
  • 网络transit center;Transfer Center
  1. 官员没有透漏飞机的航向,美国转运中心拒绝评论。

    Officials didn 't say where the plane was heading and the US transit center declined to comment .

  2. 这架飞机从玛纳斯机场的玛纳斯转运中心起飞,玛纳斯转运中心为北约向阿富汗转运物资而设。

    The aircraft took off from the US military transit center in Kyrgyzstan 's Manas airport , established for NATO operations in neighbouring Afghanistan .

  3. PVC单层防水屋面系统在广州联邦快递亚太转运中心工程的应用

    Application of PVC single-ply system in FedEx Asia-Pacific operations center , Guangzhou

  4. UPS将率先在上海建设国际航空转运中心

    UPS To Build A Cargo Transfer Centre In Shanghai

  5. WTO以后,港口不仅仅是货物转运中心和工业生产基地,同时也是现代物流网络体系的重要组成部分,在现代综合物流中的地位十分重要。

    After WTO , the port is not only a transportation center of goods and industrial production base , but also the very important component of logistics service network system , the position in the modern comprehensive logistics is very important .

  6. 大连港口集装箱转运中心发展战略研究

    Study on Developing Strategy of Container Transshipment Center of Dalian Port

  7. 一直到元朝,都是军事重镇和漕粮转运中心。

    Until yuan dynasty , it was military and rice transportation center .

  8. 上海港将成为东北亚转运中心

    Shanghai Port Will Become Transshipment Center in Northeast Asia

  9. 浦东物流园区物流转运中心工程网架安装施工技术

    Grid Frame Installation Construction Technique Applied in Pudong Logistics Park Logistics Transshipment Centre Project

  10. 因此,上海港可以像新加坡和香港一样发展成为东北亚轴辐式转运中心和航运交汇式转运中心。

    Shanghai will surely become the international hub in northeast Asia just as Hongkong and Singapore ports .

  11. 主要研究两类带有转运中心的车辆组合运输问题。

    In this paper , we mainly talk about two kinds of the vehicle routing problems with transportation center .

  12. 此外,环球医生还在北京设立了一个急救转运中心,帮助那些危重病人转运到世界各地。

    In addition to clinics Global Doctor operates an Alarm centre for all kinds of medical emergency in Beijing and across China .

  13. 转运中心于5月28号启动营运后,联邦快递将在中国推出国内快递服务。

    After the switch center goes into operation on May 28 , the FedEx will start its in-China domestic fast delivery service .

  14. 菲佣希望我们关闭克拉克空军基地和苏比克湾海军基地转运中心!

    The Phippines wanted The us to close Clark air base and Subic bay Naval base ! well deal with it the problem your self !

  15. 不管快件来自航空还是陆运,都要经过转运中心的分拣、再将快件分拨转向下一个目的地。

    Whether express is from the air or land , all of them go through the transshipment hub to sort and allocate the express to next destination .

  16. 签字仪式后举行了新闻发布会。会上透露,联邦快递用了两年时间为其中国区转运中心寻找合适的地点。

    During the press conference after the signing ceremony , it was revealed that FedEx had spent two years searching for an appropriate location for its China regional switch center .

  17. 第4、5章是在前面的定性分析基础上,结合大连港口实际,运用灰色系统方法,做出大连港口集装箱中转运输发展的前景分析并且提出大连港口集装箱转运中心发展战略。

    According to the practicality of Dalian port and the qualitative analysis , the paper uses gray system and make out the forecast and stratagem for Dalian port container transferring development .

  18. 大连港散粮码头是辐射整个东北地区重要的粮食转运中心,是整个东北亚粮食流通物流链的重要节点。

    The grain quay of Dalian port is an important grain transship centre cover the northeast entirely . Meanwhile , it links all logistics chains of grain circulation around Northeast Asia .

  19. 四月份,北约进入吉尔吉斯斯坦的马纳转运中心的供需物质因该国的政治骚乱而被劫持,在五月份,又展开了一轮基础性的税收争论。

    In April , NATO supplies coming in through Kyrgyzstan 's Manas transit center were held up by political unrest and then again by a tax dispute over the base in May .

  20. 港口是国民经济的重要基础设施,港口不仅仅是货物转运中心和工业生产基地,也是国际物流网络体系的重要节点。

    Port is an important infrastructure of national economy . It is not only a cargo transport center and base of industrial production , but also a important juncture of international logistics network .

  21. 因而本文从17世纪荷兰东印度公司各个时期的贸易发展中论述巴达维亚作为公司的转运中心起到的不同作用。

    Therefore , this paper will discuss the different functions of Batavia being the transporting center of the company from the perspective of the trade development of this company during every period in the 17th century .

  22. 快递服务网络在从快件揽收开始到完成派送的整个过程中,是由众多的点与点的衔接完成的,而这其中最重要和最关键的点就是转运中心。

    Express courier service network from start to receive and delivery in the entire process , which is many points of convergence points , and the most critical and most important point is the transshipment hub .

  23. 这个模型能反映一般煤炭企业的煤炭物流网络结构,它是一个三阶段的供应链网络,包括的节点有煤矿、煤炭转运中心、煤炭储配中心和客户。

    The general coal enterprise coal logistics network structure can be reflected by the model , which is a three stage supply chain network , including coal mine , coal hub center , coal distribution center and customer .

  24. 汉口作为明清时期(1840年前)的商业巨镇,于1861年开埠后,其贸易地位与角色发生了转换,即由传统的内陆贸易转运中心到面向国际的大商埠的转换。

    As a major commercial town during the period of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty before 1840 , after the opening of market , Hankou 's position and role in trade changed from a traditional inland delivery center to an international large market .

  25. 各个电子商务物流企业纷纷抢滩武汉,在此建立华中地区最大的仓储配送转运中心,在满足全省电子商务物流服务需求的同时,将服务范围辐射至整个华中地区。

    Amount of e-commerce logistics companies have vied for Wuhan , and establish there largest warehousing and distribution hub in central China . When meet the needs of e-commerce logistics serves of the whole province , they extend their services scope to entire central China .

  26. 通过对传统供应链物流网络结构及其可靠性分析,提出通过构建包括供应转运中心和分销配送中心的集配中心实现供应链环境下核心制造企业供应物流和分销物流网络的整合。

    Starting with the limitation and reliability of logistics networks in traditional supply chain , the paper proposes to integrate supply logistics networks with distribution logistics networks in the core manufacturer in supply chain through establishing supply hubs consisting of material supply hub and product distribution hub .

  27. 重大灾害后大批伤员转运管理中心的研究进展

    The establishment of mass wounded transit management centre after severe disaster

  28. 南中国地区高附加值、高新技术产品的空运中心;以及东南亚地区货物转运的分流中心。

    The airlift center of the high additional value and high-tech products and the distributary center of cargo transferred in southeast Asia in 2003s .