
zhuàn dòng
  • turn;run;twirl;roll;move;turn round;revolve;rotate


zhuǎn dòng
  • turn;move;turn round
转动 [zhuàn dòng]
  • [turn;move;turn round] 作旋转的运动;转身活动

  • 转动身子

  • [turn;revolve;rotate] 围绕一根轴或一个中心作曲线运动,尤指作圆形运动

  • 转动轮子

  • 转动曲柄

转动[zhuǎn dòng]
转动[zhuàn dòng]
  1. 逆时针方向转动钥匙。

    Turn the key anticlockwise / in an anticlockwise direction .

  2. 顺时针方向转动钥匙。

    Turn the key clockwise .

  3. 向左转动手柄把门打开。

    Twist the knob to the left to open the door .

  4. 沿中轴转动的窗子容易擦洗。

    Windows that pivot from a central point are easy to clean .

  5. 她转动了一下眼睛作为回答就走了。

    She rolled her eyes by way of an answer and left .

  6. 我紧张地转动着手指上的戒指。

    Nervously I twisted the ring on my finger .

  7. 我拼命地转动脑筋,想要搞清楚发生了什么事儿。

    My mind raced as I tried to work out what was happening .

  8. 她转动把手,打开了门。

    She turned the handle and opened the door .

  9. 你要转动这个手柄来操纵活动天窗。

    You operate the trapdoor by winding this handle .

  10. 直升机的螺旋桨开始转动时,尽量离远点儿。

    Stay well away from the helicopter when its blades start to rotate .

  11. 他转动了一会收音机旋钮才找到了合意的节目。

    He twiddled with the radio knob until he found the right programme .

  12. 她转动锁眼里的钥匙。

    She turned the key in the lock .

  13. 他转动钥匙开锁。

    He turned the key in the lock .

  14. 将方向盘转动180度。

    Rotate the wheel through 180 degrees .

  15. 地球环绕自身的轴心转动。

    The earth revolves on its axis .

  16. 转动几下把手。

    Give the handle a few turns .

  17. 电扇缓慢地转动着。

    The fan revolved slowly .

  18. 她那双眼睛滴溜溜地转动。

    Her eyes rolled .

  19. 莫妮卡拿起她的伯罗圆珠笔,放在牙齿间转动着。

    Monica picked up her Biro and revolved it between her teeth .

  20. 钻头必须缓慢转动,以保证钻孔平整光滑。

    The drill should be slowly rotated to ensure a clean hole .

  21. 轮子一边转动,制陶工人一边拉坯。

    As the wheel turned , the potter shaped the clay

  22. 逆时针转动旋钮可以开启切割机。

    The cutters are opened by turning the knob anticlockwise .

  23. 松一松插销,好转动门闩。

    Loosen the bolt so the bars can be turned

  24. 电梯修理工可以转动这根杠杆直接操作机器。

    An elevator mechanic can work the machinery directly by turning this lever .

  25. 他匆匆走向卡车并转动点火开关,结果没有任何反应。

    He trotted to the truck and switched on the ignition . Nothing happened .

  26. 她低头盯着双手,转动手指上的戒指。

    She was staring down at her hands , twisting the ring on her finger

  27. 他调到低速挡,转动方向盘。

    He downshifted and turned the steering wheel .

  28. 我试了试门把手,结果它转动了。

    I tried the doorknob and it turned .

  29. 她转动门把手打开了门。

    She twisted the handle and opened the door

  30. 让肩膀绕臼部转动5次。

    Rotate the shoulders in their sockets five times