
zhuǎn yí shì xiàn
  • divert the attention of;divert people's attention;turn the gaze;divert sb.'s attention
  1. IP伪装学有助于转移视线,迷惑攻击者并防止攻击者从IP地址标识和IP包中获取有价值的信息。

    The discipline of IP masquerading can help to puzzle the attacker 's attention and prevent the attacker from getting the valuable information from the IP packets which are identified by IP address .

  2. 显然,现在该是转移视线的时候了。

    Clearly , it is time to shift our focus .

  3. 是故关注经济增长的人们则转移视线至亚洲。

    And people interested in growth are turning their eyes towards Asia .

  4. 道德方面的理由是在转移视线,并不是特别具有可持续性。

    The ethics argument is a red herring , and not a particularly sustainable one .

  5. 所以我们会转移视线。

    And so we look away .

  6. 多谢替我转移视线。

    Thanks for tipping me off .

  7. 我觉得也许他的出发点是好的,也许是为了转移视线等等。

    I thought perhaps his startingpoint is good , perhaps is for divert somebody 's attention and so on .

  8. 其作用在于散布一种掩盖现实的茫茫云雾;借以制造假象、歪曲事实和转移视线。

    Its function is to spread a bemusing mist that conceals realities : to delude , to distort and to divert .

  9. 在通常的交谈中,他们每次目光接触往往持续不过约1秒钟,然后便有一方或双方转移视线。

    In their normal conversation , each eye contact lasts only about a second before one or both individuals look away .

  10. 惴惴不安地,他们互相偷看着,当发现对方也在回望自己时,又转移视线。

    Nervously , they steal glances at each other , averting their eyes when they see the other one looking back .

  11. 学生们经常会画熊或者海象,以便让老师从学生不能解答问题中转移视线。

    Often the students will draw animals such as bears or walruses in a bid to distract from being unable to answer the question .

  12. 他暗示说最近的这些关于“无知”青少年的言论很可能是为了让人们从真实情况上转移视线而做出的努力。

    He suggests that all of this talk lately about " brainless " teens could possibly be an attempt to take away attention from the reality .

  13. 一种原因是我们可以与恐惧做游戏。使用转移视线或注意力的方法,我们可以减轻恐惧感。

    One reason is that we can play games with fear , find ways to reduce the scariness by looking away or thinking of something else .

  14. 所以世界各国的领袖们只好用以往的模式来转移视线:用一些大数据来闪烁其辞,大谈建立国际机构的重要性。

    So the world 's leaders diverted attention with an old formula : bandying around big but squishy numbers and blathering about the importance of international institutions .

  15. 不好意思,又把视线挪开。惴惴不安地,他们互相偷看着,当发现对方也在回望自己时,又转移视线。

    Embarrassed , they look away . Nervously , they steal glances at each other , averting their eyes when they see the other one looking back .

  16. 我不知该作何反应,只好转移视线,我心中不禁在想:“你就不能表现出最起码的尊重吗?”

    I didn 't know how to respond . I turned my eyes away from her , and thought to myself : " Can 't you have just a little bit of respect ? "

  17. 这是在转移视线。仅有3%的企业将会受到影响,且许多都是公司律师事务所、金融合伙企业等等,而不是多数人眼中的小企业。

    Only 3 per cent of businesses would be affected , and many of these are corporate law firms , financial partnerships , and the like – not what most people think of as small businesses .

  18. 他怒视着尼基廷,但总书记圆睁双眼,用严厉的目光瞪得他转移了视线。

    He glared at Nikitin but the General Secretary stared him out with hard , pebble-like eyes .

  19. 我们必须转移他视线并且。

    We must distract him and .

  20. 为什么这些人要制造矛盾转移人们视线而逃避矛盾呢?

    Why do these people want to create conflicts and divert people 's attention to avoid conflict ?

  21. 但是在过去的几年里,华盛顿反而转移了视线。

    But over the past couple of years in particular , Washington has taken its eye off the ball .

  22. 进而,面对90年代以来的经济衰退,日本政府试图转移国民视线,这正是第三次教科书事件出现的深刻经济背景。

    Secondly , the 90s decelerated economy stimulated the nationalist sentiment of Japanese , which is the main economic factor of the third Japanese textbook event .

  23. 她转移了视线。“得了吧,你为什么这样做?我一直在找你,我还以为——我还以为你被绑架或者别的什么了呢。受到了什么伤害了吗?”

    She looked away . " Come on . Why did you do it ? " I 've been searching for you . I thought - I thought you 'd been kidnapped or something . Been hurt ?

  24. 劫匪扔烟幕弹来转移人们的视线。

    The robbers threw smoke bombs to create a diversion

  25. 你盯着自己的iPhone或者安卓手机,转移自己的视线。

    You 're looking at your iPhone -- or your Android , not trying to leave anyone out .

  26. 他想让我分心转移我的视线

    He 's trying to distract me . To derail me

  27. 他如此俊美以至于有时候我不得不努力转移自己的视线。

    He 's so beautiful that I find that sometimes I have to look away .

  28. 想让我分心转移我的视线

    To distract me , derail me

  29. 但是他只是想转移公众的视线,让大家不去关注他的矿产公司正在污染当地的水资源。

    But he only wants to divert public opinion so it would not notice that his mining company is polluting local waters .

  30. 他说,现在试图把这些东西称作令人震惊的新发现,这是在转移人们的视线。

    He said it was a " red herring " to try now and claim that this was some shocking new revelation .