
fā shāo yǒu
  • Enthusiast;fan;audiophile;music lover
发烧友[fā shāo yǒu]
  1. 英国的书店里还有许多地理书、童话、民间传说和神话故事,在我三年级的女儿眼中更是动人,因为她是波希·杰克逊(PercyJackson)系列故事的发烧友。

    They 're also particularly strong on fairy tales , geography , folklore and mythology - much of it highly appealing to my third-grade Percy Jackson fan .

  2. 刘力一个家居发烧友的奇迹

    Miracle of A fan

  3. 你是歌剧发烧友吗?

    Are you an opera lover ?

  4. 有声书曾经是一种静态、小众的东西,供发烧友们租借笨重的磁带或CD在上下班通勤时听。现在它已经变得大众化。

    Once a static niche for aficionados renting clunky cassettes or CDs for their commutes , audio books have gone mass-market .

  5. 对于初学者,Java发烧友将注意到,HelloWorld是使用关键字object来定义的,而不是使用class。

    For starters , the Java aficionado will notice that instead of " class ," HelloWorld is defined using the keyword object .

  6. 1977年,二人推出了苹果电脑第二代(AppleII),这是一款开创性的电脑,价格相对合理,并且针对的人群是大众消费者而非发烧友。

    The pair came out with the Apple II in1977 , a groundbreaking computer that was relatively affordable and designed for the mass market consumer rather than for hobbyists .

  7. 那是在1994年,当时他已被苹果(Apple)辞退,担任NeXT电脑公司(NeXTComputer)的首席执行官。我问他为什么要造那些外观漂亮、价格昂贵但只受到少数发烧友追捧的机器。

    It was 1994 , he was chief executive of NeXT Computer and exiled from Apple , and I had asked him why he made beautiful , expensive machines that only a few enthusiasts wanted .

  8. 她的最新专辑PinkFriday:RomanReloaded因为浓厚的流行音乐气息,引起了一些饶舌发烧友的愤怒。

    The release of her last album , the pop-heavy Pink Friday : Roman Reloaded , drew ire from some rap enthusiasts .

  9. Jackie是个hi-fi发烧友,总是把音响调到最大。

    Jackie is a hi-fi junkie and always keeps his stereo on as loud as possible .

  10. 实际上,希布拉尔还以身为极客(geek)和电子产品发烧友而闻名。

    Indeed , here Mr shibulal carries another reputation : as a geek and gadget freak .

  11. 摄影发烧友们无疑还想要一个SD卡插槽,因为在大多数其他笔记本上(既包括苹果的笔记本,也包括其它品牌),SD卡插槽都是标配。

    Photo enthusiasts will no doubt wish it had an SD card slot , given that the majority of other notebooks PC and MAC come with one standard .

  12. iOS不支持小部件历来是安卓发烧友嘲笑果粉的谈资之一。

    The absence of widgets in iOS is something for which passionate Android users have long mocked about their iPhone-wielding peers .

  13. 例如,克莱斯勒就生产了道奇蝰蛇DodgeViper,卖给那些为数极少的狂热的汽车发烧友。

    Chrysler , for instance , manufactures the Dodge Viper , a niche vehicle that sells in extremely limited quantities to hard-core motor enthusiasts .

  14. 加州罗莎(SantaRosa)的小酒馆RussianRiver今年2月份推出PlinytheYounger时,300名发烧友排队等候在门外,迫不及待地想在第一时间品尝这款酒花味超浓的啤酒。

    When Russian River released Pliny the Younger in February , 300 thirsty fans lined up outside the tiny Santa Rosa , Calif. , brewpub for the first sip of this super-hoppy beer .

  15. 沃尔曼相信,雷蛇对游戏发烧友的跨平台吸引力,非常适合微软这样的潜在收购者,后者正计划推出一款搭载Windows10系统的PC游戏机。此外,雷蛇的开源虚拟现实平台也可能让微软产生兴趣。

    Warman believes Razer 's cross-platform focus on gaming enthusiasts could be a good fit for an acquirer like Microsoft , which plans to introduce a PC-console game offering with Windows 10 . The OSVR platform may also be of interest to the folks in Redmond .

  16. 那个登山发烧友最后也没能在Travelzoo得到工作。

    The mountain-climbing do-gooder didn 't end up getting the job at Travelzoo .

  17. 然而,尽管苹果发烧友推崇不已,但我发现iPhone的屏幕虚拟键盘实际上不太可能用来编写短信、移动电邮或输入联系人详细信息(尽管你可以在个人电脑上输入这些信息,然后与手机进行同步)。

    Despite the claims of Apple enthusiasts , however , I found the onscreen virtual keyboard virtually impossible to use for text messaging , mobile e-mail or entering contact details ( although you can enter these on a PC and then synch them over ) .

  18. 不过纸厂的老板之一乔曼·纳蒙(JormaNieminen)是收音机发烧友,年少时痴迷于收音机,后来成为了芬兰手机业的“创始人”,纸厂的潜力大概源于此处。

    Its pre-eminence derived partly from one of its hobbyist bosses , Jorma Nieminen , the " father " of the Finnish mobile phone industry , extending his boyhood interest in radios .

  19. Travelzoo公司人力资源部的高级副总裁格雷琴·约翰逊,说起一个应聘者,他不仅是一个登山发烧友,也是边远地区的志愿者。

    Gretchen Johnson , senior vice president of human resources at Travelzoo Inc. , recalls one applicant who not only was an avid mountain climber , but also volunteered in those remote locales .

  20. 这是一个很好的选择,因为虽然黑莓的旗舰手机Z10获得了科技发烧友的好评,但对于希望重新成为消费者手机市场主要力量之一的黑莓公司而言,Z10并不足以改变市场格局。

    That 's a good bet because while Blackberry 's flagship phone , the Z10 , has received praise from some tech geeks , it is hardly the game-changing product the company needed if it wanted to become a major player in the consumer handset market again .

  21. 除非你是一个真正的发烧友的水的世界里,你

    Unless you are a true enthusiast of the aquatic world you

  22. 教练、学生和发烧友都参与了这次活动。

    The carnival was between coaches , students , and professionals people .

  23. 这张地图在地图发烧友中非常有名,

    It 's an extremely famous map among cartography nerds ,

  24. 自打记事以来,王弘毅就是个不折不扣的航模发烧友。

    Wang has been a plane model maniac since he can remember .

  25. 大多数古典音乐发烧友都喜欢莫扎特的作品。

    Most classic music – manics are keen on Mozart .

  26. 我是个昼伏夜出打击犯罪的义务警员也是个重金属说唱音乐发烧友

    I 'm a nightstalking crimefighting vigilante and a heavy metal rapping machine

  27. 这些汽车发烧友最近组织了一俱乐部。

    These car – fanciers have recently organized a club .

  28. 游戏发烧友是网络上一个特殊的团体。

    Hardcore gamers constitute one of the most idiosyncratic communities on the Net .

  29. 许多《我的世界》发烧友反对收购。

    Many Minecraft enthusiasts are opposed to the acquisition .

  30. 许多游戏发烧友并不认为他们很发烧。

    E.g.Many hardcore players do not consider themselves hardcore .