
  • turn signal;TURN SIGNAL LAMP;indicator;turn light
  1. 本实用新型与转向灯、刹车灯配合使用,在一定程度上避免了当转向灯、刹车灯故障时,发生交通事故的可能;

    The device is matched with a turn light and a brake light in use ; to a certain extent , traffic accidents can be avoided when the turn light and the brake light fail to function normally ;

  2. 开入其他车道前一定要打转向灯。

    Always indicate before moving into another lane .

  3. 他告诉我们何时打转向灯、何时换挡。

    He told us when to indicate and when to change gear .

  4. 他左手边的转向灯正在闪亮。

    His left-hand indicator is flashing .

  5. 你一咳嗽,我就打开转向灯。

    When you cough , I 'll put the indicator on .

  6. 离开停车位进入公路行驶后关闭转向灯。

    Turn off your signal after you leave the parking space .

  7. 不打转向灯根本没有转向灯

    No use of turn signals . No signals at all .

  8. 开始掉头前打开你的左转向灯。

    Turn on your left signal before starting to turn .

  9. 柔性连接的转向灯更加耐久,不易损坏。

    Flex-mounted turn indicators for greater durability against breakage .

  10. 你开了转向灯了,不过还没有转弯。

    You got your blinker on , but ... you haven 't yet .

  11. 你刚刚是打转向灯了吗?

    Did you just put your blinker on ?

  12. 将转向灯控制单元安装到隔板泡沫件中。

    Fit control unit for cornering light into the foam part for the bulkhead .

  13. 嘿科鲁兹你转向灯亮了

    Hey , cruz , your blinker 's on

  14. 找开转向灯,当有足够的安全空间以换车道时。

    Turn on your signal when there is enough space for you to change lanes .

  15. 灯光包括前大灯,尾灯,左右转向灯,刹车灯;

    Lighting , including headlights , taillights , left and right turn signals , brake lights ;

  16. 汽车转向灯;

    Steering light of the automobile ;

  17. 可以将其想象为远程打开汽车的转向灯或改变车里的电台频道。

    Imagine flipping on the turn signal or changing the radio station in your car & remotely .

  18. 则要等到通过那些入口,再打转向灯,这样其它驾车者才不会认为你将转弯。

    Wait until you have passed these entrances so that drivers will not think you are turning .

  19. 严禁急刹车或急转弯,转弯或超车时需打转向灯、鸣喇叭。

    No sudden braking , turning ; when turning or overtaking use the indicator lights and sound the horn .

  20. 转向灯应及时打开,以便你后面的车辆有时间对信号做出反映。

    Your signal should be on soon enough to give traffic behind you time to react to the signal .

  21. 在转向灯打开后,开始驶入另一条车道前再次检查盲点。

    After signalling , check your blind spot one more time before starting to move into the other lane .

  22. 在1961年版甲壳虫上,这种设计终于被后来常见的传统转向灯所取代,但是车里还是没有油表。

    The flipper turn signals had finally given way to more conventional lights , but there was still no gas gauge .

  23. 驾驶人在观察后方无来车的情况下,未开转向灯就变更车道也是合理的。

    If the driver finds there is no vehicle following , he can change lanes without turning on the turn signal .

  24. 如果要驶入的车道车流量很大,你应当在获得安全距离换车道前就打开转向灯。

    If traffic in the lane you are moving into is heavy , you may turn on your signal before there is enough space to change lanes .

  25. 车子一直在右道行驶,如果遇见前车行驶太慢,它就会打转向灯,然后拐上左道超车。

    It stays in the right-hand lane until it comes on slower-moving traffic , and then will engage its turn signal , pull into the left lane , and pass .

  26. 如果我们看到轮胎转起来,我们就都知道这辆车接下来要做什么了,无论司机是否礼貌地打了转向灯。

    If we saw the tires turn , we would know what the driver was about to do , regardless of whether he had the courtesy to use a turn signal .

  27. 它们不仅通过擤鼻涕的声音、模仿驴子的声音和嘶叫来沟通,还通过眼睛和耳朵来交流,尤其是它们的耳朵非常柔软灵活。在马儿中,耳朵的用途就如同转向灯在汽车中的用途一样重要。

    They communicate not only through snorts , brays , and neighs , but also with eyes and ears , the latter of which are highly pliable and used like equine turn signals .

  28. 但车子自动平顺地放慢了车速,等到左边的一辆车先超过去,才打了转向灯,超过了这辆面包车,然后又回到右侧车道,简直天衣无缝。

    The car smoothly engaged the brakes , waited for a car on the left to pass , turned on the signal , passed the van and pulled back to the right . Seamless .

  29. 驾驶车辆汇入主干道车流时,应提前开启转向灯,仔细观察,确认安全后汇入车流。

    When merging with the traffic flow on the main road , the driver should turn on the turn signal in advance and observe carefully and make sure it is same to merge before merging into the traffic flow .

  30. GB11554-1998汽车及挂车后雾灯配光性能GB17509-1998汽车和挂车转向信号灯配光性能

    Photometric characteristics of rear fog lamp for motor vehicles and their trailers