
shū xǐ
  • freshen up;toilet;clean up;wash and dress;fix
梳洗 [shū xǐ]
  • [wash and dress] 梳头洗脸

梳洗[shū xǐ]
  1. 等一下,我要梳洗一下。

    Wait a minute . I 'll have to clean up .

  2. 晚饭前我要去梳洗打扮一番。

    I 'll just go and freshen up before supper .

  3. 你最好去梳洗一下。

    You 'd better get cleaned up .

  4. 去梳洗干净吧。

    Go and clean yourself up .

  5. 马蒂娜梳洗完毕后,他们出去散了一个长步。

    After Martine had freshened up , they went for a long walk .

  6. 孩子们已经梳洗了,你可以让他们走了。

    Now that the children have cleaned up , you can let them go .

  7. 护士长查房以前,护士们要为病人梳洗、换衣、打扮,这成为每日例行的公事。

    The nurses came on their daily round of washing , changing , combing and prettifying the patients before the matron 's inspection .

  8. 大概她从昨天晚上起还没有梳洗过。

    Probably she had not touched her dress since yester evening .

  9. 供员工更衣和梳洗的地方。

    These are provided for staff to change and wash up .

  10. 你应该在我早上梳洗前看我的发型,懂吗?

    Betore I wash it and comb it out . Dig ?

  11. 我梳洗好头,收拾好行李自信满满地登上飞船。

    I fixed my hair , packed my bags and boarded .

  12. 他们回到旅馆去梳洗打扮一番。

    They went back to the hotel to freshen themselves up .

  13. 萨拉和巴里回旅馆去梳洗打扮。

    Sarah and Barry returned to their hotel to freshen up .

  14. 孩子们在上学之前总得找地方梳洗一下。

    The girls needed a place to wash up before school .

  15. 她在紧急状况下梳洗利落的速度之快,令人惊讶。

    Her swift toilet in times of emergency was amazing .

  16. 我梳洗整齐,准备吃晚饭。

    I cleaned myself up and got ready for dinner .

  17. 就餐前你想梳洗一下吗?

    Would you like to freshen yourself up before dinner ?

  18. 人类几乎完全放弃了像我们的同类黑猩猩那样的梳洗方式。

    Humans have mostly abandoned the grooming strategies of our chimp cousins .

  19. 如果没有毛巾布我们可以使用一双棉质梳洗手套。

    An alternative to the terry cloth is a cotton grooming mitt .

  20. 帮我梳洗打扮这些马参加今天下午的展出。

    Help me to groom the horses for the show this afternoon .

  21. 晚了,你得梳洗打扮。

    It 's late , you have to get dressed .

  22. 替他梳洗一下,准备出发。

    Clean him up and get him ready to go .

  23. 梳洗完毕,她留姐姐操持家务。

    When attired , she left her sister employed in household affairs .

  24. 你去梳洗干净擦掉眼泪

    Now clean yourself up , wipe away your tears ,

  25. 我刚去过盥洗室梳洗了一番。

    B : I 've just been to the lavatory .

  26. 我这就去梳洗打扮一番再去会面。

    I 'll just go and freshen myself up before the interview .

  27. 因此,不要不梳洗或穿不适合的衣服来上班。

    So don 't come to work poorly groomedor in inappropriate attire .

  28. 教会成员会收集人们捐赠的衣服、饮水和梳洗用具。

    Church members were collecting donations of clothes , water and toiletries .

  29. 我尽可能把艾伦梳洗整齐。

    I cleaned up Allen as best I could .

  30. 吸尘器是一种健康省力的梳洗工具。

    Vacuums can a healthy , labor-saving grooming tool .