
fā mínɡ zhě
  • inventor;creator
  1. 这部机器是以其发明者的名字命名的。

    The machine is named after its inventor .

  2. 机器人的发明者Takuoya说。

    Takuoya , the inventor of the robot , said .

  3. 科技本身及其发明者是导致我们注意力分散的头号嫌疑人。

    The technologies themselves , and their makers , are the easiest suspects to blame for our diminishing attention spans .

  4. 他将作为电话发明者而闻名于世。

    He will now be known all over the world as the telephone 's inventor .

  5. 然而,他并不是第一个产生这种想法的人。几年前,一位名叫安东尼奥·梅乌奇的意大利发明家被正式承认为了它的发明者。

    However , he wasn ' t the first person to think of the idea fact , an Italian named Antonio Meucci was officially recognised as the inventor a few years ago .

  6. 银版照相的发明者是位法国艺术家。

    The inventor of the daguerreotype is a French artist .

  7. 数字健康产业的领军人物,比如曾在哈佛接受培训的医生、医疗设备发明者丹尼尔-卡夫预测说,今后“健康追踪狂热症”将非常普遍。

    Digital-health industry leaders such as Daniel Kraft , a Harvard-trained physician and medical-device inventor , predict that in the future , " trackaholism " will be the norm .

  8. DNA复制技术的发明者在1993年被授予诺贝尔化学奖。

    The inventor of this DNA-copying technique was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993 .

  9. 立足于发明者的IP地址,仪器能够过滤掉引入的连接尝试。

    K4000RC Server can filter incoming connection attempts based upon the apparent IP addresses of their originators .

  10. 一种基于DSP控制的动车组防滑控制器其他的滑雪板发明者制作了各种样式的板子。

    An Anti-slip Controller of EMUs Based on DSP Other snowboard inventors made different kinds of boards .

  11. 尽管C公司是全球第一根商用光纤的发明者,但在激烈的竞争中也面临了诸多问题。

    Even if C company is the company who invented the first commercialized optical fiber , there are still a lot of problems have been faced .

  12. 1992年平衡计分卡的发明者罗伯特·R·卡普兰和戴维·P·诺顿,首次在《哈佛商业评论》上发表了关于平衡计分卡的文章。

    In 1992 the inventor of the Balanced Scorecard , Drs. Robert Kaplan and David Norton , debuted their methodology in the Harvard Business Review .

  13. 但如今,发明者可利用软件设计物体,然后由3-D打印机等设备制作出来。

    But today , inventors can use software to design objects to be produced by desktop machines like 3-D printers .

  14. 根据早期办公室博物馆的资料,能弯曲的金属丝回形针的专利最早出现在1867年的美国,发明者是塞缪尔B非伊。

    According to the Early Office Museum , the first patent for a bent wire paper clip was awarded in the United States to Samuel B. Fay , in 1867 .

  15. 一种名为PhoneSoap的新产品的发明者表示,这种设备可以在手机充电时,使用C波紫外线来对其进行清洁,此设备将于2013年1月开始投入市场。

    Creators of a new product called PhoneSoap say it uses UV-C light to clean the phone while charging it , and that the device will begin shipping to consumers in January 2013 .

  16. GeorgeStetton是声控手电筒的发明者,这种装置将X射线视觉搬到人们巴掌大的手上。

    George Stetton is the inventor of the sonic flashlight - a device that puts the power of X-ray vision in the palm of your hand .

  17. KentBeck(即,极限编程的发明者)所写的一章中专门对用户案例作了介绍。

    There 's a chapter by Kent Beck , the inventor of Extreme Programming .

  18. 元对象协议不是Groovy独有的,它也不是由Groovy发明者发明的。

    The Meta Object Protocol is not unique to Groovy , nor was it invented by Groovy 's makers .

  19. 两人都是像信用违约互换(CDS)那样的衍生品(我可对CDS的发明者没有什么不敬之意)。

    Both are as derivative as any credit default swap ( by which I mean no disrespect to the inventors of CDS ) .

  20. 22年后的今天,MP3格式的发明者宣布了它的正式终结。

    Now , 22 years later , the MP3 truly is dead , according to the people who invented it .

  21. 一项利用纳米技术迅速探测和诊断传染病的测试的发明者说,该技术很可能比现有诊断甲型H1N1流感的测试更便宜而且更迅速。

    Be cheaper and quicker than established tests for diagnosing swine flu ( influenza A ( H1N1 ), says its inventor .

  22. 它的发明者是梅尼西o塞西,这是一位在网上暴得大名的博主。之所以出名,是因为他曾经雇了一位女性,只要看到他不当心打开了Facebook就扇他一巴掌。

    Pavlok was created by Maneesh Sethi , a blogger who became Internet-famous when he hired a woman to slap him every time he mindlessly opened Facebook .

  23. Cloak程序的发明者布朗.摩尔和克里斯.贝克透露,他们的发明灵感是来源于经常和前女友的尴尬偶遇。

    Cloak developers Brian Moore and Chris Baker say they came up with the idea after too many chance encounters with ex-girlfriends .

  24. 加州大学圣迭戈分校(UniversityofCalifornia,SanDiego)一个实验室的面部识别软件的发明者说,该软件可以评估儿童表情的痛苦程度,也可以筛查人是否抑郁。

    The inventors of facial recognition software from a University of California , San Diego , lab say it can estimate pain levels from children 's expressions and screen people for depression .

  25. Hydra的发明者表示Hydra在第三世界国家将发挥重要作用。

    Hydra 's inventors say the machine can play an important role in third world countries .

  26. AlexanderGrahamBell曾告诉家人,他更愿意让后人记住他是聋子的老师,而非电话的发明者。

    Alexander Graham Bell once told his family that he would rather be remembered as a teacher of the deaf than as the inventor of the telephone .

  27. 我最喜欢讲述的是宝丽来的例子:拍立得相机的灵感产生于发明者埃德温·H·兰德(EdwinH.Land)3岁的女儿在上世纪40年代中期提出的一个问题。

    The Polaroid story is my favorite : The inspiration for the instant camera sprang from a question asked in the mid-1940s by the 3-year-old daughter of its inventor , Edwin H. Land .

  28. 价值90美金的佐伊头巾和新的iphone软件供应商提供了第一种能测量你睡的怎样的软件,他的发明者本鲁宾是这样告诉邮报在线的。

    90 Zeo headband and new iPhone app offer the first way to measure ' exactly how you slept , ' its inventor , Ben Rubin , told mail online today .

  29. 发明者JamesDyson表示这种风扇不像传统风扇搅乱空气流动,而是提供持续不间断的凉爽。

    Inventor James Dyson says it creates a smooth uninterrupted flow of cooling air unlike a traditional fan with blades that chop the air .

  30. 这位名为托马斯·罗斯的愤怒的发明者正在对科技巨头苹果公司提起诉讼。他拿出了1992年的手绘图纸,以证明发明iPhone的天才是他自己,而不是史蒂夫·乔布斯。

    Thomas Ross , the irate inventor , is suing the tech giant , citing his sketches from 1992 as evidence that he was the revolutionary genius behind the iPhone - not Steve Jobs .