máo dùn
  • Mao Dun;pen name of Shen Yanbing
  1. 茅盾小说《蚀》中的时代女性形象分析

    The Analysis of Female Image in Mao Dun 's Novel Shi

  2. 新世纪茅盾经典作品研究述评

    An Overview on Mao Dun 's Works in the New Century

  3. 茅盾文学奖的文学制度研究

    A Research on Literature Institution about the Literature Award of Mao-dun

  4. 有点幻灭但并没动摇&重新解读1927年顷茅盾的思想与创作

    New Explanation of Mao Dun 's Thought and Creation in 1927

  5. 《秦腔》荣获茅盾文学奖的文化意义

    The Cultural Significance of Qin Opera Rewarded Mao Dun Literature Prize

  6. 茅盾的小说具有史诗性。

    So novels by Mao Dun possess the characteristics of epic .

  7. 茅盾是集社会活动家、学者、作家三重角色于一身的现代著名作家。

    Mao Dun was a social activist , scholar and a writer .

  8. 《白杨礼赞》是茅盾先生的散文名篇。

    Praise of White Poplar is a famous essay of Mao Dun .

  9. 茅盾及其研究与国际互联网和电子出版物

    Mao Dun and His Research with Internet and Electronic Publication

  10. 论文艺接受中的民俗心理茅盾建国后的文艺理论和批评

    On the Folk Custom Psychology in Literature and Art Acceptance

  11. 茅盾现实主义文学思想的演进

    The Evolvement of Mao Dun 's Ideology on Realistic Literature

  12. 革命文艺与小资产阶级&茅盾与创造社、太阳社论争的焦点

    Mao dun 's point at issue with creation society and Sun Society

  13. 茅盾前期小说理论批评综论

    A comprehensive discuss on Mao Dun 's early novel theories and criticisms

  14. 茅盾早期对西方文学的研究与介绍

    Research and Introduction towards Western Literature of Early Mao Dun

  15. 鲁迅、茅盾与西方现代主义文学

    A Comparison Between Lu Xun and Mao Dun in Drawing upon Western Modernism

  16. 论茅盾走上文学道路的文化背景

    On Cultural Background of MAO Dun 's Literary Career

  17. 浅析茅盾笔下的农村妇女:荷花

    Hehua : A Rural Woman Charcter in the Novel Written by Mao Dun

  18. 丹纳的艺术社会学的基本理论命题一直贯穿于茅盾的现实主义理论构建中。

    Taine 's basic theoretic proposition runs through his establishment of realistic theory .

  19. 二是茅盾对新文学服务对象的新认识。

    This essay included Mao Duns new cognition about New literature serving target .

  20. 论茅盾中国现代作家作品论

    Mao Dun 's Works of the Modern Chinese Literature

  21. 茅盾小说的历史叙述

    The Narration of History of Novels by Mao Dun

  22. 写作学视角:论作为文章大家的茅盾

    On Mao Dun as a Master Writer : A Perspective of Writing Studies

  23. 茅盾前期的期刊编辑活动研究

    Research on the Former Editing Experience of Mao Dun

  24. 茅盾的小说可被称为历史叙述。

    Novels by Mao Dun can be regarded as a narration of history .

  25. 第三部分论述乡村经济与茅盾的文学创作。

    The third part analysed country economy and Mao Dun 's literary works .

  26. 对徐志摩的再认识&试论茅盾的《徐志摩论》

    A Recognition Towards Xu Zhi-mo & On Mao Dun s Of Xu Zhi-mo ;

  27. 茅盾与左翼都市叙事中的欲望表达

    Expression of Desires in the Left - Wing City Narratives Represented by Mao Dun

  28. 在我看来,这无疑是对茅盾文学奖的一种误读。

    I think that the orientation is a mis-reading of literature award of Mao-dun .

  29. 茅盾在现实主义道路上的辗转追求,集中表现在长篇小说的创作上。

    His pursuit of realism with twists and turns embodied in novel creation intensively .

  30. 茅盾的创作心理初探十九世纪法国现实主义文学对茅盾创作的影响

    The Impact of the 19th-century French Realist Literature on Mao Dun 's Literary Creation