
zhuǎn liè diǎn
  • turning point;crunch
转捩点 [zhuǎn liè diǎn]
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转捩点[zhuǎn liè diǎn]
  1. 我感觉这是Arizona生命中的一个转捩点。

    I feel like it 's a big turning point for her .

  2. 经过半个世纪的发展,新加坡已经来到一个转捩点。

    After half a centurys development , Singapore is at a turning point .

  3. 美国业界专家如是说:2006年将是RFID的一大转捩点

    Specialists in u.s : 2006 , big turndown for RFID

  4. 判断转捩点的位置采用工程上较为常用的EXP(n)方法。

    Exp ( n ) method was used to predict the end of transition process .

  5. 在二维零攻角来流情况下,考虑了两种流动状况,一种是完全层流无转捩;另一种为采用Batt边界层转捩准则来确定边界层转捩点。

    There are two states to be considered here . One is the complete laminar boundary layer and the other is the boundary layer transition . The transition point is confirmed by Batt boundary layer transition criteria .

  6. 流场数值计算方法研究:改进了转捩点判定流程,完善了流场数值计算方法。

    Scientific calculation method of the flow around the axisymmetric bodies .

  7. 转捩点是发生在2003的两件不甚受瞩目的事件。

    The turnaround began with two little-noted events in 2003 .

  8. 我们正处于欧洲历史上一个重要的转捩点。

    We are standing at an important crossroads in the history of Europe .

  9. 这是罗兰士的转捩点。

    It was a turning point for oiivier .

  10. 元杂剧公案剧是公案文学发展的一个转捩点。

    Gongan drama in Yuan dynasty is the first peak in the development of gongan literature .

  11. 培理叩关在哪些方面是德川幕府晚期历史的转捩点?

    In what ways was the coming of Perry a turning point in late Tokugawa history ?

  12. 直到十四世纪时,在奥卡姆的威廉的著作中才到达一个转捩点。

    A turning point was reached in the fourteenth century in the writings of William of Ockham .

  13. 2008年是中国自改革开放以来的重大转捩点。

    2008 is the turning point of a series of transformations that inhabited China since its opening up .

  14. 你应该被问过同样问题很多次,但什麽是你人生的转捩点?

    You must have gotten this question many times , but what was your turning point in life ?

  15. 开始知道「没有什麽是好的,没有什麽是坏的」是一个转捩点;

    To come to know that nothing is good , nothing is bad , is a turning point ;

  16. 随攻角的增大,转捩点从后沿移向前沿。

    With the increase of attack angle , the transiton point moves from the frailing edge to leading edge .

  17. 底比斯一个精锐兵团击溃斯巴达军队的右翼,是这场战争的转捩点。

    The turning point in the battle came when an elite Theban military unit broke the Spartan right wing .

  18. 讨论了存在攻角时,流场时均物理量空间分布特性及转捩点位置的变化。

    When an attack angle exists , the spatial distribution characteristics of flow field time-averaged physical quantities are analyzed .

  19. 腓利一生的转捩点,在于他认识基督之后,决意在任何境况、任何地方事奉祂。

    It all began because Philip had found Christ and was willing to serve Him in any capacity and anywhere .

  20. 由我们悔改信主的那个转捩点开始,神已经要在我们的生命中开启这个成圣的过程。

    From the point of crisis which is our conversion , God wants to begin the process of making us like himself .

  21. 外汇保证金交易这几年的增长是这个概念的一个转捩点。

    The growth in margin trading of fx has been a watershed idea that has taken hold within the past few years .

  22. 在转捩点后较近距离内湍流脉动影响较大,随着向下游流动脉动影响迅速减弱;

    Turbulent fluctuation affects flow field parametersremarkably in a relatively short distance after transition point , but the effects get weaker quickly downstream ;

  23. 按月度环比计算,中国房价涨势已经几近停滞。许多分析师认为,目前市场正处于一个转捩点。

    Chinese property price increases have all but stalled in month-on-month terms and many analysts think the market is at a tipping point .

  24. 最后,应用上述模型,计算了指挥台围壳基于转捩点位置的激励力作用下围壳辐射声功率。

    Finally , the radiated sound power of fairwater excited by symmetric forces on transition point is calculated by the application of those models .

  25. 用红外热成像技术对某层流翼型的转捩现象进行了实验观测,结果表明在转捩点存在温度跳变。

    Experiments on airfoil transition with a IR thermal imager were made . Results indicate that there exists a temperature jump area around the transition point .

  26. 然而转捩点毕竟过去了,历史为我们掀开了新的一页,这是我们生活和行动的历史,是别人要记录下来的历史。

    Yet the turning-point is past , and history begins anew for us , the history which we shall live and act and others will write about .

  27. 大的变化最容易发生的时刻,是在人生重要的转捩点上,例如一位高中运动健将进入大学后发现竞争比过去激烈多了。

    Large changes most often occur after major life transitions , such as when a high school athlete moves on to college to find the competition much tougher .

  28. 不过,这场危机肯定标志著对金融自由化态度的转捩点,而美联储将安全网延伸至投行并不是唯一原因。

    Yet the extension of the Fed 's safety net to investment banks is not the only reason this crisis must mark a turning-point in attitudes to financial liberalisation .

  29. 文中根据物面分布源汇法和边界层动量积分法计算了不稳定点、转捩点位置和鱼雷头部转捩区长度,在此基础上进行了鱼雷头部自噪声计算。

    The unstable point and transition point is estimated by using Hess-Smith method , and then the length of boundary layer transition is computed , the self-noise of torpedo is calculated lastly .

  30. 16世纪文艺复兴晚期,法国思想家蒙田的出现,标志着西方随笔发展史上的重要转捩点。

    In the late Renaissance of the 16th century , the emerge of the French ideologist , Montaigne , marked an important turning point in the development of essays of the West .