
  1. 电子商务环境下的贸易强国问题

    The Problem of the Great Trade Country under E-Commerce Environments

  2. 贸易强国、比较优势和要素禀赋

    Trade Power , Comparative Advantage and Factor Endowment

  3. 世界声音:如何看待中国走向贸易强国一种强指向性基阵的设计及声场计算

    The World s Attitudes towards China as a Trade Power ; Design and sound field computation of an array with intense directivity

  4. 这个小小的威尼斯共和国不再是一个贸易强国了,它已经发现了一个无穷无尽的新财源&旅游业。

    No longer a great mercantile power , the tiny republic of Venice had discovered a new and endless source of finance & the tourist trade .

  5. 德国在二战后创造了举世闻名的德国奇迹,成为欧洲第一大经济体和世界贸易强国。

    Germany after World War ⅱ created be known to all the world " German miracle ", become the first European economies and the world trade power .

  6. 1698年,苏格兰王国的贵族与大地主试图通过殖民统治巴拿马地峡把他们的国家提升为世界贸易强国。

    In 1698 the nobles and landowners of the kingdom of Scotland tried to elevate their country to a world trading nation by colonize ing the isthmus of Panama .

  7. 第一次科技革命,英国以蒸汽机为动力部分实现机械化,迅速提高了劳动生产率,成为世界经济与贸易强国。

    In the Industry revolution , By using the steam engine to realize the mechanization , raise productivity , British became the leader in region of economic and international trade .

  8. 另一方面,本文还重点从科学发展观的角度阐释了贸易强国的内涵,以及我国与贸易强国的差距。

    On the other hand , this paper also focus from scientific development view of the connotation of trading powers explains , and the gap between China and trade powers .

  9. 自营出口企业增长乏力等。这些问题的存在,反映出我国在外贸和金融方面的协调不足,这无疑会阻碍我们实现贸易强国的目标。

    All these problems reflect uncoordinated development of our foreign trade and finance , which undoubtedly hinder the realization of the strategies of developing our country by relying on foreign trade .

  10. 在对我国品牌水产品出口制约因素分析的基础上,考察并借鉴了水产贸易强国品牌战略实施的经验。

    In the basis of analysis the export restriction factors of Chinese brand aquatic product , this dissertation references and uses the experience of brand strategy implementation of powerful country of commerce of the aquatic products .

  11. 找出我国与世界金融服务贸易强国的差距,对于改善我国在国际分工的地位,真正成为国际贸易强国具有十分重大的历史意义和现实意义。

    Finding out the gap between China and world powerful-nation of financial service has great historic and realistic significance for us to raise the position in world division of labor and to become a powerful-nation of international trade .

  12. 21世纪将是一个全面电子信息化的时代,各国都对电子商务的发展给予高度的关注和积极推动,力争抓住机遇,成为21世纪的国际贸易强国。

    The 21st century will be an era of complete electronic information . All the countries show great concern for the e-commerce and try hard to seize the chance so as to become the power of international trade in the 21st century .

  13. 因此,中国要成为经济大国、贸易强国,必须以承接国际服务外包为突破口,大力发展服务贸易。本文首先通过梳理大量文献,考察了服务外包的概念、特点、分类、理论机制及效应。

    Therefore , to attract international service outsourcing and develop service trade is an important way to make China become a powerful country in economy and trade . First , we investigate the basic concept , characteristics , classification , driving force and theory of service outsourcing .

  14. 美国、日本作为世界经济贸易的强国,其国家的专利制度的完善程度更是其他国家学习地对象。

    As the world leader in economy and trade , American and Japanese patent laws are also good example to other countries .

  15. 从贸易大国到贸易强国

    From A Large Trading Power To A Might One Trade Opportunities

  16. 没有国家是靠自由贸易提升为世界强国的。

    No nation rose to world power on free trade .

  17. 然而要实现从贸易大国向贸易强国的转变,必须去分析贸易的结构与内涵,追求贸易结构的高级化,以维持我国外贸的持续发展。

    But to transform to a strong trade country , we ought to analyze the structure and connotation of foreign trade .

  18. 实现从贸易大国到贸易强国的转变,关键在于转变外贸增长方式。

    If China wants to become the world trading power , the key is the transformation of the mode of foreign trade growth .

  19. 中国实现从贸易大国向贸易强国的转变,关键在于出口商品结构的优化。

    The changing of China from a large trader into a powerful trading country , ties in with the optimization of the export commodity structure .

  20. 特别是近年来,中国正在从贸易大国向贸易强国迈进,产业结构的调整更是通过贸易结构对海运货流结构的变化产生重大影响。

    Especially , China is changing from the big trade country to the power one , meanwhile , the adjustment of industrial structure have a huge effect .

  21. 由贸易大国向贸易强国迈进,实现出口产品技术提升就具备深刻的时代底蕴,尤为重要。

    To transform China from a big trading country to a powerful trading country , and export technology upgrading have a profound era heritage , it is particularly important .

  22. 加快转变外贸增长方式,推动我国由贸易大国向贸易强国转变,已经成为我国外贸发展的首要任务之一。

    Speed up to transform the growth mode of foreign trade and promote our country to become a power country in foreign trade has become one of the top priorities of us .

  23. 与此同时,对于正在从贸易大国走向贸易强国的中国来说,绿色经济内涵的低碳化发展趋势无疑发出了一个警示信号,这就是一定要转变对外贸易发展方式。

    In the meantime , it is a warning sign send by the new green trend to China which is transforming from large trade volume to trade power that we should change the mode of trade development thoroughly .

  24. 求解贸易大国变为贸易强国之路

    The Way to a Super Trading Power

  25. 出口贸易大国转向出口贸易强国的战略性思考

    The Strategy of the Export Trade Structure of China During the Process of Changing to be a Powerful Country in Export Trade

  26. 科学技术水平对出口竞争力起着关键作用,是保障一国从贸易大国成长为贸易强国的关键因素。

    Technology level plays an important role for export competitiveness and is the key factor to guarantee one country grows for big trade country to strong trade country .

  27. 求解贸易大国变为贸易强国之路&避免外经贸贫困化增长:以制度建设为中心今年,在美国对外贸易呈现大幅度下降的同时,美国对华贸易依然保持了旺盛和强劲的增长。

    How to Change China from Big Trade Nation to a Strong Trade Nation ; This year , in spite of the drastic decline in US foreign trade , US trade with China has kept energetic growth .

  28. 中国要发展强大,从贸易大国成长为贸易强国,首先中国跨国企业要发展强大,即提高企业在国际市场上竞争力。

    The development of China 's economy , from a big international trade nation to a trade power , depends on the development of its multinational cooperation , which means that the companies should have competitive power in the international market .

  29. 但出口退税政策也被认为是双刃剑,过分依赖出口退税,只能在价格上暂时保持竞争力,中国制造的产品始终处于产业链低端,中国还只能说是贸易大国,而不是贸易强国。

    But exit drawback policy was also think is double-edged sword , export tax refund can only keep price competitiveness , " made in China " remains low end products in the value chain .

  30. 另一方面,虽然我国是贸易大国,但未必是贸易强国,从贸易方式看仍没有完全改变粗放型的贸易方式,支撑出口规模的资源和环境承载能力有限。

    From the style of trade , China still not completely change the extensive trade , which has limit on supporting the scale of export resources and environment carrying capacity .