
kuánɡ huān zhě
  • reveler
  1. 警方表示子弹可能是狂欢者鸣枪庆祝新年后从天上掉下进入男子头部的。

    Police said that the bullet might have fallen and lodged in the man 's head after a reveler fired into the air to celebrate New Year .

  2. 两名醉酒的狂欢者脱掉了他们的裤子。

    A couple of boozy revellers dropped their trousers .

  3. 狂欢者还穿着印有哈伦X计划的T恤,这个名字来自《X计划》今年早些时候上映的一部讲述生日聚会失控的电影。

    Revellers could be seen wearing T-shirts marked Project X Haren after Project X - a film released earlier this year about a party that grows out of control .

  4. 电影节的第一周,在为马提欧•加洛尼影片《故事的故事》(TaleofTales)举办的派对上香槟成河,狂欢者嗨至凌晨。

    At the party for Matteo Garrone 's Tale of Tales on the first weekend , the champers flowed freely and the revellers stayed on until the early hours .

  5. 在西班牙举行的西红柿食物大战(Tomatina)中,成千上万的狂欢者把被压烂的西红柿砸向对方,120吨西红柿将街道变成了红色的海洋。

    TENS of thousands of revellers hurled 120 tonnes of squashed tomatoes at each other , drenching the streets in red in a gigantic Spanish food fight known as the Tomatina .

  6. 一狂欢者扮成蝙蝠侠加入到特拉法尔加广场的庆祝活动中。

    A reveller dressed as Batman joins the festivities in Trafalgar Square .

  7. 总是用木板把神像围起来,以防那些过分激动的狂欢者攀登其上。

    It is boarded up to prevent over-excited revelers from climbing onto it .

  8. 沙尘暴下,一些狂欢者找寻躲避处;

    The ' white out ' conditions sent some revellers running for cover .

  9. 一些狂欢者批评警察反应过激了。

    Some revellers accused the police of over-reacting .

  10. 上千名戴着面具的狂欢者涌进了威尼斯大街,参加特殊的假面舞会。

    Thousands of mask-wearing revelers fill the Venetian streets and attend special masked balls .

  11. 活动以几个大型节日帐篷为中心,每个帐篷可容纳5000位狂欢者。

    The action centers on massive festival tents each accommodating up to 5,000 revelers .

  12. 一种狂欢者的无组织(或经常滑稽)的骚乱使联想到马戏团或狂欢节。

    A frenetic disorganized ( and often comic ) disturbance suggestive of a circus or carnival .

  13. 加入亲莫斯科的狂欢者们是前来欢迎克里米亚加入联合会的自称俄罗斯爱国者的人士。

    Joining pro-Moscow revelers were self-described Russian patriots who came to welcome Crimea into their federation .

  14. 但是正如你将看到的,大多数的狂欢者都过了他们的青春期。

    But as you 'll see , most of the revelers are way beyond their adolescence .

  15. 警方称波旁街挤满了各式服装的斋前的狂欢者,而一名男人在这时开火。

    Police say Bourbon Street was packed with Mardi Gras revelers in costumes when a man opened fire .

  16. 一个钟小故障阻止在新年日的警告,使狂欢者睡过头。

    A clock glitch prevented alarms from sounding on New Year 's Day , causing slumbering revelers to oversleep .

  17. 德国警方说,可能是狂欢者发射的流弹击中了该名男子。

    The German Police said that possibly was the stray bullet which the merrymaking launched has hit this man .

  18. 饮酒狂欢者豪饮香槟,啤酒,烈酒和鸡尾酒,在禁令生效前的午夜。

    Revellers swigged champagne , beer , spirits and cocktails ahead of the ban which came into force at midnight .

  19. 在纽约时代广场,一百多万新年狂欢者为水晶球降落仪式举行一百周年而欢呼喝彩。

    More than a million revelers in New York 's Times Square cheered at the100th drop of a giant ball .

  20. 不过这些兴高采烈的狂欢者们可能并不清楚万圣节的来历。万圣节要追溯到凯尔特人时期(古不列颠时期)。

    The revellers probably don 't know the origins of Halloween , which go back to ancient Celtic traditions in Ireland .

  21. 之后,狂欢者便可以向任何移动的物体投掷番茄,而所有的人都将在这一狂欢中成为“落汤鸡”。

    That is the signal for participants to hurl fruit at anything that moves and everybody gets drenched in the process .

  22. 图中的这些狂欢者身穿着自己设计的各种奇装异服。他们并没有去圣马可广场附近的商店租赁服装。

    Instead of renting costumes from shops around the Piazza San Marco , some Carnivalgoers like these create their own fanciful designs .

  23. 安大略萨尼亚市警方表示,他们在上周日的时候花费了数个小时才将这些滞留的狂欢者遣送回美国。

    Police in Sarnia , Ontario , said it took hours to transport the stranded revellers back to the US last Sunday .

  24. 在野性的、吵闹的、多彩的游行中,狂欢者们穿着明亮的服装,走上大街,参与庆典并分享着快乐。

    Wild , noisy , colorful parades of revelers in bright costumes go to main streets to participate and share the joy .

  25. 五十万狂欢者涌进柏林城市广场,只有一个目的&尽情狂欢。

    Half a million ravers packed into Berlin City Square with one sole aim - to have the time of their lives .

  26. 聚会狂欢者玩得很尽兴,使当晚的犯罪率比同年其他夜晚要低。

    The joyous spirit of the partygoers results in a night when crime is lower than on any other night of the year .

  27. 在古瓦哈提街头,狂欢者们互相投掷颜料粉末来庆祝胡里节,它还有个别名叫色彩节。

    Revelers in Gauhati , India toss colored powder and dye onto others to celebrate Holi , also known as the Festival of Colors .

  28. 在一个小时内,数以百计的狂欢者挥舞着国旗,唱着国歌,洋溢着一种喜悦、自豪和释然交杂的感情。

    Within the hour , hundreds of revelers were waving flags and singing patriotic anthems , exuding a mix of joy , pride and relief .

  29. 在番茄大战经过一小时后,狂欢者将跳入附近的河中清洗身体,而消防车会冲洗街道。

    After pelting each other for an hour revellers jump in a nearby river to clean themselves while the fire brigade hose down the streets .

  30. 来自世界各地成千上万的狂欢者参与到此次盛会中,主题为“六区六感”的威尼斯狂欢节是意大利城市狂欢节中最盛大的一个。

    Thousands of revellers from around the world have attended Sensation , Six Senses for Six Districts , the largest of the Italian city 's carnivals .